Mulligan time?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by S. Yama, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    Quite a few players enjoyed playing LVH tournament a week ago. They use interesting rule variation -Mulligan. Mulligan allows a player to replace any of the first two cards or the last hit card (or double card) for a random card coming from the shoe.
    Here is a little teaser for you.

    Last hand, you have to win your hand. You have a Ten and a deuce against dealer Ten.
    You saw a little more face cards gone (let’s say TC is minus one).
    Do you replace the deuce with a random card, or hit? If hit, to what total? How close you think these plays are?

    Next-to-last hand, you are in the lead over two players by a small amount. One winner, let’s say the cards are dealt face down, so you don’t know what your opponents have but they both tucked their cards, everybody bet max, they don’t have Mulligan – you do. You have a Ten and a deuce, dealer shows nine.
    Do you replace the deuce with a random card, or hit? If hit, to what total? How close you think these plays are?

    S. Yama
  2. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    In both cases, hit. If you bust then use the mulligan.

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