Multiplayer - - Winner Declaration

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by little, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. little

    little New Member

    hi all
    i have a question.if a person 'A' is not moved to next hand of the game because he does not have enough chips in his hand to continue.
    and rest all the players move to another level and in the next level all the players left with the chips less than that player 'A'.
    so will the Player 'A' be declared winner of the tournament or will he not be included in the winner declaration

    in a 3 round game with min bet 5
    player A is left with 3 chips in the round 2,
    player b and player c are with chips greater than 5 moves to round 3
    but in the round 3 player b and player c also loose all their money.
    so who will be the winner of the tournament
    is it a tie between player b and player c
    or player A will be the winner

    i am struck at this situation
    please help me out
  2. What the Rules usually say

    Usually the rules stipulate that if you don't have enough chips to make the minimum bet that you are eliminated, which implies that the remaining players have beaten you. A more interesting question would be what happens if you are at the final table, and in the money, and are eliminated on the same hand (not the final hand of the round) as another player. Suppose that the two prizes to be awarded to those two places are for different amounts. Do they:

    a) equally split the two prizes between the two players;
    b) award the higher of the two prizes to the eliminated player who had more chips going into the hand on which they were eliminated;
    c) award the higher of the two prizes to the eliminated player who had more chips left after the hand (but not enough to make the minimum bet.

    I'm not sure that there is a universal answer to this question, but it should be covered by the written rules for a specific tournament.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Good Question

    In most cases in blackjack tournaments if 2 players are eliminated on the same hand and finish for example 5th & 6th they would combine both spots and split the prize pool equally.But there is a "Grey" area here if the minimum bet is 10 and one player is left with 7.50 and the other player has 5 dollars left.This could very easily be determined either way, that they both are tied since neither player has enough to make the next required bet or the tournament director could rule that the player with 7.50 finished ahead of the other player because of the small difference between them.

    In most cases the rules state that the tournament director decision is final so it may be in your best interest to address this before the final table starts so that on this hand you will know exactly how this will be decided upon. It could be the difference of a few thousand dollars so its better to have the tournament director locked into their decision before hand .You don't want to be a victim of a home town call.

    In Poker Tournaments the player that entered the hand with the most chips will receive the higher payout spot.

  4. little

    little New Member

    thank you

    thank you very much for resolving this issue
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Who has the most at the end...

    Like Joep post each casino has it's own house rules on how they handle a situation of what position a player ends up if they only have under the minimum required bet left.

    The way I host all my tournaments is very simple, if you have anything left, you win over someone with nothing. Example: late hand and you go all in with $180.00 and lose, but a player with only $27.50 bets $25.00 and loses, even though that player only has $2.50 left (under the $5.00 minimum bet) he would still be in front of the player with no chips left.

    This is why I allow $2.50 chips to be bet on insurance and double downs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2006

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