My response from Senator Jon Kyl on the Port Security Bill

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by AceDonovan, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I know most of it is generic and it's nothing we haven't already heard, but thought it might be interesting for you to see the response I got anyways:

    (Kyl is the co-sponsor along with Bill Frist of this thing which is causing us so many problems)

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    Last edited: Nov 28, 2006
  2. Venture

    Venture Member

    What a blessing

    It is wonderful to know that our governement is protecting us from ourselves.

    They know so much more than we do. They know how best to spend our money. We can't be trusted with sending our kids to school with it. They certainly proved what kind of toilets we need to be using. They are in our bathrooms now. (Not working, bye the way) The bedroom is already their territory.

    Liberal thinking coming from supposedly conservative mouths. They don't even know which side of the aisle they are on. Is it any wonder the voters are confused and angry?

    If Kennedy were alive today, he would be considered a conservative. If Bush was president in 1960, he would have been considered a left wing radical.

    Meanwhile our game is threatened. Entry fees for auto racing and rodeo events are OK. But entry fees for internet blackjack tournaments are immoral and illegal. Go figure.
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    "Who's on Frist?"

    Hate to repeat it, but it doesn't matter who's liberal, who's conservative, who's democrat, who's republican, who's libertarian, who's unitarian, who's a child molestor, or who's kinky in any sort of way.


    I've stated my Berman--AberMOUTH, et al, yadda, yadda, yadda links. Other folks have posted the contribution trails from various sources.

    But, when cartoonist, satirst Gary Trudeau can start running a lampoon of the existing "gambling" environment, you've got to know, if not yet fully believe there's more than corn in Indiana....Illinois and Iowa. More than Peaches and Pecans in Georgia. More than apples in Michigan, Washington and Oregon. More than citrus in Florida and California. More than river bed red bottom red clay in Maryland, Alabama and Mississippi. And more than Santa Claus at the North Pole.
  4. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    Apples in Oregon? - yes - a few in the Hood River area - but Oregon is really famous as the source of 98% of the world's Maraschino Cherries and 95% of its Kitty Litter -
  5. noman

    noman Top Member


    Had to work the Indian angle into Oregon somehow. And Kitty Litter was invented in Michigan by ED Lowe.
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    but 95% of the world's Kitty Litter is mined in southeastern Oregon - and Maraschino Cherries were invented in Oregon - the product of a truely twisted mind -
  7. noman

    noman Top Member


    I loves marichino cherries. Could eat em in a drink, or out of their own bottles all night long. I guess that explains everything.

    I don't know why one would have to mine clay.

    But in the late 70's early 80's the Kitty Litter People were trying to expand and segment their market. They had the basic covered, excuse me.

    So one of their young bright marketing genius' suggested including powdered crystals and an aromatic scent. And selling that new and improved more efficient Kitty Litter for $1.50 more a bag. Up scale, east side Manhantan (do it for mommy, baby) and sales and profits doubled.

    Call it oil soak, moisture absorbant, tougher and better than dirt, or call it The Mariah Miracle picker upper, the glossier you can make it sound the more money you'll get for it.

    Bye the bye, that young bright marketing genius went to Vegas and rose in the ranks of the suited suits and we all know how that worked out AND now you know the rest of the story.
  8. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Maraschino Cherries and Kitty Litter

    Kitty Litter is Diatomaceous Earth - and almost the entire world's commercial supply comes from southeastern Oregon - it is open pit mined -

    Maraschino Cherries are made by taking prime Bing Cherries - a beautiful cherry - and soaking them in sulfuric acid for 24 hours - them soaking them in brine for several days - the result is a gray translucent cherry shaped "matrix" (that's the actual terminology) that has had all color and flavor removed - they then add back in ARTIFICIAL cherry color and flavor !!!!!!

    what twisted soul came up with that???
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Twisted Souls

    One akin to mine. Or to mine a phrase or some element of earth.

    And we may need some authoritative definition of "Kitty Litter" cause the original, created in Michigan by Ed Lowe was only ground, powdered clay. Which till today does the job as well or better than scented, refined, rejuvinated, reconstituted, corporately controlled, quality assuranced, heavy industry influenced, hi opt 1 or 2, glorified systematicly controlled production, perfectly regulated and perfectly played, but scooped all the timidity same, with love for the animal it was provided for.

    Or the house smells like a fishery. Thank God they closed the Lady Luck.
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Paint too

    KITTY LITTER is also good for soaking up and drying left over paint. Say you have a 1/2 gallon of paint (latex or oil base) you want to get rid of. Mix an equal amount of Kitty Litter, let set for a day or two and wallah, you can then safely put it with the rest of the trash. The brand "Feline Pine" (I'm not spamming) is best. It's the "healthy cat litter" and is SILICA DUST FREE! :D But be aware, it expands as it absorbers the paint - much like "The Blob". It will probably work with the Maraschino Cherries and it's juice too, since nobody wants to eat those damn things anyway.

    Amazing what you can lean from this site!!! :D
  11. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    I loved those little red drink toppers more than the little umbrellas they often rested under.

    Now Im finding out that this love of my life is a prostitute bathed in acid and reconstituted to its former self as a bright red artificial flavored illusion?

    Next you are gonna tell me TANG has no fruit juice or is even perhaps unhealthy???


    ...taste just like chicken.
  12. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    after tourning

    the plant where most of the world's Maraschino Cherries come from - I couldn't eat them for several years - every time I would look at one I would see a gray cherry shaped "matrix" and think - "this has been soaked in sulfuric acid" - then offer it to a friend -

    dog tastes like gamey goat - but makes an ok curry -
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, you kinda ruined Maraschinos for me too. :D I never had a clue.
  14. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Important Environmental Question

    Does it work well for used motor oil?
  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Yep. Another thing to consider. If your car/truck leaks oil in the garage, spread some kitty litter under the leak where the car is parked. Change as needed. But be sure your cat doesn't find out. They don't like to share. :)

    Almost forgot. RK wrote: ""this has been soaked in sulfuric acid" - then offer it to a friend".
    Great idea. I have some "friends" that I might just try this out on.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2006
  16. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Recycle Your Motor Oil


    I had a friend years ago that recycled motor oil by draining it from the family car, put it in his work truck and put the work truck oil in his old John Deere farm tractor.

    He was a very concerned environmentalist I now understand but at the time I thought he was just a cheap SOB.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2006
  17. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Your first instincts are correct. He was just cheap. But in this case, he is ruining his engines. What some won't do to save a buck.

    Now we can talk about motor oil since the thread is shot anyway!!!
  18. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Motor Oil


    My post although true was made in jest, I'm sure you know.

    On a serious note, not to upset the moralists and feminists that have flamed and degraded other members here for their choice of terminology in their posts, my definition of the acronym "SOB" in my prior post is "Southern Ol Boy".
  19. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Of course. Now let's get back to the subject at hand -motor oil. :confused: :p :confused:
  20. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I've heard of farmers putting used motor oil from cars into tractors before. I've never heard the part about putting used oil from a car into a work truck, however. It never made sense to me. Tractors are more expensive than cars.

    I'll still continue to eat and like Maraschino cherries. The manufacturing process for them can't possibly be more disgusting than the manufacturing process for bratwurst, and I LOVE bratwurst. :vomit:

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