need beta test players

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TheLegend, May 6, 2005.

  1. TheLegend

    TheLegend Member

    Dear Tournament Blackjack Players:

    For those of you who do not know me, my name is David Page and I have been playing tournament blackjack for over 10 years. I have been pursuing opening my own online tournament blackjack and poker website for the past two years.

    In April, I quit my job to pursue this dream full time. My partner/programmer has finally got a tournament blackjack software program that I can put online and start beta testing with players from this great site.

    I anticipate to be able to beta test the software around the first week of June.

    I NEED YOUR HELP TO DO THIS. I am looking for 108 members to play in a 3 round tournament (2/6 advance, 1/6 advance in semi's to final table of 6)

    Each round will consist of only 12 hands, so it should only require a little more than an hour of your time if you make the final table.

    Please private message me an email address on Ken's site or email me at if you would like to help me out.

    Let me know what time of day (ET) is best for you and whether or not you would prefer the test be a weekday or sat or sun.

    Be a part of what I hope to be the best site for tournament blackjack events on the web.

    I look forward to hearing from you..........


    David Page
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Nice site

    I was lucky enough to see David's site last year (about Sept.) when he first was getting it up. It is a very nice site and David understands the thinking of the tournament players.

    I am looking forward to him getting his site up and running, although I torment him about surrendering 20 on the WSOB II vs the dealers 2...LOL David is really one of the good guy's that play tournaments, I wish him the best of luck.

    Sandy once it is going maybe he won't be such a pain anymore...LOL
  3. tgun

    tgun Member

    Beta Test

    Hi David,

    I would love to play in your tournament. Since, I am retired my time is fairly flexible. Midday Tuesday, Thursday afternoon, most nights after 9:00pm are all good for me. I live in the central time zone. Let me know your decision.

    Good luck; I'm Looking forward to playing on your site.

  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Sounds great David

    I am sure that everybody will want to come play in your tournaments and help you out. Why wouldn't they, no cost and your paying $100 to the winners....what your not paying anything? Your cheap Bastard, your just using us....LOL

    You know I'm just kidding, I will be there and I am sure we can find you hundreds of players willing to play in free tournaments just for the practice.

    You make it FUN and FAIR and the players will come play.

    See you and Sandy next week.

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