Needing Feedback!

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Billy C, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I have been stifled by a fellow member and I'm devastated, crushed and all other synonyms.
    He has informed me by PM that I'm on his "ignore" list, that I don't contribute anything worthwhile to this forum, and that I should go away.
    I'm not naive enough to think that he can't be right so "looking in the mirror" might be in order on my part.
    Please raise your hand now, if like him, you've found my posts to be offensive and/or of no value.
    I will promptly change my ways or stop posting if I am in fact "blind".
    Thank you!

    Billy C

    P.S. This isn't a joke----I'M SERIOUS!!!!!!
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Im guessing its the same member who has ordered me to do this and that via PM. Forget about him. As long as you follow the guidelines put forth by Ken Smith keep up your posting. This is really Ken's house, he is the only boss to pay attention to.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just follow the rules...

    Billy C, Barney is correct, as long as you follow the rules and post in the correct sections, you can pretty much post anything here.

    Topics I like to stay away from and suggest to others to do the same are: on Religion, Politices, Spam, and Personel attacks.

    These seem to be the main causes of agruements on any site.

    Posting your opinions are what this forum is for.

    If you noticed, on most of my post I'll even state that it may not be the highest percentage play, but it is just my opinion, just to avoid any issues.

    Bottomline is the blackjack community is is bad shape now and we don't need to be losing anymore players on this site.

    We need to all start getting along or soon we won't have to worry about what is posted here or anywhere else, cause with no tournaments there won't be a need for the site.

    Again, just my opinion!
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Don't worry about one person who doesn't like your opinions, Billy. To paraphrase Lincoln, you can't please all of the people all of the time. I've seen nothing in any of your posts to warrant that, but if somebody wants to block you, that's his/her decision. Water on a duck's back, man.

    If it helps, Deb and I actually look forward to your posts! :D
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It's time again for a brief reminder that written communication is trickier than you think. It's very, very easy for comments to be taken in a manner that is different than the author intended. Please be aware of this whether you are writing posts or private messages.

    Billy, I find your posts to be a valuable addition to the site. Please don't let this incident dissuade you from participating.

    And, if anyone does receive a PM that they feel warrants being forwarded to me, please do so. And, for the record, Billy has to this point not chosen to do that.

    Enough said? Well, back to discussing tournaments...
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Ask and you shall Receive!

    About a week ago, I made a post here asking for feedback on an issue.
    For the record, there were 4 responses posted here, 7 private messages to me, 2 emails and 1 phone call.
    Many thanks to ALL responders!

    Billy C

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