[New] $100,000 Blackjack Tournament: Las Vegas Hilton (Las Vegas, NV)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by CalendarBot, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. CalendarBot

    CalendarBot New Member

    $100,000 Blackjack Tournament
    Las Vegas Hilton - Las Vegas NV

    10/6/2011 to 10/8/2011

    User levsin just posted a new event on the Event Calendar.

    Event Details after this update

    $100,000 Blackjack Tournament
    Las Vegas Hilton - Las Vegas NV

    10/6/2011 to 10/8/2011

    Free entry.
    Elimination format.
    Phone: 800-732-7117

    Total Prize Pool: $100,000 (Guaranteed)

    See the entire calendar entry for this event.

    See all events at Las Vegas Hilton

    Thank you levsin for contributing to the calendar!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  2. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Details Please!

    Can anyone who has played this tourney in the past provide some details? I've been to the Hilton web site and have read the official rules. What I'm interested in are things like:

    How many rounds?
    How many players per table in each round. How many advancers in each round?
    Rules of Play (late surrender? double on black jack? how many splits? double for less? etc).
    How many wild cards and at what stage(s)?
    General idea of the level of competition

    Any details at all would be greatly appreciated!
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    First of all, there's also one of these Hilton "Suited BJ" tournaments July 5-7.

    Operating from memory here, which is always an iffy proposition! I think the sixth round is the final table. There is late surrender. Think you can double a blackjack, know you can double for less, don't know how many splits. Wild cards start out with perhaps two dozen in the second round and the number drops until one is drawn for the final table.

    The skill level runs the complete gamut from BJT Assassins to the totally clueless. Since it's so easy to get a "free" entry, the tournament starts out liberally salted with rookies who have no idea what they're getting into but you also could find yourself at a table loaded with top-level players. Luck of the draw.

    P.S. This is a really good BJT, I try not to miss it. The one big negative is that there is no way to get back in if you lose a round. One loss, you're done unless drawn as a wild card.

    P.S. again - Two advance per round except for one in the semifinals. Making the semi guarantees $1,000.
    Last edited: May 16, 2011
    gronbog and Sandy Eggo like this.
  4. Sandy Eggo

    Sandy Eggo Member

    LeftNut summed it up well...I played a couple of these back in late '08 or early '09 (IIRC) -- and am hoping to get back there to play again (school and a divorce have made this hard to coordinate).

    And a comp entry is rather easy with the "suited BJ" -- you just need to pay attention to garner the comp as the dealers forget.
  5. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Thanks for the info! I am aware of the one in July, but we're looking at going to Vegas in the fall, so I thought I would look into that one.

    Suited black jack should only take about 84 hands or so to achieve, so that's not a problem. I'm more worried about showing up the day before only to find the tournament is full. Is that likely? It wouldn't be a complete disaster though, since we would be making the trip regardless of whether we get into the tournament.

    I say "we" because I'm trying to convince my wife to enter as well. She's played some online tourneys and understands the basics of the strategies but she's nervous about playing a live tourney. Since it's basically free to enter, I say, why not?

    Also, the web site says: "Win your entries by betting $10 and getting a suited blackjack. Winners will receive complimentary hotel accommodations for 4 days and 3 nights.". Is this saying that the comped tournament entry comes with free accommodations for the tournament?

    Perhaps I should get on the phone with someone at the Hilton ...
  6. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Just a couple additions to LeftNuts LV Hilton 100K tournament summary, you can split to make 4 hands, split Aces receive one hit card only, expect 400 to 600 participants due to ease of comped entry including room.

    Most important a "Mulligan" is availble for purchase as an option to every tournament player for $100. The optional $100 "Mulligan" allows you once each round to replace either of your 1st two cards dealt or the last hit card received with the next card dealt in the shoe. Purchase of the $100 "Mulligan" allows use for each round played without additional purchase if used in a prior round.
    mica, gronbog and LeftNut like this.
  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    My original post is a little later than yours, sorry.

    This tournament is never full, I've seen as many as 900 participants. Tournament entry is achieved only when receiving a suited blackjack and guarantees comped tournament entry including three nights room accomendations.

    Immediately after being dealt a suited BJ ask the Floor Person to verify and give you the required document. Call the phone number on the document stating you want to play the tournament and they will enter you and provide a confirmation number.

    Be sure both you and your wife have a valid LV Hilton Players Club card prior to qualification.
    gronbog likes this.

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