New and exciting at the club!

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by LVA8412, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. LVA8412

    LVA8412 New Member

    Since I did not get a reply from the ubt rep on the lva forum, even though he says "If you want to know ASK JOE!" -- I'll bring these things up here in casr anyone here has some insights:

    So, we were told that new and exciting things were coming. But, please, as bjmece said, let's give the fine folks there until 2008 to get all their eggs in order and allow Mr. Hamitlon to be knigted in bjmece's country.'s now January 3, and almost January 4 in England. So what's new?

    As Joe himslef posted, If you want to know ASK JOE! So I'm asking. And others are wondering.

    1. Phil Helmuth doesn't show for the beat the pro tournament. Any explanation? Why has mikeacekodamaLlva's posts gone unanswered?
    2. Promised refunds for the Berona event weren't sent or won't be sent until 2008 -- over a month after the cancelation/postpontment of the tournament. Why? And didn't Joe say thet were being given even more than they paid?
    3. club ubt goes down for a few hours -- any explanations?
    4. Was there supposed to be a cruise a day awarded begining in January? If so, I dont see it on clububt. One bj cruise tournament is listed and no poker ones. toonces mentioed this the other day, but no reply.
    5. Why has buckeyetod's post about the 2008 pov for club members gone unanswered?
    6. So what's the ubt tour details for 2008?
    7. What are the new and exciting improvments for the club?
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    A cruise a day JUST SAY NO!!!! That would drain our prize fund so much it wouldnt be worth playing for those not wanting a cruise. Thats about 62K$ of our 100K No Mi Gusta!

    I want TVs and things like that yea a TV a day! Lobster dinners sweet! Gift cards I can use um. How about a new series at Rampart and stays there where we can get together as a club hang with our online cyber pals! So many better ways to grab new players. Its not that hard.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Promises Promises

    I think the point was that the Club promised a cruise a day in January, but it hasn't happened. Or so I have heard.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I understand the questions, my point is simply having a cruise a day is just a real bad idea. Actually I never heard this tout of a cruise a day maybe it was from our long lost friend BJMace. I can not for the life of me touting a promo that many wont want and will draw down the prize fund 62%.

    Embarrassingly, I dont know what the POV is!?
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    POV = Pocketbook of Values, LVA's quite awesome annual coupon book.
  6. pinklady

    pinklady New Member


    I would love to see new prizes like laptops, computers, and even better any WPT seats and Yes the wsop seats!!!!!!!!!

    What you think?

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