New BJ term: Jacking it

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by ptaylorcpa, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    I have to pick on my friend Jackaroo on this one. The other night he was playing on UBT and on a final elimination hand where he would advance he was taking a long time to figure his bet (I think he had his secret still) since he needed to just beat the guy betting after him and he was behind. All of a sudden a $500 bet appears in his spot, totally visible for everyone to see. Jack is screwed, because there is no way that he can win now. Later I asked him what happened and he said he hit the wrong button. Meant to bet something else and hit bet by mistake with the minimum amount set by default. I think we can coin a new term "Jacking it" in his honor!

    Ok, now I have to confess I "Jacked it" too. Last night I was playing heads up in the second hand of a playoff to advance and was figuring my bet since my opponent was slightly ahead of me and I was trying to set the surrender trap. Evidently I took to long and the system put in a minimum bet for me and showed me as "Absent". No way to win!

    I blame my error on sleep depravation!

  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I saw it work

    I was watching a Bet21 freeroll last night (yes, watching online blackjack for entertainment; how pathetic am I?) and I can't remeber exactly who it was (fgk42 I think, but I could be wrong) but they 'Jacked' it on the final hand and won the table!

    (By the way, does anyone else wonder what type of visitors we're going to be getting when the search engines link to this post with the keywords 'BJ' and 'Jacking it'?) Just a thought. :joker:
  3. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Limit on using the term

    I think we need to limit the term to just when you can't win in any way unless the next player is dumb enough to give you a shot!

    Have to come up with a term for that. STUPID work?

    Search engines have fun!

  4. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    Oh, this morning someone did the stupid thing. I was locked out on an elimination hand. All they had to do was bet $500 and I was gone. Instead they bet enough for me to swing them.

    Now that is STUPID, but I was happy!


    And that swing allowed me to move on and win my seat to St.Kitts! YEAH! Now to get some sleep at night.

    PS: I thought I hated 3 advance from table because I invariably am the odd one out, but this morning only 48 people showed up to play on UBT. I think the program has to play 4 rounds minimum, so each round was half the table advances. I am learning to love it! Most of the people playing had no clue what the objective was. They had won their TEC on single game tables and didn't understand the objective is survival to three players left. Good luck to everyone still trying for a seat.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2006
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Yup, that was me. I was trying to figure out the optimal bet but my brain was so tired. I've been busy getting ready for the trip and doing lots of office work - then logging on around 8 pm and playing until 2:30 am.

    In fact I was up this morning to do the 5:30 Bet21 event!

    Just for the record I didn't "Jack" it - I was too tired and brain dead. :(
  6. noman

    noman Top Member


    You already won your way to St. Kit's?

    What am I missin?
  7. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    No, I haven't won the seat in St.Kitts, just the seat on UBT for their tournment here in a few weeks.

    I hope to report later that I have the actual seat!
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Congrats to Jackaroo

    I see Jackaroo's name on the list of participants in the freeroll for StKitts invite now on UBT. The list has a lot of BJT names on it.
  9. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Dumbest play candidate

    Oh yeah, I seem to remember that.:laugh: :laugh: I could have been just a leettle bit tense as "the guy betting after" was Michael C. I had about a 7.5k lead on him after the first elim hand. I'm to his left, BR1 almost a max bet ahead is on my left, there's only the 3 of us left. Michael and I are playing virtually heads-up for the 7 hands leading up to hand 16 and I am steadily losing ground on each one. (grrrrrr--cards are not cooperating)

    He finally passed me @ hand 15 and was 1.5k up on me. Last hand and I'm on the button. I figure Michael will try to keep the low so I decided to bet 1/2 BR and go from there after seeing the cards.

    Now here's the dumb part: I went to hit "Secret" and that damn mouse somehow jumped up and mashed the BET button. Well, you know the bet field defaults to 500 every hand, so there it was: a 500 bet "in the clear" about looking like an idiot to anyone watching!

    Michael took only 73 nanoseconds to bet min and lock me out. :D

  10. gflan

    gflan New Member

    you're in good company jack

    Today I made an even worse error...I turned off the sound to my computer to answer the phone and didn't turn it back on again during the St. Kitts qualifying game at Bet21...I'm in Round 3, playing against 3 other players..I get swung on hand 15 and am now BR4 going into Hand 16. I decide to not go all-in but to make a good size secret bet hoping that I'll get the middle (we're all within 4K of each other)...Alas, I'm just about to hit secret when I time out and get a forced minimum bet...well I'm locked out for sure now since everyone knows they can bet small...and I get a BJ! Ouch.
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    Honest To God.........

    I think Zeus and Hera are controlling everything.........
  12. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    That must be my problem...I've been worshiping Dionysus and a bottle while I play.
  13. noman

    noman Top Member


    Better to worship Athena and enjoy what Bacchas wrought. Therein one benefits from the best of both above world delights.

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