New BJT Terminology

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Monkeysystem, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Donkey Ranch n. A casino hosting a regular blackjack tournament that routinely fattens the wallet of a seasoned player treating it like an ATM that pays out more than it takes in.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Another New BJT Terminology

    "Jensen stack": Stacking spotted checks with the spots and or lines all the same way so that it makes your chips harder to count by your opponents.

    Since my first tournament in 1984 this has pretty much been my trade mark. For years players use to just think I was stacking them that way out of being nervous and finally one day a player commented "I wish you wouldn't stack your chips like that, it sure makes them harder to count". Another player just said DUH, Think that maybe why he does it?...LOL.

    If you see a player doing the same thing, ask them chances are they will tell you they got it from me.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I was doing this during the Winstar tournament last year (of course Jensen gave me the idea). All I got was confused looks from tablemates - until the $Million finals. Hollywood Dave had to come out of the TV commentator's booth to count our chip stacks, and he gave me a glare that could have melted granite. A couple of amusing comments quickly followed. :laugh:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Great seeing again...

    Yesterday at the Winstar tournament was the first event I've played in a year and a half where I could actually see the other players chips (with one good eye anyway).

    Not much was said about my chip stacks until the quarterfinal round. There I was seated at first base while the lady at 3rd base was having a hard time trying to count my chips.

    At one point she told me "I'll tell you what I have if you tell me what you have". I just replied back, no thanks I know what you After the round she commented on how hard it was to count my chips due to all teh spots being lined up.
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    You devil!

    And I always thought you were a nice guy!

    Billy C
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just playing by the rules

    I am a nice guy Billy, can't you see my Halo (it's being held up by my
    Billy C. you need to go on the Blackjack cruise with us, you'll have a blast.

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