New BlackJack Simulation Online software

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by bjsim, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. bjsim

    bjsim Member

    New BlackJack Simulation Online software - Free of use

    I just started to develop a free Online Blackjack Simulation.
    The simulation will be developed more based on your recommendation.
    I start to post ready results for up to 10,000,000 rounds and next phase will be up to 1 Billion.
    Some of Ken Smith strategies were simulated with 4,000,000 hands.
    Please visit and enjoy.

    Bjsim Admin - Ely
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    This product has been discussed quite a bit over at
    Please be aware that simulations of only a few million hands are insufficient to establish the results with great accuracy. Nonetheless, it's a free resource that some may find informative. Note that simulation of my strategies does not imply an endorsement.
  3. bjsim

    bjsim Member

    BJsim info

    I agree with Ken comments. BJSIM is free BJ simulation and database of simulations. It intend to give the player a ballpark about each table game statisitic edge and to test all kinds of recommended Blackjack strategies.
    The first test was on Some of Ken stratgies. It intend to test BJSIM and to test the strartegy.
    BJSIM may not be at his currunt format the ideal product for advantage blackJack player.
    BJSIM target 98% of the BJ player and not the most 2% novice.
    BJSIM still have a lot of valuable information than can be viewed for free. BJSIM will grow and improve with the time.


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