New International Forums

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You have probably noticed the new look. After a recommendation from bjmace that I add a European tournament forum, I did a little housekeeping and added several new forums. Positive or negative feedback about the changes is welcome.

    One user note:
    If you are a regular visitor who browses the forums from the main page, you may want to consider using the 'New Posts' feature instead. It quickly shows you only the threads that have new activity since you last visited.
  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Change Is Always Good This Makes This Site A Real International Site:d :d
  3. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Change isn't ALWAYS good! One of my favorite sayings is (a change is better than a rest). That's a different story.
    Ken's changes HAVE always been good and we ALL need to thank him for what he does for the BJ community. For those of you that haven't met him, try to do just that. You will be impressed.

    Billy C
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Can't see that there will be much activity in the European Tournament forum much to my continuing disappointment. The day they have a land-based BJ tournament in the UK (not a private game) I will make a point of prostrating myself in front of the tournament director. If I win it who knows how lucky he or she may get ;)


  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Just my lowly opinion..... It'll likely turn out that things are a bit too fragmented now.
    Perhaps one for USA, one for online, and one for International/Other. Time will tell! :D
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I would prefer one new forum header to say something like (Outside USA) or something to make front page more simple. The way it has been changed to is fine but the page looks, well, fragmented :)

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