New Laughlin dates set...

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, May 18, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well I wanted to make sure we didn't over lap with any other events in August and so I picked the 15th - 19th for our next TBJPA events at the River Palms.

    I sandwiched our events in between the Orleans BJ on the 8th - 10th and the Las Vegas Hiltons BJ on the 23rd - 25th.

    The schedule will be the similar to our first TBJPA events with a few exceptions:

    *Wednesday 15th: The TBJPA will be hosting a special $10,000 entry fee match play, double elimination tournament. Open to the first 16 players willing to pony up the $10,000! We will host satellites for the weekend events afterwards.
    *The $10,000 entry fee match play event is at the request of a few players, all 16 players must have certified funds at the River Palms no later than August 1st, if this event is to be played.

    Thursday 16th: All day Satellite events from 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

    Friday 17th: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm satellites. Then a $150 + $15 TBJPA tournament. When we get to the semifinals, we'll open up the tables for satellite play again as long as possible.

    Saturday 18th: 10:00 am we will host our second TBT event, entry is $300 + $30.

    Sunday 19th: 10:00 am we will host another TBT event, entry $300 + $30.

    I am working on some special deals along with Dan for those who sign-up early, by July 15th, 2007. I think you will be VERY happy with what we come up with.

    GOLFERS BONUS: We are also working on some golf specials for those who would like to play a rould early before the BJ tournaments start.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2007
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Good news for me

    If the dates were first weekend I was only going to make 1 maybe 2 or maybe even none. The new dates are wide open for me to play all the tournaments. Tex, I do see on my calendar the dates are 15th - 19th.
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    TBT games

    Personally I would rather the game on Saturday be $500 + $50 and $50 to the TBT champ game then have the Sunday game go to TBJPA $150 + $15 or if it remains a TBT $150 + $15 and $25 to champ event for example. Because Sunday will be a travel day for some and bankrolls could be light the Sunday game at $300 might lose a few players. If Dan can work it out to pre register it could help secure full attendance at all events. FWIW.

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