New message board at BlackjackInfo

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Mar 27, 2005.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Sneak Peek announcement:
    I'm adding a message forum to my main site

    Since I expect many of you would like to sign up there with the same username as you use here at BJT, I figured I would let you know immediately, even before the board is linked from anywhere.

    The only post there at the moment is an explanation of why the world needs yet another blackjack message board. However, I'll be linking the board to the main site soon, and mentioning it in an email newsletter.

    Meanwhile, here's a link to the new board:
    BlackjackInfo message forums

    Thanks for the tremendous support you've given this site, and I hope you'll find something of similar value in the BJI community as well.
  2. mikeaber

    mikeaber New Member

    Great Idea

    Ken, I have thoroughly enjoyed this forum. Learned a ton and will continue to digest it. But as I do not consider myself a seasoned tournament player (I've played in only ONE <LOL> and it was a freebie) I hesitate to toss in my encyclopedia of tournament information in here with the likes of those to whom I look for leadership in this amazing endevor!

    The new forum is one to which hopefully, I can make a contribution or two. I for one, look forward to watching it become one of the most heavily hit sites in the Blackjack genre!

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