New One-On-One Sit and Go's at Global

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by KenSmith, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I just logged in at Global Player and see a new feature:
    New 1on1 Sit & Go Duels... Play a sit&go against just one opponent!

    Sounds like fun!
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Yep, Head to Head Sit and Go tournaments!

    I heard about them and knew they were going to start soon, but didn't want to say anything until they were here.

    They will sure be nice early and late when only a few players are around looking for a game.

    Good luck on the head to head tournaments Global-Player.
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I was there...

    ...and everybody had a lot of fun!!!! And I mean a heck of alot of fun. Only played one myself but many people played quite a few games, some of them simultaneously. One of our senior/junior members in particular seemed to be really excited by it all. I think he wants to set up a league or something...

    Do you think radically different strategies are required for heads up?


  4. locutus

    locutus New Member

    An idea:

    Why not a heads-up tourney....or even sit-and-go
    heads up tourney for 4 or 8 players...?
  5. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    My ears were ringing

    Mr Reachy are you talking about me again :laugh:

  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    No! what me?

    Joep - I couldn't possibly say whether you were there or not or whether you were enjoying it alot if you were there. All I can say is that a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. Say no more, say no more...



    Ps. It was fun though wasn't it?
  7. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I dig 'em.
  8. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Just Curious!!

    I have not played in about a month, but I was interested in how the points system worked in the two man system. Same as regular sit n go's??
  9. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    No points just Fast Cash

    As of Thursday there were not offering any points in the one on one tournaments .

  10. micha

    micha New Member

    The 1on1's are quite a success, I have to admit I didn't realize people would rather play quickly against one opponent than wait for a whole table and possibly a bigger prize. But since it is the case, I've thought of another Sit&Go type: We could add a "speedy" table which would be for 5 players but it would start even with less after a specified amount of time. It could work as follows: As soon as there are 2 players at the table, the timer would start to count down, say 10 minutes and the table would start with whatever players would be there when the counter expires. If some players would leave the table before the timer expires and less than two remain, the timer would stop again and start from scratch when 2 players join. In this way, you would be sure that the table fires soon enough and often with more than 2 players. Is a 10 minutes timer ok, or 15-20?

    The prizes would depend on the number of players. This would be somewhat tricky because the prizes must grow with the number of players. If the table is say $15/1, then with 2 players we would have $30 for the first place and $0 for the second, with 3 players say $35 and $10, with 4 players $40 and $20 and with 5 players $50 and $25 as usual.

    I would start with one new speedy table and keep the normal 5 players tables (and of course the 1on1's), but if people would like it, we could make all normal tables to the speedy ones. What do you guys think?

    As far as points are concerned, we can do whatever you agree upon. Do you want normal points even for 1on1s? Or separate points? And what about tables with 3-4 players?

    And another issue - some people have asked for a secret bet in the last round of the 1on1s, is that what the majority wants? The bets would not be visible during the whole last round (and possibly further rounds if there is a tie), they would show up only after the dealer plays his hand.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2006
  11. noman

    noman Top Member


    It's all good.

    I'd say seperate points for one on one.

    3-4 could be point handled as is.

    Would add, it seems this infusion has moved a number of people off the minimum tables. In the long run, not a bad thing.
  12. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Great idea!!!

    Micha - I like the idea of starting after 10 minutes regardless. If we leave before the counter has expired in the current set-up we forefit our entry fee - I presume the same would apply in this scenario as well? You could also try specifed 3 and 4 player tables. Secret bets would be fun as well.

    I guess you need to be careful that you don't have too many options available though because then the same number of players will be spread over a much larger range of games and you may end up making worse the problem you are trying to resolve i.e. entering a S&G and waiting 45 minutes for 4 other players to turn up!!!!

    However IMHO I think that Global Player needs to sort it's marketing out. The reason we often have to wait a fair while to get a game is because there simply aren't enough players online. There must be a much bigger market for online tournament BJ than is currently registered and play regularly on GP. You need to make a noise about it - advertise, sponsor real-world events, reach out to the market. I'll give you a for instance. I recieved a copy of a magazine in the UK called "Online Gambler" with a front page headline "Tournament Blackjack - The fastest growing game on the internet" or something like that. Now TBJ is very, very small in the UK with, as far as I know, no casino based tournaments running at all, so I was amazed to see this article. I was thinking, at last the UK is going to start to get the message, hurrah! The reality was different of course with the article giving an overview of how tournament BJ works, WSOB and UBT then it proceeded to say how you can't play that style of BJ online and they only way to play is through Of course it was a plug for gameaccount but I was suprised that there was no mention of Global Player. I did email them to let them know that they had their facts wrong but I have yet to hear back from them...

    Bear in mind that this is just a UK perspective and GP may be heavily promoted elsewhere, especially in the states.

    What do you think?


  13. micha

    micha New Member

    Your entry fee is never lost - if you switch off your computer while still waiting at a Sit&Go table, it may happen that the game starts without you and you end up as 5th, yes, but you do not really forfeit your entry. If this should be a really serious problem, we can shorten the time you have to spend waiting, I understand that some people would not go to a table just because they could not leave it quickly enough.

    I won't comment marketing, this is a different story :)
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Hows this Micha?

    Maybe we can choose what is behind door number 1,2, or 3 or even trade our bet for whats behind the curtain? Not, less not make them into a game show, let just keep them for what they are blackjack tournaments.
  15. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    It needs only one thing to make it perfect....a Burger King Power Chip. That way we can all have it our way while were online. :joker:
  16. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Global-Player Micha. My three cents.

    I won't comment marketing, this is a different story :)

    Why not comment? G-P's BJ tournaments are a well kept secret and that is clearly G-P's biggest problem in trying to become a viable volume based online gaming site.
    The tournaments are excellent in design, fun to play and staff (Pumi and others) are very responsive to players' problems and comments. All excellent attributes.
    But the number of players actually playing the tournaments and the prize structure are declining rapidly in tandem. Players are losing interest probably due in part to the lower prize structure. The tournament site could accomodate 125 players, but barely 25 to 30 show up to play.
    So why is there such an absence of Marketing support ?:joker: :joker: :joker:
  17. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    and of course there will be UBT

    Global could be in trouble when the UBT site goes live. There is a vast marketing machine behind UBT and the hype has been building for ages. Everybody will be playing there.

    I, like BJFAN really enjoy playing at Global but I do think the software could be improved. If you compare it to the slicker poker sites it pales. Little things like being to be able to click one of the action buttons before it's your go (i.e Click "Stand" when you know that's what you are going to but before it's your turn) , more information about who is online, the ability to actually select a table to play rather than join a queue and better general navigation to name a few. These are minor things that could be dealt with very easily and would enhance the experience.

    What do you think?


  18. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I think Global's in a tough spot. It is probably hard to justify spending much money and effort on revamping the tournament software without evidence that enough players will surface to make it worth the effort.

    I think UBT's entrance into this market will be the catalyst for many changes. We'll know soon if tournament blackjack online is going to succeed.
  19. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I can see where you are coming from

    but one of the most fundamental mistakes businesses make is cutting back on marketing and investment in product development when things are a bit tough. It becomes a circular arguement where unless you get more business you can't justify spending on marketing and development but then of course you lose business because nobody knows about your product and it's not as good as it could be. What d'ya do?

    You also seem sceptical that the concept of online BJ tournaments can work period (do you like my Americanisms ;) ). Do you think there is a chance that UBT online might fail with Global falling in it's wake?

    There are 4500 people registered on this website. If we could just get 5% of them playing online everyday...


  20. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Can UBT and others fail?

    It could certainly happen. After all, a substantial market for online blackjack tournaments doesn't exist yet. It's more of a "Build it and they will come" situation.

    UBT is doing many, many things to make sure that the launch is a success. But to blindly assume that the undertaking is not risky would be foolish.

    The entire blackjack tournament community has a lot riding on it. Time will tell.

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