New Radio Show

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by kennye, May 6, 2005.

  1. kennye

    kennye New Member

    Hello Everyone,

    I am pleased to announce that I just signed a deal to host my own radio show that will air once a week on am. The show will begin to air in late June. The station will be announced within 3 weeks. The show will have a number of things. One of the things I will be doing is live remotes at Major Blackjack Tournaments, Poker Tournaments and anything else that is interesting in the gaming industry. I will also have special guests from from all over the country to speak and answer questions about there success in Blackjack, Poker, Craps, to name a few in tournament play. Even though the show is a local show everyone around the country will be able to download off the internet and listen and call in to the show. We will have an 800# plus e mail, so I want to deliver what the listeners want the show topics to be. Here are my choices for the show, let me know which you like better.

    Saturday 4:00 PM Pacific Time
    Thursday 6:00 PM " "
    Friday 9:00 PM " "

    Please let me know what time slot you like better.

    Kenny E.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Congratulation on the new show Kenny, best of luck!

    As far as times I would think Thursday at 6:00 would work the best for you and most other players. Most of us only play tournaments on the weekends so Friday and Saturday there is more chance of us not being around and you playing in a tournament as well.

    I'll tune in what ever day and time you pick.

    See you next week.
  3. tgun

    tgun Member

    Radio time

    wtg Ken,

    I agree with Rick, Thursday would be best for me.

    Good luck with this project, I'm looking forward to it getting started.

  4. mikeaber

    mikeaber New Member


    Thursday for me too. I'll dust of the radio for this! Or, delete whatever necessary to make room for the internet downloads! Good Fortune with this venture Ken!
  5. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    guess winning the WSOBJ has it's perks huh? ;-)

    way to go, Kenny, I look forward to it, if I can get it.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Make Up Problem

    I guess after they saw what you looked like with all that make up on.The choice to go with a radio program over a TV program was a easy choice for the producers :laugh: .I hope this comment does nor hurt my chances for being a guest on your show
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Overdrive needed

    Joep your going to have to go in SUCK-UP overdrive to get on now Kenny's show now...LOL.

    Just kidding I'm sure Kenny will have you shortly after he has Blackwood and Hollywood on....LOL
  8. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    I'm already booked

    Kenny wants to interview me next week to talk all about me winning the MD III this weekend...

    -holly d.
  9. Mackhack

    Mackhack New Member


    where (county/city and frequence) can I listen to your show?
  10. Logical choice

    Exposure wise, the Thursday show appears to be the better choice as it is the closest thing to a weekday work drive time slot. Additionally, when football season is in swing, you don't want to compete against that product nor the Friday evening tout shows such as the Stardust line.

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