New satellites planned for December

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    With all the success of these charity poker tournaments around the country (which I also host) I have talked one of the Hooters resturants (that I had been run poker tournaments for) into the idea of charity blackjack tournaments.

    I run them simular to a actual blackjack tournament with a few changes. (mainly shorter)

    1) $20 donation entry fee per player
    2) Only 3 sessions of 7 players, top 2 from each session advance to nightly finals. I host 2 tournaments per night (2 winners each night that come back for the semifinals).
    3) The session are only 10 hands long, with a count after 7 hands.
    4) Players draw for seats and the deal rotates from left to right.
    5) Each player starts with $300 in "NO CASH VALUE CHIPS".
    6) Minimum bet is $5 (NO CASH VALUE CHIPS) and maximum bet is $100 (NO CASH VALUE CHIPS)

    Over all first prize is $1,000 entry into one of the remaining LV Hiltons MD III monthly qualifiers and $300 for airfare. All of the other money raised goes to a local charity.

    If anyone is interested I would like to franchise out this concept to some other players in differant parts of the country for two reasons (1) make some extra money for both of us and (2) Hopes of saving the LV Hiltons MD tournaments.

    I feel that if we can lower the Hilton MD entries through satellites we will draw larger crowds which will make the Hilton happier and maybe save the tournaments.

    Anyone interested may e-mail me at
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2004
  2. If you ever get one of these satellites up and running on the East side of the Mississippi, I would certainly be interested.
    Good Luck on the success of this idea.

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