New Teaser Required

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Reachy, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    It's been a while and I need to do some mental TBJ gymnastics to get the juices flowing again. So come on, lets have a new teaser someone...


  2. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Ok, this came up in a live tournament over the weekend. $500 starting bankroll, $5 minimum, $200 max bet. Hand 25, with TWO advancing per table. BR1 $740, BR 2 $690, BR3 $630. BR3 (Me) is on the button and bets $200. Everyone follows with a max bet. I end up with 4-4, dealer has a 2 up. So do I double or split?
  3. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Hi buddy!

    What was the count and how many decks are used?

    (Or you could just play it like your S.O. would!) :)

    Creeping Panther
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    "The count"...... I do love playing the endgame against those who are so entranced by the count.... :laugh:

    Some missing info, Schultzy - what are the other player's hands?
  5. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    What was the count? HA! Only CreepingPanther would ask us that question! It was a 6-deck shoe and I can't count past ten! :laugh:

    My mistake LeftNut, BR1 had a 5-2. BR2 a soft 15.
  6. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    How true, knowing the count at the last hand in usually deeply dealt tourney games is of no help at all! LOL!

    Now, IF you *really* beleve that it must be because you have never taken the time to study,practice and become skilled at a high level AP game.

    Next time you do Ignace join me at a "real" money BJ table and I will show you how it is done....and it will be my pleasure. :)

    Creeping Panther
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    If you double, you'll gain very little (if anything) because your opponents will double right behind you. I'd split those 4's and hope for a double on one of them. Get three bets on the table, neither of the others can do that no matter what. In other words, they'll correlate anything else you do, so do the one thing that they can't correlate.
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I'll bow to your greater expertise in how a count will help at the "real" money BJ tables.
    However, we are talking about a tournament here, right? :D

    BTW, I've never taken the time to study, practice, or become skilled with AP play at a high level?
    Care to discuss video poker? Billy, are you there to bear witness? :laugh:
  9. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Good call LeftNut! I split the 4's and heard the voices in the background whisper "What is he DOING!" Ha! I just wanted the option to double after a split and not put all of my chips on one card. FYI, I made a 20 on the first hand, second hand was a stiff. The dealer made an 18 and I was able to swing BR2. It wasn't much of a teaser, but it sure was exciting at the time!

    CreepingPanther, I just wish I would bet like my S.O. at times, if I did I might not be BR3 on the last hand!
  10. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member

    split or double

    Split the low cards. Double any hand that will not produce a bust. Two doubles on this hand could produce a win even if you push. (Opponents hands are weak) Lots of options after the split.
  11. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Yes, there is a definite difference in tourney play. However in the situation Shultzy writes about knowing the card composition can be of great value, and his scenario would have me very excited with the options available "knowing" that composition.

    I and the wife played those fine VP machines you wrote about a few months ago at "I", in fact Schultzy joined us, good time and thanks for the info!

    My wife has a Masters in Mathamatics and caught on quickly in the math of the VP, and we were also tutored by 2 very nice ladies also playing these machines and musing positively about them!

    But nothing, for me, will ever take the place of a fine BJ game!!

    Creeping Panther.
  12. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    You are beyond a doubt a very skilled tourney player, (and so is your S.O.!)

    Such a team the two of you make... and strike terror into the hearts of your opponents. :)

    So it comes as no surprise that you did well with your decision, I am sure you will have many more such opportunitys and will win many (more) tourneys in the future.

    As you know, the more you play the more you will win and the better you will become. Kudos to you.

    Creeping Panther.
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  14. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK, I'll grant you that, but I missed the part where Schultzy said exactly how deep in the shoe he actually was!
    You're quite welcome, and I'm glad you enjoyed them. They're actually not a great AP play, but they're the best game in that house.
    Cool! Different strokes, eh? :)
  15. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    And that *one* thing is EVERTHING! I am sure you understand what I mean.
    Unless you have a game where you can ST, and then that *one* thing means nothing, dig it?

    I understand the VP we played was 99.6%, at least from the specs I saw, far from the edge I can get at a good BJ game but not bad taking into consideration the comp points built up playing $5 a pull.

    Creeping Panther.
  16. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    No fair!

    I ask for a teaser, go to bed, come back and find not just one, but TWO teasers, and they've both been thoroughly answered!!!!! They were for ME!!!!!!!!

    Right, I'm off to work now, and when I come back I want TWO more teasers and NOBODY is allowed to answer them! Do you hear me? NO-ONE!!!!!

    Except toolman1....


  17. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Don't Double

    Having played at Turtle Lake before, one could assume both opponents will double regardless of what you do. Just hit the hand and play basic strategy, watch the opponents both double, and hope the dealer doesn't break or kiss the soft 15.

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