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Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by duncanz2121, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. duncanz2121

    duncanz2121 Member

    I'm new to this forum thingy and was wondering if the event in Vegas at the hilton is REALLY free? Just asking..i don't log on here much (actually 1st time since Febuary) so if anyone can e-mail me?? Or i'll TRY to be on thanks and good luck! oh my name is Robert Decker..Thanks again!
  2. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    free with qualification

    I presume you're referring to the Vegas Hilton's 100K BJ tourney. This one is free, if you get a suited blackjack during regular table play in the weeks/months preceding the tournament. The odds on getting a suited BJ aren't that bad (about once every 80-90 hands). There is a minimum bet required - but not that high.

    Good luck!
  3. Not Free if You are Serious about the Tournament

    There is essentially a $100 hidden fee associated with the tournament buried in the "mulligan" rule. Players who pay the one time $100 mulligan fee have the option of replacing one of their original two cards or the last card drawn once during each round of play. If you don't choose to pay the mulligan fee, then you are at a disadvantage relative to those players who pay it.
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Minimum bet to earn the "free" entry is $10, but at the last one it was announced multiple times that 5 hours on table and/or slots (including video poker) would also do the trick.
  5. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Five hours

    To eliminate confusion, I believe the five hours play for qualification into the October tournament was necessary during the past event. I don't think you can give them five hours play the day before the tournament and qualify for free entry.
  6. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    Rookie is correct--the five hours must be during the 3 days of the tournament. If you do that, then you have earned entry into the rest of the 100K series for the year. There are two 3 card poker and one blackjack tournaments remaining, each with a $100 mulligan. However, if you wanted to play the October tournament, you could get there the day before and attempt to get the suited blackjack. I got three in one shoe but had a friend who played the whole 5 hours without one.
  7. mica

    mica New Member

    Room comped w suited bj

    I was told by the our groups host that 5 hours if play will get an invite to BJT...but u need a suited BJ to get the room comped. Leftnut is prob right....,a decent amount of play and some quality schmoozing will take care if bjt and comped room.

    Mulligan is a must in my opinion.

  8. duncanz2121

    duncanz2121 Member

    Suited BlackJack where??? Any casino and how would they know?
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Play at the live blackjack tables at the Las Vegas Hilton with a $10 or higher bet.
    If you are dealt a suited blackjack, call the floorperson over and they will fill out a small form to give you that qualifies you for your free entry.

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