New Tournament Site (only Tournaments)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Ynotpro, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Ynotpro

    Ynotpro New Member is now up and running with Sit and gos for up to eight players and with Mano a Mano, one on one. Both free games and money games
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Not heard about this site

    Anybody else know anything about this site? Seems strange to have come from nowhere.


  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Just tried to register and log on but it wouldn't let me for some reason. Don't think anybody's at the support desk at the moment.


  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I tried to sign-up also, but it said the site was still under construction.

    I did see the table and graphics, they looked okay, but they are playing cruise ship style table...LOL. They had 10, TEN playing spots at the table.

    If your like me I like 5, 6, maybe even 7 players that I have to keep track of, but 10 is a little to much for me. That is with Global around, they still seem to be the "ONLY" ones with a true elimination style format for the players.
  5. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    New BJT site

    I did get through to someone by phone and he indicates that the site is in early stages. You can play by registering and hitting the play button. There is no download available at this time.
  6. Ynotpro

    Ynotpro New Member

    wrong site

    you must have the wrong site. There are four people playing right now and the table holds eight.
  7. Ynotpro

    Ynotpro New Member

    Seem to be advertising seems to have games going all the time. I know they are advertising. And with advance play and and advance bet buttons, it works great. (and fast) No slow players.
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I have been and played...

    ...and it seems promising. A lot of "players" ready to play. They said they saw it on google and sure enough if you search for blackjack tournamnets it comes out top of the search (sponsored link).

    How comes this one has been missed seeing as how they are...


  9. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I guess I'm in the minority, but I just don't trust unregulated, self governed casinos be it Indian or on-line, especially on-line. I know for a fact that in Poker sites there is so much cheating using "bots" ( both the players and some casinos themselves using them as shills) and multiple account holders using multiple computers to create collusion play that it is almost impossible to get a fair game. What is to prevent the casino from using "bots" in BJ play as well? Can Tex (you should know since GP sponsors you) , Joe, Ken or any one else answer this? I guess until the Govt. decides it can make money regulating on-line gambling I'll just have to get dressed and drive 20 minutes to play.
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I wish I could

    Unfortunately for me I would have to get dressed, drive to the airport (Heathrow probably), fly to LV, then drive to the casino to get my BJ fix - probably about 15 or 16 hours ;) . I know where you are coming from though and I agree. I shan't be putting my money there until I believe they are at least a genuine as Global Player and I'd have to rely on the feedback I get from the other more expereinced players on this forum before that happens.


  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Global for me

    Pokernut I wish I could give you an answer, but other than Global-Player I don't play anywhere else online. I admit that I have fears of the same thing.

    I feel comfortable at Global because I know about 95% of the players I play against in tournament play. And Pumi (the TD @ Global) handles all problems fast and fairly. And Global adds extra money to most of the tournaments they host.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2006
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I did end up on the wrong site...

    I tried again and found the correct site, however after I registered I was never able to get into the game area.

    I tried several times but with no luck. I will try again later and see if I can get on and then post what I think of
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2006
  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    One thing I don't like about it...

    ...only 15 seconds to make a betting or play decision!!!!!!! Don't know what you guys think but that is not nearly enough time for me.


  14. victorj

    victorj New Member

    where's the play money tables?

    ok, i signed up and logged in easily. very quick loading site (prob because there's no other players.

    its a little sheizer the tell the truth. too clunky.

    and what's with the dealers hands? is he taking it from behind?:rolleyes:
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Still no luck

    I can login, but when I hit "Play Now" nothing.
  16. Ynotpro

    Ynotpro New Member


    Someone must have called or emailed because it is now 20 seconds, not 15 and they cut the log in pages down so you go right in, after you register. With 8 players you can win more, if you are good.
  17. Ynotpro

    Ynotpro New Member

    you asked for it

    I am told Double for less will be in today and the dealer does show hole card ALL the time now. For card counters the shoe shows the number of cards left in shoe.
    They have just started a $1,000 Free multi-table event. Details for qualification are on their home page.:)
  18. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    I have been on this site & can find nothing about ownership, location, certification, or any other information that gives me a warm, cozy feeling. Have I missed something?????????????:confused:
  19. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    It looks like a work in progress. I signed up and it gave me play money to use, so I will stick to play money to see how it works.
  20. Ynotpro

    Ynotpro New Member

    Double Down for less

    I just tried and double down for less is working. If you hit double when you have less than the bet, it takes what you have for the double. It didn't work with the advance button, but this will let them know. They really work fast to make things happen.:)

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