New TV show: Double or Nothing

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jan 4, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I just got this from Kimberly Holtzman Sloan, a casting directory previously involved with WSOB...

    Have you ever dreamed about making that one bet that
    could change your life forever?

    DOUBLE OR NOTHING, is a new series for FOX REALITY,
    that follows one incredible risk-taker who plans the
    gamble of a lifetime by selling everything he or she
    owns to make one epic bet on a roulette wheel’s red or

    If you are over 21 years of age, single with no
    dependents and have what it takes to place that bet,
    we want to hear from you.

    For more information and to apply go onto or call us at 888-751-8088
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I don't think so!

    I make some crazy bets, but I hope no one here is crazy enough to take that bet. Getting on TV is fun, but not with the risk of losing everything.
  3. meatwad

    meatwad New Member

    So very true, but look at the big picture. Think of all the publicity this will bring you; and judging by past reality show participants - win or lose - they still end up pretty well off ;)

    ps: Kind of dissapointing it's Roulette instead of Blackjack :D
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2006
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Good Info From the Producer

    I spoke with the producer of this show yesterday and they believe that what Meatwad said is the truth that win or lose the player appearing on this show will make money win or lose.The executive producer of this show will be on the our radio show on Jan 19th 2006.This should help in learning about all the details of the show and the potential for the player win or lose.The shows airs every Thursday at 6 P.M. Pacific Time live from Las Vegas.

    Here is a link for the show

    the link there is halfway down the home page

    Phone number's to call in with questions

    toll free 1-866-820-5528
    Local 1-702-731-1230
  5. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Double or Nothing TV reality Show

    The producer should add a last page disclaimer (which never giveith and always takeith away) to his statement. I agree that with a small liquidated disposal of assets to risk and the advantage of youth, that with this gamble the participant may ultimitely be money ahead but someone with assets between those of Joep and Bill Gates should be cautious.
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    New Show

    Hoy! Hoy! Hoy!

    I raise a glass of beer with a scoth chaser to that one. and if I had enough of both, I'd do it. Not!

    Gosh, we talk of advantage? play? Of getting the best .And the siren/gorgan of tv P'whips the intelligence out of all but Ulysses.
  7. meatwad

    meatwad New Member

    That's why they are screening the candidates through a psychologist :p "You have $10,000,000 in assets, and you're going to risk it all? See ya!!" :laugh:
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    They want someone to risk how much?

    Damn, I'll have to buy a lot more Monopoly games to get that kind of money...LOL

    Who is smart (or lucky) enough to make $10,000,000, but stupid enough to risk it all on one spin of the wheel?

    Good luck to whoever try's it, but your a complete ASS if you do!
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    How can I make that $10,000,000? TX, you can PM me if you don't want everyone to know.:laugh:
  10. meatwad

    meatwad New Member

    I'm sure they're going to "pick" some blue collar person (99% sure it'll be a guy lol) that has a total of about 50-60k in assetts. I doubt they'd pick someone with $100k+.

    ps: The $10,000,000 was just used as an example of the person they're NOT going to choose ;)
  11. meatwad

    meatwad New Member

    Been done before...

    I thought I had heard about this being done before, and it has.

    Can't producers come up with something unique anymore? First with the hollywood movies out today (all remakes of old movies or mindless comic book movies) and continuing with TV shows. Judging by CNN's poll, they may have a hard time finding candidates:

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    Last edited: Jan 9, 2006

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