New UBT Circuit Event May 11-12

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The Venetian just announced that on May 11-12 -13 they will be holding their UBT Circuit event here in Las Vegas.This is in addition to the UBT Main Event Tour stop in July.Hope to see many of you here in Las Vegas that weekend. 100% of all entry fees will be returned.

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2007
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Couple of questions:

    1. Ken can you move this to the UBJ thread?

    2. I checked on the site and they don't have this tourney listed. I'm just wondering if this tourney is really FIRM and established - rather than what happened to the announced UBT circuit event in Oregon

    3. What is a "Circuit Event" anyway? I mean 1,000 buy in great - rebuys, payouts, and SNG, etc...

    The reason I ask is that on these dates, it competes with the TBJT and the Hilton 125K event. In addition the GN is the following weekend. Since I don't have the luxery of flying to Vegas every weekend I want to play accordingly. What would really piss me off is to schedule for this event and have it cancelled like the Oregon or IP event then miss the other.
  3. toonces

    toonces Member

    So, I haven't seen word of this since it was mentioned here. Is this definitely a go? I can't find mention of it on UBT's website or on the Venetian website.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    The reason you havent heard anything about this is the event was likely intentionally placed to be in direct competition with the River Palms event the same weekend that many of us find important. These kind of action are bad for BJT and this UBT event should be boycotted.

  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Same BS just a different time and post

    Barney you make most of us want to PUKE:vomit: with your BS

    Do you really think that the Venetian or the UBT really works their schedule around a tournament in Laughlin.

    The Venetian and The UBT Tour are major companies with offices and full staffs,who make their schedule around their timetable and not someone else.

    The Venetian is the one that scheduled this event not the UBT, and I can guarantee you they didn't look to see when a tournament was being held in Laughlin and then say lets schedule it at the same time.

    First off they are two totally different style tournaments as far as entry fees and amount returned.

    The Venetian event is returning 100% of the entry fees.

    Do us all a favor in the future think before your emit false speculations that you have no proof or evidence of.

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Speculation false?

    False speculation huh? Isnt a speculation all about guessing what the reason is? Dont twist my words and dont twist the meaning of words to make your point. If you want to sit there and say you had nothing to do with the scheduling I for one dont believe you. This is the typical kind of crap you would pull. I just hope most of the players will recognize this and support the TBJPA at River Palms May 10-13.

  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You are a clown :joker:

    When did I become the Tournament schedule director at the Venetian.You need medication.You have really gone off the deep end.

    Try this analogy Venetian Corp meeting to schedule its tournaments

    Wait Mr Adelson don't schedule our tournament then some guy who run a business out of a garage is having a tournament in laughlin that weekend maybe we should work around that tournament.:laugh:

  8. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Hold on Joep

    I know you have great influence with UBT although not as much as you have with Caesars Palace coupled with your dislike of The Flamingo, another Harrahs property.

    Is it within the realm of possiblities or speculation that when The Flamingo scheduled their Millionaire Maker BJ tournament April 12-14, you heavily handed persuaded Caesars Palace (a sister property) to schedule a $50,000 BJ tournament the exact same dates April 12-14 to dilute participation at The Flamingo?

    These two Harrahs stores are directly across "The Strip" from each other, only a pure 5 iron away and being only a Diamond and not a 7 Star card holder I can only play one, Shame On You.
  9. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    Some Questions for Joe Pane.

    It may seem like these aren't serious questions but they are. I think we'd all appreciate it if you'd answer them honestly.

    Is it possible for the UBT to do anything you'd disagree with?
    Do you think it's right that bet21 hasn't delivered on its promise of paying people bonus money?
    What is your record in televised blackjack events? How many have you competed in and what have the results been?
    Other than UBT events, what other blackjack tournaments do you support?

    Thank you.
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Stop It Will You????

    Can anyone say Dog Pile?

    A couple of comments/observations – all joking aside:

    1. Barney – why are you complaining about a conflict between UBT and TPBJA but you didn’t complain about the conflict between the UBT and the Horseshoe in Tunica? That sir smacks of hypocrisy. The prize pool and entry levels between the Laughlin event and UBT are totally different and they draw from different player bases. The higher end events at Tunica and Vegas are drawing against the same players. To complain about one and not the other shows you obvious bias.

    2. To call for a boycott of an event to which you have never even played in is, in my opinion ridiculous. Now before you try and twist my words/situation around I had/have valid reasons for doing what I did. (I actually achieved something but unlike you I can actually keep things quiet while action takes place behind the scenes and those who aren’t involved need to keep the business to themselves)

    3. Having competing BJT is bad for the events overall as it dilutes the player pool. Having said that for the individual players go to a guaranteed payout event with less players it increases the EV so there is a silver lining.

    4. Speculation is just that. Definition = “a conclusion or opinion reached by such contemplation” ( You are entitled to you speculation. Joe countered that it was false. Without evidence that you can produce you are just speculating – THAT is a fact. If you don’t want to believe Joe, once again that is YOUR OPINION and not a fact. Be careful about accusations because unless you have a tape recording, written piece of paper or an insider it open YOU to liable.

    5. GHermanski – you first question about UBT – valid question. Your last question about supporting BJT in general – valid. Your other questions are not germane to this thread and are PERSONAL attacks on Joep. On a different thread you publicly admit that you are not one to play tournament BJ that much and you don’t play online nevertheless you have a lot to say about Now I may kid and joke a lot but YOUR personal attacks are not beginning to get old – they are. Please for the sake of people who regularly contribute and read this board – unless you have something POSITIVE to say SHUT UP and leave Joep alone.

    The two of you (Barney and GHermanski) and Joep obviously have bad blood. Fine – take it outside into the gutter will you? Behaving like 3rd graders fighting about he said/she said was cute 6 months ago. Now it is down right disgusting.

    I'm not taking sides in this. I'm just sick and tired of the same ole crap over and over again. This has already chased away for very good contributors in the past and if it continues more will leave.
  11. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I disagree with Fred....

    Why does every post have to be about sunshine when given all the bad blood of the past seems to indicate something other than random scheduling conflict and further when a member decides to post an seeming inside answer then that would open him to being questioned.

    I dont believe any of these questions are personal attacks...they are just questions that can be answered or not.

    Some here by constant defense indicate a inside knowledge and interest that is valuable to explore given the sad news for the tournament community that this schedule conflict creates...

    Scheduling these events together is bad for both! It also indicates a poor plan. A smart business man would schelule to take advantage of players in town... not to split business so as to rob from each other and create bad feelings all around...

    I cant imagine this is a random decision and my vote is that this decision is bad for tournament BJ....

    Hard to stay sunny and warm given this news.
  12. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Here we go again!

    JoePane says:
    "Wait Mr Adelson don't schedule our tournament then some guy who run a business out of a garage is having a tournament in laughlin that weekend maybe we should work around that tournament."

    What a very demeaning and derogatory comment meant to disparage the honest efforts of someone who has not to this point participated in this useless thread.
    Shame on you JoePane. :joker: :joker: :joker:
  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So you're NOT tired of the bad blood banter :confused:

    Rando PLEASE read post #2 in this thread. Who posted those questions? It is ok to ask questions and that's not my point.

    REALLY? When one person claims to boycott an event that they've never been to or participated in because of something they "heard" that may or may not be true? Then another person wants to know how many TV appearances another poster has made? THAT's NOT personal?

    To me I agree about the scheduling of these events! IT SUCKS. That's why I asked the questions but I was saying anyone was malevolent.

    BTW BJFAN4 - You are correct Joe was wrong to say where HE said about the other tournament organizer, especially since that person wasn't even in the conversation. I'm with you on that 100%.

    I just wish people could either answer yes, no or I don't know and give reasons. Take the reply by Kevin B dealing with TV ratings - great answer and I learned from it.

    Personal attacks are useless and demeaning to all members of the board. I know that I learned my lesson when I went off the deep end and posted mean and disparaging comments about/to Barney for which I have apologized.

    Finally Rando, it's ok to disagree but can't we be civil? :cool:

    Hard to stay sunny and warm given this news.[/QUOTE]
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    This is good and bad, I am sure most players thought it would be a regular UBT event where they could win their $10,000 entry into the UBT championship finals.

    Two of the TBJPA events, Ken Smith’s Blackjack event on Friday 11th and Henry Tamburin’s event on Sunday 13th will have 100% instant return on both entries and re-buys. The Saturday Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT) will be 100% return, however not instantly. Out of every $300 entry $50 along with $25 out of every $150 re-buy will go to fund the TBT championship event (open to everyone).

    I’m not sure why the size of the TBJPA bothers Joep so much? Is it because it gives ALL players a chance to play or is it that the TBJPA does care about what the players want and can afford, or that we may draw more players to the Laughlin events then the multi-million dollar BIG business that as you posted, above doesn’t care about anybody else’s schedule.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    In my attempt to once again, having to dispel the numerous inaccuracies and out and out lies that Barney and a few other here seem to do over and over again.Now this time they have even gone to the point to suggest/speculate with no proof whatsoever, that I have some sort of influence on the schedule maker at the Venetian.

    So my attempt to blow this up to beyond life size so that all could see that this speculation/assine theory by Barney is just the most ridiculous theory ever posted on here.

    I used Ricks tournament as a barometer to show that never in a million years would the Venetian or the Ultimate Blackjack Tour ever consider changing their schedule so that it would conflict with Ricks or any other tournament.

    The Venetian and UBT schedule their event around their calender and no one else.The fact that Ricks company is a one man operation was the point that I wanted to highlight to Barney and his biased opinion.Why didn't he accuse the Palms/UBT of trying to sabotage the Tunica event that runs on the same day of the Palms UBT Event? You know why because this was another free shot at me and my character.

    Barney really needs to back up because he is so close to Ricks his brown spot on his nose is showing.

    The real question is Barney doing this in his attempt to bait me into saying something that will cost me a 3 day ban?

    That could be the case if I may speculate and with good cause.I might add.

    I would prefer to speak to Barney in person but he always seems to have a last minute obligation preventing him from attending events that i will be at.

    If Ricks was insulted by this I'm confused,because he himself has said that he not only runs his business from his garage but that is where all his equipment is stored.

    So I wasn't lying or looking to embarrass Rick I was just using his words from the past in regards to his tournament company,and its location and storage facility.

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  16. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Note: Rick's Quote "UBT $2,700 cost doesn’t include any re-buys, hotel, food, or travel expense and only pay the finalist".

    Rick may I please correct your inaccurate statement.The UBT event at the Palms will include a re-buy for any player who was eliminated,for no additional cost.In other words its a double elimination format tournament.We should always try to keep the facts straight.

  17. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

  18. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    not trying to be a cynic but you said "the venetian just announced" an event, when, where, and how was this announced?
  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    It was recently released in a Venetian mailer to their rated customers.Keep in mind this is a Venetian UBT Circuit Event similar to the one being held at Barona.The casino decides the entry fess and payouts.

    The Palms,Venetian,and Barona Casino have this privilege as charter members of the UBT Tour.

    Look for many more UBT circuit events in the near future in different parts of the country.

    My pleasure Twisted in answering your question.

  20. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    thanks for replying I hope you can keep us updated, we want to come down for those dates....

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