New UBT Circuit Event

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Thursday night on the " Be In Action" radio show that I co-host with Kenny Einiger we will reveal the exact dates and casino where the newest UBT Circuit Event will be held in May/June.We spoke about this briefly last week but now every thing is official and can be publicly announced .

    Tune in this Thursday night a 9PM Eastern and 6PM Pacific to hear this and all the tournament news that is current.The shows airs every Thursday night and we have great guest lined up for future shows

    Future Guest tentatively scheduled

    James Grosjean
    M. Rosa (MIT Count Team)
    Bob Nersesian Lawyer for advantage players
    Tom P & Tim B former owners of the Las Vegas Golden Nugget
    Bobby D Las Vegas Casino Exec.Host
    Jimmy Wike Casino Manager for Caesars Palace
    Les Thacker Former Tournament Director at the Las Vegas Hilton
    Beverly Griffin from Griffin Det. Agency

    links to the show


  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    UBT Champion

    In addition to the new UBT Circuit announcement we now have secured David Matthews as our in studio guest this Thursday night. For the few who might not know David or his tournament accomplishments David was the first UBT Tournament of Champions winner for season 1.

  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Trust me Joe,

    If you get Beverly Griffin to come on to the show then I will stay up until 3am to listen in.

    Andy ;)
  4. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Missing from Be in Action (The lost show)

    Bob Nersesian the Las Vegas lawyer did a great interview a while back with Ken Einiger and Joe Pane on their radio show.

    Unless I am mistaken, the show has never appeared in the Be in Action archive on the Anthony Curtis site.

    Well I have this show recorded on my computer and have tried to send it over to Joep many times via Email so that he could put it on the archive.

    I am not that good when it comes to computers so I always mess up when I try to send it to him.

    Where are Sidekick and London Colin when you need them?

    Any advice?

  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Andy actually some how in the switch from the old studio to the new studio that show is missing.If you do have a copy of it that would be great if you can send it to me. If you cant figure out how to download it to a file for an email.Please copy it to a CD and mail it to me and I will cover any expenses that you incurred doing this for Kenny and I. We have Bob Nersesian scheduled for an upcoming show to plug his new book which is a great read if you haven't gotten it yet.

  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

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