NEWS FLASH: Miss America Controversy!

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by noman, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. noman

    noman Top Member

    Dateline: Atlantic City; Gary, IN; Las Vegas; Anywhere USA:

    Donald Trump, fresh off his repreive of having his head shaved by Vince McMann, is now tearing out his combover due to a default in the upcoming Miss America Pageant. It seems this year there will only be 49 contestants.

    No one wants to be Miss Ida HO!
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    a tower of babel

    I read and re-read this post. I went to bed, woke up, read it again. I meditated, emptied my mind, re-read the post. I've taken mega-doses of vitamin B12 and read the post. But for the life of me I still can't figure out what it's all about. Do I have to be American to understand it? Or maybe Martian. I know that Trump has been having a slanging match with Rosie O'Donnel and that there was some controversy with Miss World but I didn't really follow it. I can't take Trump seriously with his hair as it is, are you saying he's had it restyled? I'd like to see that picture.


  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Babel Revisited:

    Man, I feel like Ho chin, ung see, or whatever his name was, taking bits and pieces to make a point while everyone else wonders what the puzzle is all about. It's been said for a time that my posts are that way. But, I don't own a gun and I'm not really prone to rail off and take out peoples.

    So, figuring, Reachy, doesn't know all the US scatalogical connections. And just perhaps most members here don't know either, I will try in MY best efforts to piece together my previous post.

    Where to start:

    Grab a thought! Grab a thought! Have a thought.

    Donald Trump, pretended real estate mogul and nowTV star that he is,forms a business deal with Vince McMann,(sp) son of, the father, a huge WRESTLIN(it's only entertainment) promoter. It's not sport, or it would fall under sporting rules. It's entertainment and has been ruled enterainment for eons. Each one, McMann and Trump sponser/front a wrestler,(coincidently)in McManns stable. The losing wrestler causes his sponser/fronter to have his head shaved by the other, live and in person on TV, after the main event. Good Tele, eh?

    Let's not convolut it by all other Trumpisms.

    But TRUMP is also the force behind the Miss America Pageant. Juneau, the beauty contest for unmarried, unsoiled, nubiles,who either won, or lost or didn't bother to enter a MISS TEEN, USA contest.

    TRUMP keeps shopping the Miss USA pagaent around the country. He didn't like Atlantic City, after it held all the pagaents forever. He even picked Gary, IN, home of the Jackson Five and their most famous member, now a resident of Dubai, MICHAEL(black gloved, multiple ephitats) JACKSON.

    TRUMP with all his money refuses to get an equiste wig and chooses to comb over his Grendala locks.

    So now, and for the Brits, with their captured marines and sailors)(since released) diverting their attention, from the lines of demarcation that they established for THOSE countries, it may have passed over them that TRUMP is in total Verkleptenshitch.

    In the midst of all this, the US has a former radio "shock Jock," whoaspired for legitimizy byhaving all the big "poles", or crap, politicians, not polacks, on his show, to distinguish himself form the crude Howard Stern, makes a racist, antifeminist comment that gets him FIRED. Poor Don Imus. His boys ranch in New Mexico will never be the same. Imus says the phrase, "Nappy headed HO's."

    Return to TRUMP. Trump can't get 50 contestants for the upcoming MISS AMERICA pageant, because NO ONE wants to be MISS I da HO. Idaho is a state inthe United States. There are fifty states in the United States and to have a "BEAUTY CONTEST" with one of the states missing, would not be proper.

    So long and short, if you had to explain it, albeit, poorly, it wasn't very good to begin with. I'll live, but not angst about that. But, I hope for our British "couisins" it suffices.
  4. mociferous

    mociferous Member


    Noman---You make more sense when you almost sound human! (like in person. :p ) Mo
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    wow back:

    Mo, say hi to randy. And I guess, in person it must be the arm movements, seemingly going in all directions, but pantominingly filling in the blanks.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    can you feel it?

    Nope, no clearer. All I got was something about the Jackson 5...

    Seriously, the best way to deal with male pattern baldness is to get the clippers, set them to No. 1, and run them all over your head. Of course you may end up looking lke a criminal (so my wife keeps telling me) but that has its uses...



    PS. You know that Trump is a euphamism in the UK for farting? Parp!!!
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    Well, Tump, Trump, Trump:

    My bad, Reachy.

    I shall try to abstain from posting any further, until I finish my Home Study Course, in "The Art of Clear Thinking, The Art of Clear Speaking "and most importantly, The Art of Clear Writting." Haven't decided yet, if the Dale Carnegie course and or Lenny Bruce's "How to Talk Dirty and Influence People," would be good supplemental material. Any suggestions?
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    mea culpa


    It is not your writing or thinking that is at fault, it's my comprehension. However I'm glad to report that since you last posted I have received a very powerful blow to the head with a monkey wrench and it's all become clear. It's like my third eye has been opened and your writings are now as lucid as I have ever seen.

    Anyway if you wish to sharpen up your prose I recommend

    Fluggy blofhoppers di di di ulopert tywe ge flugg [archaeopteryx] backle [jm] (Undeterminable Gibberish for Beginners)

    Prog porg intereter brup mij? [Beefy ] Gluffy! Eckli ungy wungy wungy snerg.Di di di, prog ge backle. Gilmegert mergatoids skrizzly, nipsters winkle. [archaeopteryx] Gorp gorp gorp gorp gorp. [jm] Gor! Mai underwast cen fandingler? Jawappa pendang wunterfest. [Gussie]

    Urdingly, wappen querr a bing bing asta munking burp. [Grayman] Oc gorp di tirips valoomer mij sram blubbo uyella ji bork bork bork - flokkalokkanunu! Griffco [archaeopteryx] hapten di vor prog; exnec brum di nup forten. [Ethetran] (This is a difficult concept to translate, but the speaker is endeavouring to assert his authority over the audience, who, it is plain, are far from convinced - vide. flokkalokkanunu) [Beefy ]

    Flep munter cloyt p#*!!opt. (Even undeterminable gibberish bleeps swearwords.) [chaise] Bogy gregal hockle ghazel (oops...those are all words...). [jm] Herking flangelbopp! Nibbly woggle nack a looby looby loo. [Grayman] Loo? Lulu loo. Luloo loos loo. Loo loo loo. La la la. La la lulu loo. Lulu lulu lulu lulu lulu loo. [lulu] Lew? Lous-lous. Leeeooow! [chaise] Ih ohuchrhea sthhh ehn uchan thinhu et. [fester] Di di di, gorp lululu flokkalokkanunu, frowby muquastadonia uf duffen herfers loo loo cahochoo. [archaeopteryx]

    (correction: fourth paragraph, ninth sentence. The second "loo" should actually read "loo" (see suggested subject style)). [jm] Mak wanner fas benjantous! Mila waksen jan fantou upsaladian qwa. Jhen, fhant, whaou! Quansa rondle janpohelous? Sa nee!(the speaker appeals to passions)


  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Quick, someone hit Reachy on the head again...LOL
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Actually it is!!! :confused:

    I like your new writing style. Is that a Klingon variation??? :rolleyes:
    Now if you would get rid of that obscene Avatar everything would be cool. :D

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