No Dec Blackjack Tournaments at Hustler Casino, Calif.

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Pine Tree, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    The Hustler Casino in Gardena, Calif will not be holding blackjack tournaments during Dec 2007. The tournaments will return in Jan 2008 with a few changes. I don't have many specifics except that the 1st rounds will be shorter, and there will most likely be a new tournament director.

    I would have posted this sooner but my computer has broken down. I am at the city library using their computers.

    Happy Holidays to everyone, and please do not cut down any Pine Trees for Christmas.
  2. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member

    More Information

    Thank you Pine Tree. Could you please tell me what type of format are they using at the Hustler? I heard about some different type of blackjack at the Hustler Casino. I've played no-bust 21 at Hollywood Park and will never play that horrible game ever again. Is it Las Vegas style? Thank you.
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  4. Kyle P

    Kyle P New Member

    I misread this headline "No Deck Blackjack tournament"

    I was wondering, what new set of rules is this tournament using? hahha

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