No Don't Go!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I am happy for him, but hate to see him leaving his current position at the casino.


    Les Tacker of the Las Vegas Hilton will not be running their tournaments any more as he is becoming a host. Les is best know to most of the players as the person in charge of the (now defunked) Million Dollar Blackjack tournaments.

    Les was one of the best at hosting tournaments and actually cared about the players. Always smiling and taking care of all of us.

    I hate to see you go, but best of luck in your new position.

    Hector will be the new man in charge of the Las Vegas Hiltons tournaments.

    The changes are scheduled in about a month from now.
  2. noman

    noman Top Member



    Yes, I agree, Les was great, as the assistant to Jimme and then on his own when the W moved on. But it was W who took the original "gamble", I know, you know.

    And for Les, it was a great move. A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do.

    I was flattered that I got a scripted signed sig from Les, to call him to hook me up. With my previous posts on mid strip, I just might take him up on it. But, my new year's and super bowl invites from the Hilton started at $399 without the special parties. I guess as good a guy as Les is, he's still working the "D" list of Glen Gary--Glen Ross. You know, Jack Lemon to Alex Baldwin.

    Previous Hilton tournament playas might do better with him in the new position, since we all know the state of the current tournament trail of tears.
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    TX--et al


    Happy New Year and Good Fortune in 2006, though the year 8 isn't all that great.
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hilton The Next Starbust

    Sorry to hear that Les will not be there running the tournaments anymore at the Hilton but the truth be told with the Nazi mentality now being applied at the Hilton against "Tournament Players" by the Boulder Highway poorly trained Casino Manager.Les hands were tied as far as how much he could do .He was called on the carpet for being to friendly to the players that were in the Griffin Book you know the book that was found guilty of slandering players .What a joke the Hilton has become we all here wish Les the best in his new position but there should be a better place for Les than the Hilton he deserves much better.As far as his replacement Hector is a good guy but how long will it be before they ruin him and his outgoing personality.Bring back Jimmy Wilke one of the few casino guys who actually get it.

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