No More Global

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by London Colin, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I got an email from GPC today. They are closing down completely as of the end of tomorrow (30th Nov, 24:00 GMT). It says you can still request fund withdrawals via email after that time, but it won't be possible to log on and use the cashier.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Hate to hear that

    Global was the best on line blackjack tournaments on the internet. The customer service was GREAT, any problems were solved fast and the format and rules were the very good.

    I can only hope that when and if the internet laws change that they will open back up.

    Good-bye Global, we all miss you already, I hate to hear your closing down.
  3. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    2nd that

    I echo ricks statements. Global was where I first learned about Tourney blackjack after reading about it on WONGs site. Met friends there I still have today.

    One thing that made Global strong, they were consistent with their messaging and weekly/monthly tournies.

  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I have a great idea. ClubUBT change BJ RNG and game software over to Global's.

    I only played there a month but I can say it was a great experience. Thanks for that..............
  5. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Global Demise

    Can’t be bothered to get my last few quid out of Global.

    Hope the staff can have a drink on the small amounts left in by the players.

    It would be great if the members on this site could buy as a cooperative their original tournament software for BJ games.

    What do you think Ken?

  6. noman

    noman Top Member


    Pumi, the CS people and the head programer were the tops. Global in play and CS spoiled me to what not only on-line casino's and BJ tournaments should be, but what I somehow allowed myself to be fooled into believing brick and mortar operations should be.

    Almost as much fun as the Wednesday tournament play was the side chat.
    Sometimes even better. Miss that. Miss Pumi and the crew and hope Good Fortune finds and stays with them.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well I hate to say this BUT

    There really wasn't a need for Global to shut out US players!

    Remember online gaming ISN'T ILLEGAL.

    FUNDING of the sites is - according to UIGEA.

    The recent hearings in Washington concerning that subject were interesting and with the proliferation of Visa "gift cards" funding online accounts is as easy as buying a Visa card at Home Depot, depositing some funds there and viola into the online casino of choice.

    Global and other sites caved in too soon - the allowed the US to bully them into oblivion. Personally I think they should have stood up and thumbed their nose at UIGEA
  8. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Halcyon Days

    It's where it all started for me. I was only there to bag their bonuses, when one day a reference to 'Sit&Go tournaments' appeared on the right hand side of the opening screen. I'd probably have ignored it, but they were running a promotion in which 3 players out of a table of 5 won something (3rd temporarily being awarded a free entry into another Sit&Go).

    So I dived in, still in bonus-bagging mode, knowing nothing about tournaments and not intending to stay beyond the promotion period. However, the promotion did its job and I was hooked. Global's chat room was a great addition to the games. Everyone was very friendly and generous with their advice. And at the time I had little idea just how expert some of that advice was. Which in turn led me here (at Andy's insistence), for more of the same.

    Now all we have is Andy's former user name to remind us of times gone by.:sad:
  9. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I had a little too much left in there to be quite that relaxed about it. I'd tried to withdraw it before and run into the 'send us a copy of your passport' issue. It wasn't something I was entirely comfortable about doing, so I left the whole thing in limbo.

    At any rate, either because they switched to using Webdollar to process payments in the interim, or because of the special, closing-down circumstances, I've received the money I requested yesterday, without any problems.
  10. marichal

    marichal Member


    you are so correct. global was the best. great site, with great players. it was the site to learn from some of the best.
  11. GlobalPlayerCasino

    GlobalPlayerCasino New Member

    The Sad Truth - Global Player Is Closing Its Doors

    Hi Everyone:

    It is true that we are ceasing our operations effective 11:59PM tonight. Players need not worry about withdrawing their funds, however, because they will have full access to their accounts up to closing time (i.e. Friday, 30 November, 2007 11:59PM). Thereafter, they will need to contact the Boss Media Support Dept ( to have their withdrawals processed manually.

    Similarly, Affiliates can expect to have their settlement reports run on Monday, December 3, 2007. Payments will be approved on that day, and they can then login to their WebDollar account to make their final withdrawal. All Affiliate accounts will be enabled up to December 31st to make the process smoother.

    One thing you can bank on is that all accounts (whether Player or Affiliate) will be paid in full.

    We really did have a great run. Eight (8) years is a milestone in this industry as you can appreciate. We solidified some great relationships and learned so much over the years. It is sad that this is the final goodbye for Global Player, but, sometimes, in business, the unexpected happens. What can you do but roll with the punches?!

    A sincere thanks for all your kind words, your compliments, and the memories.

    All our warmest wishes for the upcoming holiday season.

    The Team at Global Player
  12. Farewell

    Appreciate the class you showed with this post. Many of us enjoyed your site and especially appreciated the great tournaments that you hosted. Global Player will be missed by the blackjack community!
  13. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I want to add my sorrow at the closing of your site. Even though I came to the party barely too late to join, I'd heard nothing but good things about Global Player from those who have been around awhile.
    Perhaps in the future, post-UIGEA, the site can return!
  14. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Class act!

    Global-Player was a class act from the start and now to it's finish. Communications were timely and honest even when delivering bad news and Global-Player avoided exaggerated self promotion when delivering good news.
    Customer service set a very high bar that few others could follow.
    Unfortunately and particularly in the case of BJT's it could not overcome a general lack of interest from the online gaming population and the despicable UIGEA.

    I raise a glass of red wine to the great team at Global-Player! Salute!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2007
  15. tgun

    tgun Member

    sad news!

    Global afforded My wife and I some of the best times of our lives. We met so many great prople both players and staff. GPC will still be a source of great memories.

    I can only hope that a new casino will pick-up were Global left off. I'm sure that GPC won't be duplicated, but I hope someone at least tries.

    Farewell and good luck to all of GPC's staff.

    tgun & swede21
  16. marichal

    marichal Member


    as kevin stated, you are a class act. best of luck to the staff. fond memories, will be retained.
  17. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    Add my voice to the chorus of thanks for a good run. For me it lasted less than a year but I still remember the thrill of coming in first in a weekly qualifier.

    UBT was never as good.
  18. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    I, too, have much to thank global for. Great friends and good times that none of the other sites can even come close too. We always hoped that after UIGEA, Global would come back. It is a sad day.
  19. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Your're right, Tgun

    I remember well the first time we met. If my memory is correct, it was at a reception after registering for a Tunica Grand BJ Tournament. You and Lou wrote down handles of Global players for us and we were able to put faces with the players we challenged nightly in sng's.

    In fact, I still carry the notebook sheet in my wallet. :D

    Global was the vehicle that allowed us to cultivate and appreciate some very special friends!

    How about another Global Reunion.......down south, this time!

    Thanks for the memories and good times yet to come for ex-GP players!

    counselorlee, lotsaluc, LDE, and FEIII
  20. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Stop it PLEASE!

    I get all misty eye'd when I read this thread!

    YES Global was #1 with Customer Service

    YES Global had a viable model and was a rallying point for the BJT world

    YES Global had great chats on Wed afternoons


    Why don't we EVER recognize people/places/things when they're around? Why do we always wait until AFTER they've departed?

    If players here are gonna continue to weep and cry over the loss of an old friend than darn it do it in style like Counselorlee suggests - have a BJT WAKE in memory of GLOBAL!

    Lets get a central location, rent out a conference room, bring chips, cards and hold our own Global BJT!

    I'll bring the champaign and dip! :D

    We'll even invite Joep to deal and insult everyone ok? :laugh:

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