Not a top player

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by LA Bob, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. LA Bob

    LA Bob New Member

    I listen to Kenny E radio show the other night and heard a call from Regina who claimed that she is one of the top players and could not understand why she did not get invited with the top pros to Aruba.Is this the same player who never did advance in 3 years at the hilton's million dollar tournament.How can someone who never qualifed. And I cant recall the last tournament she has won a tournament consider herself a top player.The players that I hear are going are the real top players who have proven results and and make for good TV.I know I will be watching and learning from the best around.Good luck in Aruba to all who were chosen.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Flawed criteria

    I am not here to defend Regina (she can take care of herself) or anyone else for that matter but:

    Your criteria for judging a person's ability is seriously flawed. You should be making judgements on a person's play, not whether or not a single or string of tournaments are won or lost. Every pro has stories of strings of losses. Winning blackjack tournaments is hard. The fact is that everyone will loose subtantially more tournaments that they'll win. It's the nature of the beast.
  3. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    My two cents

    Regina has overcome a serious handicap to be able to play Blackjack tournaments. She should be applauded for this accomplishment. Also, she has managed to win first place in a couple of major tournaments. Not bad at all.
    As for being a top player, well, Lady Luck has much to say in that regard.
    In any event, we are all legends in our own minds. No exceptions and that's ok.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    Top Players:

    In the whatever it's worth category. regina was on the first televised game show network bj tourney. She has won tourneys and does play well. So i can see her point.

    She has a track record. Has already demonstrated her viewability and is adding to her persona.

    Thought most of the arguements on the televised events was in favor of personalities.

    She certainly has that, plus game
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Class = Top Player

    Being considered to be one of the top players requires a lot.Your acceptance amomg the players is one and how you accept your results good and bad is another one,Its easy to be a gracious winner it's even more difficult to be a gracious loser.Results will help your cause, but it takes class also.
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    top player

    oooo. Joep.

    This is starting to sound cliqueish.

    I mean, I'm beginning to label complainers as sweetieing. But, because someone complains, or whines, doesn't fit into the rest of the groups comfort zone, shouldn't be a reason to exclude them.

    Nor should undue complaining allow them in.

    My main point, regardless of her opinion, is that she does offer that difference, as much as I dislike the edge it should have given her to be included.

    I'm surprised again cause of the need of personality tv, that she wasn't invited.
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Juiced In

    From what I understand they want to develope some fresh new faces who have a good TV edge to them.Im thrilled that that chose me.But I have a feeling that Rick Jensesn put in a good word for me.He has had several meetings with the production company.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Bad Joe

    LOL that was a good one, but everyone knows that your the talent scout for the untimate bet and the Aruba shows Joe. They asked you before you to help pick BJ players before you started the radio show.

    I do want to thank you for inviting me to the Aruba tournaments, I guess you need someone down there you could pick on.

    All kidding aside, thanks for the invite.
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I was going to respond in this thread, but I don't really know what to say. I will say that we've probably had enough stirring the pot though.

    I look forward to the day when blackjack on TV has gained enough acceptance that all the events will be open to everyone who either puts up an entry fee or wins a satellite.
  10. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Well said and probably enuff said.

    Seems to be a double standard here. Open to all is what I hear as the way to go, and yet tournaments open only to the "connected" are ok.
    I am completely with you on this one.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Enough jokes

    I'll stop kidding with JoeP about the Aruba trip. Truth is niether one of us have anything to do with who goes. We were just jacking with each other.

    We will stop the horse play.
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Not What It Seems

    BJFAN4 its not what it seems .We are all just having a little fun at our own expense.No one who is going to Aruba applied or was juiced in.This was all done from a production company in hollywood that has been scouting some poker and blackjack players.Im the first one to advocate opening all blackjack tournaments to all.But when one company is putting up all the money and covering expenses for all the players plus TV cost I guess that have the right to pick whom they want.At least GSN accepted applications,this is a private production company and they have a plan for TV blackjack tournaments which I fully support and so should everyone.Anything that's good for blackjack tournaments i'm fully behind.
  13. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Enough said.

    Got it a while ago. Thanks to Rick I was even a part of it for a very short while. Have fun in Aruba.
    Long live BJ tournaments open to all and anything or anyone that promotes open BJ tournaments. :rolleyes:
  14. Maximumbettor

    Maximumbettor New Member


    :flame: My questions would be...

    What qualifies someone as a "top player" or even a "pro"? What accomplishments in the blackjack world would qualify a person to fall into one of those categories or even give them the right to label themselves as one of those titles? Would it be how many tournaments they have won? How many final tables they have been at? Would it be a dollar amount? Would it be live table play? Would it be style of play? What tourneys qualify as being a tourney worth labeling yourself as a "pro"? Just some food for thought.

    How long can a “pro” be considered one after not participating in major tourneys ? Should not ones peers bestow “pro” status? Is winning a handful of tourneys qualify you as being a "pro"?

    I think it is very vain to label oneself as a pro unless proven otherwise or as our subject put it...the one of best bj tournament players in the country.
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Top player

    Maximumbettor a top player would be one that advances on a regular basis and has won multiple events in my opinion. There are several players that are very good that have yet to win an event, but that is just a matter of time.

    A good player must know how to put themself in the best possible position to advance to the next round and give them the best chance at winning in the finals.

    Dose it always happen "Hell No"! To much luck involved. Every tournament you'll see a "Top Player" that hasn't advanced. That is the nature of the game.

    You want my take on the "Pros" you can read my other post at the land base tournaments section to see how I feel about that term.

    Is it vain to call yourself a "Pro" or "Top Player" not up to me to say, they call themselves whatever they want, it is up to them. For myself I just say I'm a recreational player.

    *In tournament play you need to play everyone at the table, you just try playing one or two and you'll be watching the tournament as a spectator for the rest of the day.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2005
  16. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    I'm good, maybe

    Hey Rick.....I got personaility :D ....just can't win a BJ Tourney :( !!!!
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Can't win a Blackjack Tournament, but you have personality and you want to be on TV.Are you willing to dye your hair !!!! :laugh: . This is a joke I repeat this is a joke........ No flaming reponse needed. But if you feel the need go right ahead I need the typing excerise. Plus things have been slow here with Rick working on getting all the players ready for Aruba ;)
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2005

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