Not something you see every day

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by London Colin, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Heads-up game at
    First round.
    BRs: 2000.
    Max Bet: 1000.

    My opponent leads off with a 1000 max bet. I bet 401 in response.

    Opponent DDs and so is all-in on the first hand. Hand total is 17.

    I've got T,T and so decide to split, since only a dealer 17 has the potential to make that a bad move. By the time I'm finished, I have split to four hands, all of them T,T!

    Alas, the dealer bust, so I was still behind going into round 2; but less so than if we had just won our initial single bets.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I had a cute one happen yesterday while playing one of those annoying ClubUBT freeroll qualifiers.

    First hand, table of 7, 4 to advance. Yes, FOUR! Anyway, I'm betting early, pop $5K out, three guys bomb in with all-in starting bets and another one bets half. Of those four guys, they are dealt 20, 20, 19, and the half-in dude gets 10. Dealer has 6, I figure this game is going to get out of hand immediately. Half-in dude DD's for the rest of his bankroll. Dealer takes that 6 and adds (I think) 7, 2, A, and a 5 for 21. Busts out the three bombers, half-in dude with the DD gets an A for a push. Three guys gone, four advance - a one-hand game! :laugh:
  3. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member

    Bravo and Great post

    That was awesome LeftNut. What a hand bro. I see this all the time when I'm on as well. Where you'll have three or four players at the table go all in and bomb out. What is really interesting is the four advance scenario. Wow.....I have never seen that in a freeroll qualifier. What gives? In addition, it seems as if is updating the software almost every other week too. LeftNut, how do you feel about four advancing? Do you think it's fair or is trying to make it an even playing field? Just curious.
  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    If only it were always that easy.:) I think I remember seeing a PlayUBT TEC game finish in one hand - six guys gone!

    In my situation, what would you have bet in response to the 1000? With just two players, I can see an argument for betting 999, but I settled on 401.

    I wanted to bet slightly less than half, so that I could play my hand normally if my opponent should surrender and I also had the possibility to almost catch up via a DD or get a big lead via a surrender, depending on the outcome and correlation possibilities of the other player's hand.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Bi-Kemba -
    As far as how they decide how many advance, I'm sure it's a computer-driven decision. Personally, instead of a 4-advance round, I would be happier if there were less rounds by making the 4-advance into a 2-advance.

    Colin -
    Interesting that you can bet an oddball amount like 401. Since it's the very first hand, I'd not be too excited about making so sure that I was in the lead after the hand. 501 sounds like a good bet to me.

    You didn't say what the dealer had up, it would have heavily influenced my decision about splitting 10's after the other guy stood on 17.

    The playUBT TEC game scenario with Game Over after first hand was unusual but not terribly rare.
    I didn't count 'em, but think I won about a half-dozen of them that way.
    It was always good for a great :laugh:
  6. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Yeah. I play at two sites which have the same, min bet = $100, betting increment = $1 arrangement :- Blackjack21 and GameAccount. I've evolved a couple of strategies specific to these sites.

    I believe it was a 2. I might have thought twice if it had been a 7, but I still think splitting would have been the right play as my only downfall would be a combination of dealer 17 and more stiff than pat hands after I [re-]split.

    I confess that I usually joined the all-in crowd when playing for TECs, on the basis that it was probably the quickest way to win so long as there was a never-ending supply of new tables to join when you bust out.
  7. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    I think I know why they have the 4-advancer rounds. It is to prevent a potential 1-advancer round. Remember that being everyone's pet peeve? Well, there is no longer any 1-advancer round, at least I haven't experienced that yet at ClubUBT.

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