NYNY $250k Blackjack Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by kelly_c_ritter, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. I'm not inclined to add this tournament to the calendar because it strikes me as a ripoff. This is an invitational tournament with the $250k prize fund contingent upon getting 100 participants paying a $2500 entry fee. The dates are November 21,22 with all the tournament play on the 22nd. There is also a $1000 rebuy fee (details unspecified) presumably for those who don't advance from the first round. Prize structure is ($150k, $50k, $15k, $12k, $10k, $8k, $5k). If this were an open tournament, I wouldn't feel so negatively towards it, but for a high end invitational tournament, I feel the norm should involve a casino providing an overlay rather than pocketing the rebuy fees.

    NYNY has been somewhat erratic in the past with their blackjack tournaments. They have run some very worthwhile tournaments, and they have also run some tournaments that were worthy of a player boycott. I think this tournament falls into the latter category.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Thanks for the info, kelly_c_ritter. Very informative. However, I disagree with your decision not to post this on the calendar. I feel it's always best to post the good and bad on the calendar. I (and I'm sure others) use the calendar, in part, to review the history of tournaments to help determine if a given casino is improving their tournaments. Also, the information you posted here on the forum will be virtually lost in a week or two or three but a record on the calendar will be easily referenced for years to come. :) Hope you reconsider.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  3. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member

    I Disagree Here

    I disagree with you here toolman1. I don't know if anyone agrees with me or not. However, who ever does agree with me on the site? Here goes. I wouldn't even think about putting a tournament on the calendar of this magnitude to monitor how well or not a particular casino is managing their tournament. My only disagreement with you is the reason for why you would. I wouldn't put it on the calendar because these are hard economic times the American people and probably blackjack community is facing right now. I don't care if I had $50 million dollars right now. I refuse to pay $2500 for a tournament that is equivalent to mortgage note here in California. God bless you all that can afford a tournament of this magnitude because I'm wondering if I have a job tomorrow and can have somewhere to stay versus trying to get 100 people to pay $2500.00. I want to really see this happen though.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Just to expand a little on my previous post. The Calendar on this site is merely a listing of blackjack tournaments. It is not called "Calendar of Good Tournaments" nor is it called "Calendar of Bad Tournaments". It is simply a Calendar, a "Listing" if you will, of all tournaments. Posting on the Calendar is not an endorsement of an event. It is intended to keep other members informed. The Calendar poster can, if he desires, express his opinion on the event in the Calendar but this shouldn't be the determining factor in deciding to post or not to post. Economic conditions and quality of the tournament are determining factors in deciding to play or not to play but certainly have nothing to do with posting an event which keeps members informed.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Calendar Listings

    I am always in favor of maximum information. List all tourneys, hopefully with as complete information as possible, and let each player make a choice as to if he/she wants to play in a particular tourney.
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Agreed wholeheartedly. Post 'em all, add your comments to the info if you wish.
    Pretty smart group of folks here, let everyone make up their own minds.
  7. c21rick

    c21rick New Member

    I agree with both of you!!! Hard to do in this world!! How about a rating system on the calender from our members as a quick reference! Seems like the Hilton when they changed everthing at the last moment! Even tough I can afford to attend, if rating by our members is on the calender, such as will not attend due to (****) , I will avoid going. If ken can put a member reference for quick lookup, it might shake up Vegas and others.
  8. Tournament Apparently Cancelled

    This tournament now shows up in my online MGM-Mirage offers as being
    cancelled. I assume this means that the tournament was cancelled as opposed to my invitation to the tournament being withdrawn.

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