Obtaining past hand results

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I was wondering if anyone knows the anser to this one.

    In replaying some of my recent games I want to "re-visit" my actions to see what I did wrong, wether bets placed or hitting vs. standing etc.

    I know on Blackjack21.com there is a feature that you can go and review the entire game that you played.

    Is there a feature like that on Bet21.com or UB21.com that will allow me to download my games for me to review them at a later time?

    If there is not, does anyone have any suggestions about how to record my games/plays in the future - other than just writing everything down in a notebook?

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    There were some posts here a while back about screen capture programs that could be used for this. Unfortunately, the file sizes produced are huge, so this has limited appeal I think.

    If you are still interested, search for "screen capture" here.
  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    you can review

    your hands in the History option - but only while the game is in session, I think - I have wanted to do this too - but haven't figured out how to do so after the game ends -
  4. Archie

    Archie New Member

    As for historiy of particular games or hands, I asked Customer Support (Bet21) in a few contentious cases and they quickly (few days at most) send them to me. Note : They do have a limit on the number they'll send you, but I can't remember how many.

    I also used the option on the screen a few time, but it's been disctracting and responsible for bad decisions while playing . I don't think there is a print option, which would be very useful indeed.

    As for keeping track of your record on real money games, Bet21 offers an interesting option where you'll find your overall record in detail. Go to the section Cashier My Account. There, you'll be able to print your game history record or transactions for all real money games by clicking on the printer logo (top right). Only drawback, you can only get your last month play. For the overall history, you'll have to ask Customer Support. They'll send you an Excel attachment of all your transactions.

    Personally, I now keep an easy to update record of my real money games (for freerolls, you'll still have to record them by hand...if you really care about those).

    Here's what I did.

    After developing two separate grids (one for SnG's and another one for Prize Pool Tournaments), I compiled my overall record since I started playing online on Bet21, October 7 (with percentages of "Won" and "In the Money", total cost, money won, overall profit and loss).

    Now I have a running record, easy to update, of my play on Bet21. I find it very useful. As of December 10, I recorded the results of 367 real money games. Compiling is a lot of work the first time (you have to go way back), but your skill level comes out real fast when you do that. You get a clear picture and sometimes, when you think you are in a bad slump, the figures show you it's not as bad as you think

    If interested, I'll be glad to provide you with my two templates. (How do I send an attachment?)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2006
  5. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Thanks for the interesting info Archie and I'd love to see your templates.
    Under "Additional Options" below your post window, there is a button to attach a file, and it lists accepted file types.

    Also, capturing a screen shot is not that tough or distracting on a PC. Just hold "Ctrl" and press "Prt Sc" at the moment you want to capture and carry on with your game. That's it. What that will do is save the shot, which after the game you can paste into a MSWord document (or other) to view. Drawback is that only one shot can be on the clipboard at a time, of course.

    Also--367 games? What's your handle Archie (if you care to share)? I'm sure we must have played together at some point... just nice to know who all fellow BJTers are... Anyway, I'd also love to know people's baseline final table (in the money) rate in the 30+ player tourneys there. It'd help us all know how we stack-up, skill-wise.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2006
  6. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Here are my results (see attachment). To get the template for your use, just delete my stats. As you can see, the SnG template distinguishes skill levels : I have excellent results in the 30+ and under and poor results in the 50+ and over (also fewer games proportionnally speaking, because I have to watch my BR). The game is tighter, brain-draining and more interesting in the higher levels (starting at the 20 and 30+ levels), where you can witness all the advanced plays and the jockeying around. Mistakes are deadly the higher level you go; it's much tougher, sometimes impossible, to catch up when you get down to 3 or 4 players. My user name online is Archaman7425.

    Attached Files:

  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    >>> snip from Archie attachment
    Grand Total*: 367 games

    Won = 48 (13%)

    In the money = 118 (32.1%)

    Cost = $9043

    Money won = $9100

    + $56

    Im wondering about how many hours it took to play all those games? How much did Bet21 make,, $904?
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    So Barney, how many hours have you played at Blackjack21? What's your hourly income? How much did Blackjack21 make off your play?

    What's your point?
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Barney how about your EBJ results:

    Won = 0
    In the money = 0
    Money won = 0

    Hours spent bad mouthing something you've never tried = plenty

    Seeing Barney Stone getting his ass kicked at Bet21.com = priceless! :joker:


    Thanks for the file and the honesty about your results. Not many people have the chutzpa to do that - my hats off to you.

    Regarding your comments about the higher the tables the differences between the playing - absolutely. There are certain good players who will NOT play anything lower than $30 tables because of the "unorthodox" players and style.

    Don't give up keep trying - just remember that one size DOESN'T fit all!
  10. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I thought

    all his play was since Dec 1st but now I see it says, the fields is a little scrambled on his attachment, that it is Oct - Dec. So I was mistakingly amazed he played over 300 hours in a little over 2 weeks in December. I dont play at Blackjack21 very often maybe 5 hours this month that yields over 40$ per hour. If you include Golden Palace, during that same time frame Oct - Dec, while considering only time games took it would be about 200$ per hour.

    BTW, interestingly, Joe had posted a while back about the payout ratio Archie stated at about 30+% place rate breaks you slightly to positive and you get a lotof practice time.

    hey Fred if you are playing hundreds of hours per month change your motto to,, Living Small.;)
  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I like to play for the sheer enjoyment of playing TBJ. Any profits are a bonus. If we get too bogged down with FT or ITM rates it can suck the pleasure out of it and when I stop enjoying it I stop playing.


  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    That is a good rate Archie has. I dont know what the average is but his rate above 28% is a good one. I wasnt saying his play is bad.

  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Good point and that was why I asked that in a different thread - why do you play TBJ?

    For some it is the thrill of the play, for others there is social interaction, others use it for stress relief.

    For each of us there are different reasons.

    With regard to keep a record of wins/losses and percentages - well I personally do that becaseu I use it as a guage of how well I'm learning the game.

    There are certain games that I play in which I attempt new techniques and methods but I try to do that on the lower tables. What I've learned is that there are different styles that work well at different levels.

    Just go as an observered on the 1.00 tables, keep notes on the average bets - then go to a $100 table, note the same things and you'll see a statistical difference.

    Now Barney, calm down there don't get your feathers all ruffled! I guess it is nice to play at Blackjack21.com and be big man on campus. Did you beat all other 3 players there?
  14. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    ""Did you beat all other 3 players there?""

    Money is Money my man:laugh:
  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    record keeping

    I'm shocking at it! I did do it for a while but stopped for some reason. I keep on meaning to restart but it's always "I'll start tomorrow". I always think my account status gives me a rough but effective measure of how I'm doing but I realise I need more information to fine tune my game.

    I like to win, if I didn't win I wouldn't play, my ego wouldn't be able to take it. But at the moment I can't see TBJ really supplimenting my income to any great extent since I don't have the BR to play the higher stakes games that would make it a realistic propostition. Until I can do that it's only ever going to be recreational to me.


  16. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Just enjoy it

    Recreation, hobby, or whatever you want to call it is what 99.999% play for. There may be a couple that can make a living out of it but I'm not even sure about that. A few more can supplement their income nicely I'm sure. But for the rest of us, we do it for fun - except when we lose :mad: . Playing on-line or live, just have a good time. Make some new friends and pass the time. :D
  17. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    it's fun!!!!!

    tbj is fun - I have never talked with anyone who had just played their first tourney who did not say - it was fun and that they were going to do it again - evryone gets a kick out of it -

    I do think live, bricks and mortar, is really much, much more fun than on-line - and I have an inherent distrust of all on-line casinos - there is no effective regulation of these sites - maybe the British ones - Isle of Man - but those we can't play - so I can't see risking the bigger buy-ins - just stay very small - so I really see on-line play as practice for live play - trying out strategies and moves, etc. - that you might want to use in a live tourney - but fun to do - and I think the on-line play has very much helped my live play

    I keep track of all my live play table by table - like fgk42 does - that is part of the fun - seeing how you are progressing -

    I too question if anyone really makes a living off of just tbj - the game has too much of a luck component, too few open tourneys with big prize pools - requires too much travel expense to get to the bigger tourneys - and the many small tourneys you can play every day in Vegas - etc - just don't pay enough - I can't see many players managing enough well paying tourneys and finishing in the money consistently enough - to really make a decent living off of tourney play - maybe combined with a lot of advantage play - and that one lucky $1,000,000 win to keep you going for a few years
  18. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Thanks Arch!

    Thanks much Archie--your stats are impressive I'd say, although one would always hope that a 32% in-the-money rate over that many games would deliver more than $56... but, as to just how good that rate looks? Compare it to this post from Joe Pane in which he states his 3-year average final table rate is 17.1%.

    (The rest of this discussion is under "World Series of Blackjack--Thread Title: Going Pro...")

    Joep's post in full:

    "Thanks to Elyssez

    I finally found the old post that I was referring to, it was back in June and some guy named Joep2 posted that is why I could not find it last night. I was looking under the wrong Joep

    The Title of the thread was " Losing Streak Again" in June of this year

    Mr Darklord your post made me go back and look on my records as far as my final table results

    Your success rate of 25% to 30% is something that would be hard to accomplish over a longer period of final table results

    I check my records and here they are

    Keep in mind all these tournaments that I have listed were multi table tournaments that required at least winning 2 rounds others were up to 4 and 5 rounds to get to a final table

    There are some players who will play in a 12 player tournament that has 2 tables of 6 and advances 3 from each table to the finals.

    I have never played in that format but if I did I would not list it as a final table appearance. Unless of course GSN wanted to know how many Finals I had been in

    In the year 2003

    Tournament played 147
    Final Tables 25 which equals 17 %

    In the year 2004

    Tournaments played 84

    Final Tables 14 which equals 16.6 %

    In the year 2005

    Tournaments played 26

    Final Tables 6 which equals 23 %

    Over all 17.1 %

    As you can see my numbers are pretty consistent over the last 3 years

    The only thing that has changed is my ability to play in them as the numbers of tournaments played have steadily decreased in the last 3 years.

    I hope some other player's here would reveal their results so the new players can fully understand the numbers of this crazy game that we all love, live ,sleep, eat and drink for

    Here's to variance

  19. Archie

    Archie New Member

    As for percentage, I think a clear distinction has to be made between tournaments (many rounds), lower percentage (25.4%), and SnG's one round. higher percentage (35.4%). That is why I made two grids. My grand total (32.1%) includes twice as many SnG than tournaments. Joe was including only tournaments (multi-table)? Only the lower number should be put in comparison, and even then EBJ is a different game in so many ways, and especially online where the environment is totally different.

    I played a total of 249 SnG's and I believe that they give a clearer picture of the level of skill. In the 10+1, where I played 48 games, my percentage went as high as 68.7 %. At the lower end, I record 11% for the 100 + 9 (9 games) and 18% in the 50+ (22 games).

    Strangely, where I played the more games, the 5 +.50 (64 games),the percentage (35,9) is the closest to my overall SnG's percentage (35,4). Who knows, maybe I would get the same results in the 100+9 if I played as many games? Gotta be careful and watch the BR, though, if I want the game to remain fun and recreative.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2006
  20. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Archie thanks for the informative info ...I couldnt quite make out your numbers as my zip system is a mystery to me and the numbers come out looking like my Russian wifes native alphabet...lol

    You are certainly one of the toughest guys in a tournament and Im always glad if you are NOT on my table...lol

    Are the bigger money games tougher? Well there are more sharks swiming in those waters ... but I would bet that your game stacks up with any "shark" and perhaps your lower results are simply a matter of the lower percentage of time that you spend in this category....

    I certainly understand the BR protection mode and the need to limit higher stakes play but I doubt it is for any other reason than a low swing on the win loss situation in the high stakes games...you play the same game ...just much less of higher stakes...so your numbers havent had a chance to level off in that area...

    I have played enough with you to say that I havent noticed that you tighten up or play more conservative as the stakes rise....your game is rock solid and also your trial period is short yet so time will tell as you go along.

    As far as the other comments here about online play etc....yes, I agree its scary and Id like to see a little more oversight and non peer review and Id like to see some trial run stats on random dealing etc...but all in all I think our game is one of the best.

    It bothers me when these games seem to end so early...but not because I think I am being singled out to lose...rather I wonder if the rake per hour rates are adjustable??? Still it seems like a fair game and I cant think of a better one.

    Poker has huge money games going all the time. There are thousands of folks wagering huge sums...there are certainly a few sharpies who would notice a scam... I dont think its happening ...at least at the bigger better rep sites.

    Would I bet a dime in the regular BJ game online? Well, I have bet my small change there ocasionally and I have even won ...but no I wouldnt.
    I watch ocasionally and Im quite surprized at the number of guys who play this and the amounts they are betting...and I have seen a few even win. But this is a losing proposition certainly.

    I think online tournament play is fairly safe....and thats the game we love...

    Barney Im gonna have to come after some of that money you are winning....I dont know why you choose to not play EBJ but I think its fun and challenging and only slightly different and Im sure you would do good at it....so would Ona...XOXO...lol

    Id like see a tournament going on in every casino I enter ....just like STUPID POKER...now here is a long, slow game...Im playing a little poker and Ive decided that the secret to poker is dead boring patience...I have to give great credit to the editors of these shows because playing with some of these guys who study 2 cards for a ten dollars bet or fold decision and it taking endless minutes for a decision is about as exciting as watching oil based (its slower) paint dry.

    Im all for any style BJ tournament play...its a fair, fun game in any form...thats why I dont believe casinos push it frankly...SOB's (thats pronounced sons a bitShaus) SO lets push for raked games just like poker...heck poker rakes per hour must be quite low compared to what rake rates per hour for Bj would be...

    Lets hope our game moves forward in every form...2006 certainly brought some great new things as well as some hard hits...sorta like life....

    Lets push to support and promote every style of our game...each form is fun and all will benefit when the masses catch on to how much of a challenge and how much fun it really is to play tournament style BlackJack.

    Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

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