OK to put your money into Online UBT site?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Reachy, Jul 7, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Just got an email saying that the UBT site would be up and running for online BJ tournaments within the next 6 weeks. I just wanted to check what the forum thought of this. Would you be happy to put your money in?


  2. victorj

    victorj New Member


    hi guys,

    miss me??? :p

    UBT... hmmm. am i dumb... (don't answer that :laugh:) or is this not the site that you are referring to:


    wanna sign up for anything and everything and need a little assistance in finding places.

    am already in global player, kiwi casino, casino verite (biggest load of...)

    where can i find UBT, and where can i sign up to the mailing list?
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I think. UBT is the Ultimate Blackjack Tour which is a new elimination-style BJ tournament format that's being televised in the US soon. For more info there is a specific UBT forum within this forum.

    I think www.bet21.com will be the online TBJ site whereas www.ultimateblackjacktour.com has information on the format, the players and the schedule. They've managed to bring in some poker stars including Devilfish who I'm sure you know.

    Online elimination style tournament BJ is still only available at Global and BJ21.com.

    Hope this helps


  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Does anybody know the format for online UBT?


    I'm guessing they will have Sit and Go's at various prices and multi-tables for various prizes including UBT entry. Anybody know any prices? Likely rake? Deposit bonuses? Free games?

    Who will be depositing from the forum? I guess we can trust the site as it's part of the UBT machine and not some dodgy offshore company who nobody has ever heard of.



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