On-line entry fees

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    With the e-mails going out that the UBT on-line events will be starting up in about 6 weeks, I was wondering what the entry fees will be for the satellite events to win a seat at one of the $2,500.00 entry fee land base tournaments.

    I was thinking that if the prize money is based on 100% of the entry fees than we would need the following:

    1. For a $25.00 entry we would need 100 players for a winner take all satellite.

    2. For a $250.00 entry we would need 10 players for a winner take all satellite.

    3. For a $500.00 entry we would need 5 players for a winner take all satellite.

    I want these satellites to work, but when Global-Player is only drawing in an average of 35 - 40 players and at a $10 to $40 average entry, it makes me wonder if UBT can pull them off? I hope they can.

    I'm concerned about the average players who make up not only this site, but are over 80% of most land based tournaments players and can't afford the $2,500.00 entry fees. Unless I get sponsorship I can't afford those entry fees either.

    Hopefully none of my worries will be a problem once UBT get there on-line gaming up and running.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    It's all about marketing

    The reason Global don't get many people is because they don't have very good marketing. For example, as far as I know they have done no promotion for their upcoming freeroll and $6000 tourney. All the promotion seems to have been informally through this forum. However my brother tells me that there were 49 seats left when he registered so that means 76 have gone already. Not bad considering.

    The UBT machine has been rolling for months (years?) now and awareness is huge. They should be able to get 100 player easily I've no doubt. What I'd like to know is will there be any UBT qualifiers that are entirely internet-based? Certainly the only way I'm ever likely to play!!!

    I also take it that you're without question happy to put your money into the UBT site?


  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Relax It's A Great Time For Blackjack Tournaments

    Everyone take a deep breath now and let it out slowly.Once the UBT on line site is up and running all players will be able to win there seat on line to all UBT tournaments for season 2 and beyond, with tournament cost starting at FREE .Yes FREE player's who wins their seat at www.playUBT.com for FREE will go directly to the final table . As the famous game board once said do not stop but go and collect. UBT will be saying come and win your share of Millions of dollars and your 1 hour worth of fame shown on CBS TV and played in destinations all over the world.

    If you are not the player who wins their seat for FREE .The official sanctioned on line site will be offering UBT tournaments with many varied dollar amounts to win your 2,500 entry fee.

    So everyone step back and look at this opportunity that has never been available to blackjack tournament players before. No matter how small your bankroll is you can and will be able to play on the UBT Tour.

    We all wanted what poker has, now is our chance to pass poker.Remember poker as big as it has become it still is on cable TV.

    UBT is on the #1 network in the world CBS

    Remember Sept 16th on CBS 2 PM eastern

    Once you see this show you will be making your plans to be part of the UBT Tour and the most exciting time ever for blackjack tournaments.It's going to blow you away

    Can it get any better than this

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  4. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    This is great news.

    Last week on "Be in Action" both Joe and Kenny were talking about entry fees and Team UBT. It is comforting that Team UBT along with all other entires will be paid in full.

    For myself, I'm banking on qualifying online without having to pay $2,500. With that said, I'm not going to bitch if I do not get on CBS next year. The opportunity is there for all of us. And yes, it could possibly be FREE!

  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    As one with a small bankroll, this sounds GREAT!

    And Joep it can get better if I win the seat to the final table...LOL :D
  6. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    I just want...

    one of those nifty UBT Polo shirts

  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    You can have the shirt...

    Sidekick you can have the shirt, I just want the money...LOL :D
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    What about overseas players?

    Will online qualifying be open to Europeans and other non-US residents?


  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Lets Rock & Roll

    If you have internet access you are qualifed to play and win .No matter where you live or how good you are, you can play.

    No more Starbust BULLSHIT

  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I wanna play NOW!!!!

    What is the structure of the games? How many hands? When is(are) the elimination round(s)? Are there avatars? And what is starburst bullshit? I think I've had something similar but I had had a King Prawn Vindaloo the night before! God that stung......:flame:


  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Nothing Like it

    Trust me reachy you have never had anything like Starbust BULLSHIT
    It would only be right if someone not as biased as me would tell you . Maybe Hollywood is free to explain it to you

  12. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Curiosity killed the cat but,

    What is "King Prawn Vindaloo", sounds deadly.
  13. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member


    you need to ignore Joep on this subject.
    He, along with a few other notable tournament players, are not allowed to participate in any Stardust, (Las Vegas), tournaments, mostly due to perceived advantage play, or management not wanting the "same old" players winning every time, while their "loyal customers" bitch about it. The Stardust really put on a very nice tournament, but has only one more scheduled before they blow-up,(Joep favorite part), the place for a new Mega-Resort.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  14. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    A Cultural History of British Cuisine

    Some people would say that "British" and "Cuisine" are 2 words that could never go together but in recent years this is certainly no longer the case. One of the benefits of our imperial past was our assimilation into our own culture some of the best aspects of others. One of the most successful has been the adoption of Indian food as our national dish, or more specifically the Curry!

    Like our American cousins us British like our food hot and spicy! When I next visit your fair country I intend to partake in a Chili cook-off and have in fact for many years made American-style chilis based on recipes I've downloaded from the internet. The British equivilent is as you've probably guessed the curry! Although originally Indian in origin the curry you find down any British high street is very much an anglicised dish and you would be unlikely to find one in Mumbai or Dehli. Often considered (falsely) to be the hottest of the currys, the vindaloo is seen as the pinnacle in curry house achievement and is only tackled by the most experienced and aclimatised gourmands. Consumption of a Vindaloo commonly results in sweating, itchy scalp, destruction of the mucus membranes and what can only be described as pain. The day after said Vindaloo has been consumed is often the worst. As it finishes its transit through your digestive tract its exit is often far more painful than its initial introduction as it has lost none of its heat during the digestive process. In fact it feels more concentrated.

    As I said the Vindaloo is not the hottest of our currys and several other styles can lay claim. I have long been able to consume Vindaloo's with little or no consequence either during or in the 24 hours after. This has often led me to believe that "they don't make them as hot as they used to". This is not the case of course, I have just become immune to their power. If you can find one, the Phal is the next level. It does become a physical rather than taste sensation and they require alot of dedication and fortitude to finish. And you may regret it.

    I have only once been unable to finish a curry because it was too intense. Known as "The Wrath of Khan" and from a renowned curry house in the east end of london I had a curry that seemed to be made almost entirely from small black chilis. I'm pretty sure I passed out from the pain (although that could have been alcohol related) and may have had a stroke!


  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I'm Lost

    Is it me or has this thread gone off the deep end.We went from a question about on line UBT tournaments which I believe I have answered. To one guy wanting a UBT shirt to another guy not wanting a shirt because they don't have any that big to no more BULLSHIT from the star-bust to Swog calling me an some other players "Old Guy's" to a curry recipe. Lord save the Queen

  16. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Well, Vindaloo is pretty tasty. Although I prefer Chana Vindaloo myself.
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Coming Soon But Not Soon Enough

    I forgot one thing
    Star :bomb: Bust. Just the sight of that makes me smile from ear to ear

  18. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    I'll add some more non-sense

    Who does KennyE like for Week One of the NFL?

  19. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    its called ETHICS, people...

    i love ya, Swog, but i gotta disagree here. Sure, they may run a fair tourney, good prizepool, decent equity, etc etc -- but you yourself admit in your post that they actively throw out anyone who shows a shred of intelligence or skill on their property. No one's discounting a casino's ability to hold high-roller invitationals or right to prevent skilled AP's from taking their money at a cash game, but to host 'open' buy-in events and then exclude a growing list of players who have not cheated/stolen in any way is the rankest form of hypocrisy.

    The Stardust does this out of spite and spite alone -- i ask you, what do they have to lose by accepting more entries to these so-called 'open' tournaments? NOTHING. Building a bigger prize pool is better for EVERYONE. I know a lot of players were barred from play at the Hilton but were still allowed to buy in to the Million Dollar tourneys there.

    For those of you who prefer to turn a blind eye while one by one our community is increasingly discriminated against there, i say: wait til it happens to you. Go ahead use your brain while playing blackjack there. Or god forbid, win a tourney or two. Then see how you feel when you go to buy in to the next one and are told, "Sorry sir/ma'am, you are not allowed to play." Because the simple fact is, those who defend the Stardust are only protecting a system that doesn't give a fuck about you unless you're a proven LOSER!

    harsh words, but sometimes truth hurts. Good Riddance, StarBUST!

    -holly d.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  20. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member


    Last word, then hopefully this subject dies forever.
    Hollywood, I agree with everything you said, but the Dust gets away with the way they deny access to some players by calling the tournament an "invitation only" event. Albeit a "loose" version of an invitational, more like everyone, but "you" and "you" and "you".....did I forget anyone?

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