One-Winner Tables...

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Monkeysystem, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I wish UBT and Bet21 would adjust the software to get rid of them. They turn what should be a game of skill into a lottery.

    On UBT's daily this morning round two was three advance with about 84 players or so. Round three was six players one advance. After battling through the first two rounds in a four round tourney all morning I got thrown in with a cluster of aggressive bettors in the one-winner round three. The dealer dumped chips on them and it was off to the races. I was out in six hands.

    Three winners instead of two in round one would've put 126 players in round two. Three of seven in that round would put 54 players in round three. Two of six in round three would put 18 players in round four. Two of six in round four gets you your finalists.

    There. It's possible to come up with ways to avoid one-winner tables. The alternative I proposed would require an extra round be played, but that's okay. Extra rounds favor skill players, and that's what we want.
  2. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I agree 100%!!!!

    This program is the "dumbest" math wise and there is really no excuse for it...

    Computers do math extremely well...but this program isnt set up to even deal with odd 250 dollar amounts...let alone the seating schedule such as you perfectly describe...

    I dont think the programmers are aware of how annoying not being able to bet all the money is or how unfun it is being in a betting lottery...and when only one advances after playing two rounds certainly changes things when you are playing with a few poker players who are on a hot streak...its all about luck talent required.

    Its why I absolutly HATE playing the TEC point games...You dont learn anything...its annoying as takes away and is a bad example of how the game should be played...its just like the lottery...and about as much fun.
  3. Archie

    Archie New Member

    The dealer seems to bust all the time, favoring the ploppies. Just finished playing two of them on UBT,plopping myself. In one of them, I figured I'd sit at 107k and be okay. Wrong, Out second. The deck seems to be different than in the real money games at Bet.21. I've been called newbie and clueless by helpful ploppies when I stick to a conservative game. I still win one in 3.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2006
  4. instagator

    instagator New Member

    1 Winner Tables

    I too totally agree 100%. The other problem, when you get into a chip marathon, if you split 10s and catch an ace you can't double.
    The ploppies are totally lost on this format. I even try to help them. But they just respond by questioning your sperm count.
    Wound up at the table with "Chainsaw". I couldn't type fast enough to keep with his written tirades. I think we caught the ploppies off guard.
    And also thanx to "Moneytaker" for helping me fine tune my elimination play. The next day I bested 452 ploppies and 3 tournament players to play in the finals next Saturday.
  5. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    I hate to break it to you but there are far more formats than just the single tables that turn into lotteries. A couple ploppies who catch some good breaks can always screw your day. I honestly don't mind the single tables because it's an easy way to get into a field where the competition is tougher, it's like the gateway, it may be cheap, have a crappy lock and be made of cardboard, but it keeps some of the ploppies out of the qualifers and that's good enough for me.

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