Online Freerolls

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    As I understand there are basically two (2) freerolls going on:

    I assume the and are identical to the .net - please correct me if I am wrong.


    What techniques, if any, do you use in these freerolls vs. how you normally play to advance?

    I seem to frequently get to round 3 only to have it "run away" from me. I've tried the all-in x 2 or 3 a few times with poor results/timing

    People are definately playing these freerolls in a different manner than they play for money! What are your experiences and who has qualified as of yet?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I played last night and went out on the bubble. I played the last 2 rounds with a guy who went all-in on hand 1 of every round, won, then sat back and qualified. That's not normal play but it worked for him. It'd probably never work again for him, he was just lucky.

    Don't forget that even the top players make final table appearances less than 20% of the time (I think Joep quoted 17% for himself) so don't be disheartened. If you make 14% of final tables then it'll take you on average 7 tries to get there.

    Stick to your normal game, maybe slightly more aggressive, but let natural selection do its stuff. What I do now is instead of min betting all the time I observe the table for a bit, say 4 or 5 hands. I 'm looking for the more skillful players and those that will bet big regardless. If the dealer is hot for a few hands then I'll be in a good position, if not I'll start to bet match with the main pack so that I'm in contention at the 1st elimination. If I need to make a move I'll wait until hand 6 or 7 if I can, after the button if possible. You know how to play anyway, just stick at it, it'll work out.


  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Purdey and Free Rolls:

    Good Advice. But you know. You also have to win a hand once in a while. I do believe I'm exausting all my stiffs and pushes for a lifetime in these last two weeks. Doesn't matter what site, what position, what bet. And as I said earlier this morning trying to induce Tool, if I get by the first, I'll be disconnected or the power will go out, or Paris Hilton and her friends drop by to party. Now which would you choose. Ugh. I'm not sure either.
  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Stick with the conservative strategy that works best in conventional tournaments. Just be mindful of the elimination hands. In the two or three hands leading up to an elimination hand make sure you're in the pack, so to speak. You can use catch up bets to do that if you have to.

    Don't worry too much about the seemingly inevitable big bettor/ten splitter who runs up a big stack. You'll have to chase them sooner or later anyway. I prefer later because they usually come back down. I had one opponent run up his bankroll to >200K, only to eventually bust out.

    You want to find yourself heads up with most of the players you encounter on Bet21/UB. They give it away.
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member



    Was your post a sort of endorsement of my strategy? I think it is. Is it? I hope so.



  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Monkey and Purdey:

    So how do you stay away from the 14's 15's and 16's, when everyone else around you is having great sex.
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Mr Noman you should practice tantric sex! 15 hours last night. And that was just the foreplay....


  8. Janlovespoker

    Janlovespoker New Member


    You must have your laptop in the bed with you posting messages at the same time you are having sex. Wow you are good.:laugh: :laugh:
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Look no hands!

    I'm a clever dick!!!!!!


  10. noman

    noman Top Member


    Please post haste, email me the method. I need some ego massaging, and oh yes other massaging. I can be found at.(as listed earlier);; WISHING TO FULLFILL A just tell me like ANDY did, when we met in one of those wonderful freerolls. Freedom ain't free and you don't get somethin for nothin. I haven't. I'm puttin(in bay) my 2700 up for TULSA, gall bladder darn it. Or as a last "resort", what is it Barona? or Verona? Ones palatized, the other isn't.

    Now I want to carry on about the tongue, but I shouldn't and won't. Though, I am really tempted. Bad boy. Bad boy. Slap your hands. Clap your hands, like some kids game. Let's see how fast you are. Oh wash my mouth out with soap.
  11. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    freeroll play

    the play in the freerolls is different ..... because there are more bad players in them - since they don't have to pay - and as always - sometimes the bad players get lucky - Noman - you have my sympathy - we have all been there - where the gods of blackjack humble us in our hubris - it will even out over time - best strategy - play well - do your moves as you have to - and you will get through eventually - I find this thinking conforting right now - as I keep getting into the next to last round - or the one before that - thinking I will get through - then lose every hand - someday - the cards will work for me -
  12. noman

    noman Top Member


    My second main man. They say, play through variance. Two decades, three decades, that last breath, before you see your maker, or with Kudos to Chips, MAKER'S MARK.

    Damn, I have another one. Hate the addiction, but love the fix. Oh well, go down gamblin. And Ruby Tuesday will twirl on your head.
  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Seems I played against you at the Gold-plated place and you were min, min, min ad nausea - at least that's what I saw until I BUSTED out on hand 8. EBJ has me thinking about hands 8, 16 & 25 in my sleep!

    So when you're doing the freerolls you just min, min, min until hand 5, 13 & 22? I've tried that numerous times with limited success. But then again I learned to play this sick game from HD and Joep - maybe that explains it! :rolleyes:
  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    bigger picture


    I will min, min, min.... if it's appropriate to the game conditions. I like hot dealers early on! However if I judge that a min betting strategy is unlikely to be successful then I will do something else.

    A different strategy is required for traditional TBJ vs. elimination TBJ. ETBJ requires that you be more attentive throughout and may require more moves. If you are BRL on hand 8 at bet21 you're in trouble; it matters much, much less at GoldPal. I try to make as few moves as possible to minimize my flux and maximise my opponents flux relative to me. I am quite happy to max bet however if that's what needed. And if 2 maximum bets are required I'll DD on 20!

    Incidentally, that tourney you where talking about, if it's the one I'm thinking about I came 2nd winning cash money!!!


  16. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    More Free rolls

    Hi guys,

    Don't forget our daily $100 Free rolls at Get21.

    See you at the tables!
  17. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I play the same way. I would add that I stick with minimum bets if correlating chasers is too expensive, even in the two or three hands before a drop. You don't want the overaggressive bettors to drag you down to zero with them. Surviving a drop doesn't mean much if it leaves you crippled.

    Consider that a ringing endorsement. :D
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2006

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