Online Insults ot UBT

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by shay919, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. shay919

    shay919 Member

    I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an expert ubt player or tournament player or an advantage player. But I really didn't appreciate a player making rude remarks about my plays. (On the last hand of a cruise sat. I came in 4th, bummer)

    If there were some constructive critism that I could learn from, that's one thing, but just to call my play "bad" is not needed or helpful. Esp. from one who is not listed in ubt rankings. I am currently reading Ken's email (Thanks, Ken) and am trying to learn more about tournament play. But I also play online to have FUN and not spend major bucks at the local Indian casino to learn.

    Thanks for letting me rant. But how else am I going to learn if I don't PLAY???
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2007
  2. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Inform CS

    Take note of the tournament number plus the date and the time, and send an e-mail to Customer Service. Ask them to go over the chat to check the unbecoming conduct and they will probably sanction or warn the offending player.

    Rule 1 : ignore them

    Rule 2 : complain to CS
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Interesting side story.

    I was playing in Beat The Pro Sat and a couple of the players were ridding the chip leader. I mentioned to them the chip leader hadnt said a thing and maybe didnt deserve the ribbing. They said he will never respond he is a bot. I didnt really believe them, until I watched the play. I then felt sure he was a computerized player. Imback2win, if you are real, you are really amazing. lol.
  4. Don119

    Don119 Banned User

    ...I'll show you a corpse."

    I’ve learned, with both time and experience that most who engage in this form of maltreatment, are as yet, underdeveloped beings utilizing basal tactics to attain some sense of personal worth, misused as that effort may be. But on a gaming level, psychological abuse is quite simply a fairly adolescent, rudimentary methodology of throwing victims/opponents off balance by strategically landing abnormally cruel, inappropriate comments. Like an unexpected kick to the gut; these “below the belt” remarks knock the wind out of the opposition (or that which is perceived as the opposition). Because in general, maybe the recipient will be so offended and humiliated, he/she will buckle, lose focus, or maybe even just give it up, altogether…emotional shock, demeaning another’s worth and/or potential, undercutting confidence… all purely primitive methodologies of crippling and reducing the competitive pool. However, in UBT’s best interest, such diatribe should be monitored, because if not, in time, potential long-term customers will become subscribers who cancel/do not extend their membership…which as a whole, will not only harm UBT, but could also reduce those engaging in the game of blackjack, itself.
    I know it is easy to say, “Just ignore them,” but in all honesty, for you as the “individual player,” ignoring is actually the best methodology. Focus, and then focus some more, block ‘em out, and you’ll be on your way. In fact, consider it an exercise in mind over matter, the more you walk through the fire, the less you’ll flinch, and in time, the more heat you’ll be able to take, until no one can compare. But, whatever you do, NEVER lower yourself to their level, in doing so; you’ll only degrade/limit yourself and your game. In the meanwhile, always keep any sort of gamble in its proper perspective. Or, as Mario Puzo, author of the Godfather said,
    “He was a degenerate gambler. That is, a man who gambled simply to gamble and must lose. As a hero who goes to war must die. Show me a gambler and I'll show you a loser, show me a hero and I'll show you a corpse.”
    Don ;-)
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    try "Options"

    I'm not sure about this because I can't play on The Club, but I remember that on the Club site's predecessor ( one could open up "Options" and disable the chat. Maybe even allow only messages from the game itself but none from other players. If I'm right, that would be a good option for shay919, plus it could explain the lack of chat participation by Barney's example player.
  6. shay919

    shay919 Member


    I appreciate the advice and replies and will follow it. I will admit that I have been getting my butt beat by the elimination format and gotten eliminated on hand 8 more times that I can count. Finally have been able to get to the final round a couple of times.

    But I do love to play, so I will see if there is an ignore chat option next time.
  7. pinklady

    pinklady New Member

    I agree with you all. Its ridiculous to have some players like that in this awesome site! I have had some tell me that "YOU ARE MY NEXT VICTIM" whats that all about? HE should act like a man and have fun with others. Stupidity! Yes I have report to cs about players that is not acting right.

    You need to do that so We can make this site a great site to be able to enjoy it so much. IT really upsets me to see players like that.

    Thanks and Good Luck yall,

  8. Archie

    Archie New Member


    Yesterday afternoon, when playing one of the freerolls, one player was using 4 letter words to describe the plays of the woman sitting on his left and he kept demeaning her until she was eliminated.

    She never answered.

    I regret now not taking upon myself to complain to CS about this uncouth, unacceptable behaviour.
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    While I was chatting with the players that were ribbing the BOT, normally very nice polite players, about these types of abuse at the club they mentioned at least one player has had his chat privileges revoked. Now he is winning, instead of whining! lol. He is off tilt because he is gagged!
  10. shay919

    shay919 Member

    I played the 1st round of the tonights $5000 tournament with imback2win and he was out the 1st round. Crazy plays!!

    I'm on to round 2!! woohoo!

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