Online Playing

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Factors affecting Play

    Yesterday was a marathon session for me. Even though it was 2007 I played my last hurrah with 2006 $ before starting over with the records and paperwork!

    As I reflect upon my numbers for the month and especially yesterday I found several things that deserved noting and I wanted to receive feedback from the more experienced TBJ players. These are my personal observations:

    1. Playing more than one tourney at a time was detrimental to my rate of return (ROR).
    2. There was an extreme negative ROR when 3 games were being played at once
    3. SNG or MTT play AFTER a poor performance at a freeroll resulted in a decrease in win ratio’s
    4. Performance at higher tables was better than lower tables
    5. Better ROR for SNG versus MTT – surprising here
    6. If I lasted past hand 16 my ROR was three times higher normal
    7. Most negative returns occurred BEFORE hand 8
    8. Playing for longer than 8 hours resulted in zero ROR

    At the time, in the middle of playing, I never really assumed that other outside factors would have much of an influence upon me. However, when I look at the numbers I see a much different picture.

    Reflecting back to last night in particular I was in both the 8 MTT and 8:30 satellite. I advanced to the final in the satellite and semi-final of the MTT when both were going.

    At one time as the screens switched I went to hit stand but the screen switched and a ½ bet appeared! Lucky for me it worked in my favor but the constant back and forth was tiring, especially since I had already been playing for over 6 hours at that time!

    When I got eliminated in the 8 MTT I got angry and started wildcatting over at the final table of the 8:30 satellite and paid for it!

    Prior to that I was involved with a Ken Smith in a 1-1 show down to the final hand. How I got that far was just lucky but I played a terrible final hand – the experienced pro easily spanked me no questions asked. Yes I believe it was his SKILL that finally overcame my LUCK to reach that far.

    I’m going to take some time, crunch some numbers and analyze my findings. However, from my “gut” instincts I think that I’m finding that I think TX was right about too many tourney’s – at least for me!

    Does anyone have any “rules” or “formulas” they use when playing online TBJ?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I read this post think you meant Risk of Ruin rather than Rate of Return...

    I just don't see the point in playing more than 1 game at once. I don't believe you can play 2 games in parallel as well as you can play them in series. Also, I just don't enjoy it. It's much more fun and educational concentrating and playing only one game at a time.



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