Online vs. Live

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by fgk42, Dec 1, 2006.


Does online playing help or hurt live playing abilities

Poll closed Dec 31, 2006.
  1. Helps

  2. Hurts

  3. No difference

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Online versus Live

    Tournament BJ (TBJ) has many years of tradition. There have been many different types of formats available during those years and today these formats can basically be limited to one of three formats: 1. Accumulation in which you are playing against all players in the tourney for the highest chip totals 2. Elimination in which you are playing against the players at your table and 3. Combination format – in which the first round may be accumulation and the final round elimination. There may be other formats that I am unfamiliar with so if I have forgotten one, please do not hesitate to post it here.

    Online TBJ is a rather recent addition to the world of BJ. On-line Multi-table tourneys were first available only within the past 2-3 years. Most online tourneys that I am aware of are elimination BJT – where you compete against the people at your table and the winners advance to the next table.

    Given the recent passage of the port security bill online BJT play has been severely restricted. It is my understanding that there are only two (4) online BJT provides currently available to US customers:,, and AOL fun games.

    Of the online TBJ providers there is the elimination BJ (EBJ) format (offered by Bet21 and UB) and the traditional format (offered by and AOL).

    Until and unless the internet gaming bill is overturned the online BJ tourneys will be severely curtailed and hampered – in fact they may even disappear (if ex-Senator Frist has his way). Therefore it provides an opportunity for the land based casinos (B&M) to increase their BJ tourney exposure/presence. The question I have is will they? Is there a need for increased TBJ?

    The second question that I have been pondering is the difference between online play and live play. The most obvious difference being chip counting. In on-line play this is a non-factor as all on-line providers do this for the players. In live tourney’s this is the player’s responsibility and obviously favors the more experienced BJ players. Although this is a skill that SHOULD be easy to master it still requires time and effort.

    I guess the bottom line is this, does online TBJ help or hurt ones ability to play live tourneys?
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It has been mentioned here before...

    I have seen posts by others such as Ken that have said live tournaments after playing on line tournaments throws you off (at least at first).

    The chip counting is the biggest issue, online it is all done for you. Another is the speed of the game, which having to do chips counts affects the the speed as well.

    Is it a major issue? No, but I do believe you will be effected for the first several hands anyway.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Playing online is definitely helpful as practice for land-based events. Yes, it's true that you can get spoiled by the easy access to all your opponent's bankrolls, but there's no substitute for the many table situations you'll get to experience over and over again by playing online.
  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Chip Counting

    The week before a live tourney MrsMonkey leaves chip stacks around the house for me to quickly count and retain the amount. For me this overcomes the problem of getting spoiled by the online experience. I find this practice effective in overcoming the "online effect."

    Live tournaments give you advantages to can't get online, such as the ploppy on your left holding their bet in their hand or shoving it out in the circle out of turn.
  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    online play helps improve skills

    I think

    I started playing online because I realized that my late hands/final hands play was weak - and thought ebj would give me a lot of good practice - it did - doesn't mean I have stopped making mistakes - but at least now I know they are mistakes:D

    it is an adjustment going back to live play - but the more I switch back and forth - the easier it gets -

    online play also lets you try out new strategies and concepts - very cheaply - and repeatedly - over a short period of time - one problem I found with improving my play - was after a tourney - I would have to wait two or three weeks to play again - very slow development - I can play a few months worth of tourneys in one night online - and speed up the learning process
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Congrats to Monkey ...I think this was the best showing for BJT member of Thurs nites Bet 21 free roll...I know you finished very near the final ....

    I got killed in round two at a table with 5 big betting poker just cant overcome a table like at least one or often two hit every big hand...Well it certainly makes it more of a lottery shot anyway.

    I think all 6 top places were won by poker players....:-(

    I think online can help live play...everything except chip counting of course....a part time dealing job would be great chip pracice..most dealers I have met cant play the game worth crap....they can count chips like maniacs though...

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