Only held about 12%, dang it.

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Barney Stone, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    How Can I Help?

    My guilt feelings are making me want to make a donation. Where do I send?

    Billy C
  3. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Just Plain Weird

    They can't honestly believe profits are down that much because of gamblers' luck. Unless of course they're falling into the common trap found in organizations of starting to believe their own bulls__t.

    Let's analyze this dispassionately and logically...

    What could be some plausible reasons for a sudden, unexpected drop in the "hold" percentage from a casinos's gaming revenues?

    1. An increase in overhead expenses and payrolls? Not in this case because that would be easily verified by auditors and would come out in the report.
    2. They loosened up the games? No, for the same reason as 1.
    3. Then it must be lucky gamblers! We know this has got to be the explanation, because no casino executive or tribal gaming authority would EVER make up stories about where the money went when the coffers come up short.... :vomit:
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008

    BJMAILMAN Member


    If an Indian casino comes up short who suppose to check into this ? I'm here in Oklahoma.
  5. Venture

    Venture Member

    Lets see? They haven't been comping for three or four years now. Tournaments are nearly gone except for invites. Hmmmm

    Gas at $4 a gallon. Air fares through the roof.

    Bad economy just like after 9/11.

    Maybe if they would ease it up just enough to get players there? Naw, they would never think of that. It is a Vegas mentality now.

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