Opie wins again

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by mikey754, Jan 26, 2009.

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  1. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member

    One of our own,Opie, made the Final table at the Flamingo 2 weeks ago, and he won 1st place. Last weekend at the Paris, he made the final table again and came in 3rd...congrats to Opie.
  2. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Play it again Sam

    Congratulations are certainly in order and bestoyed again.

    He not only made the final table twice in a row he was the table winner in every round at both tournaments without a rebuy or wild card, winning 7 tables in a row prior to the Paris final table. That ain't LUCK!
  3. tgun

    tgun Member


    Keep it up, Opie. Look forward to playing with you LV guys again someday.

  4. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Last Hand

    I particularly liked the "free double" you did on the final hand! To bad it didn't work out!
    Congrats again.
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Just a guess here. Is Opie the same person that had major success at LV Hilton in the past?

    Billy C
  6. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    It appears this "Opie" is a killa "BJ Machine", following in the footsteps of MB. MP, Michigander and Leftnut, legends one and all. :)

  7. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    CP your post is geographically incorrect. Opie's a west coast tournament veteran familiar with cashing who in his accomplishments also won 2nd in his first major tournament played ($399 cash buy in) about 6 years ago in Las Vegas, he's not following anybody's footsteps as you stated.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  8. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Geography has nothing to do with it. What made you think of Geography?

    As to "6 years ago", the others I mentioned, with the exception of Leftnut, have been around alot longer than 6 years:laugh: They are BJ "Killing Machines" and I was paying "Opie" a *great compliment* by lumping him in with the other legendary BJ players.

    Rookie, I hope "Opie" has a better attitude than you.

    Hey Rookie, IS the real problem that I mentioned Leftnut in that group? Is that what really pushed your button?:D Think so....because in your LITTLE WORLD I doubt you even have a hint who the others are.:rolleyes:

  9. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member

    praise not war

    The purpose of my post was to praise the talents of a LV "veteran" who has worked hard to accomplish what he is doing now. Lets not get into a "mud slinging" contest!!!
  10. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    That was

    my original intent. :)

  11. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    That darn CP causes a lot of trouble in the northwoods, too. We were going to try to get him in Gitmo with the other terrorists but have put that on hold until they decide where these people are going (we certainly don't want him in our area causing trouble)!

    Billy C
  12. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Aw shucks

    Billy C, just tryin to have a little Midwest fun:laugh::laugh:

  13. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    CP, I'm not going to get in a "pissin contest" and agree Opie is a recent killa "BJ Tournament Machine" notwithstanding his prior non published wins he can include in his resume.

    You didn't push my button but it appears I touched a nerve since you listed tournament players as legendary in your "LITTLE WORLD". If we're talking legendary "BJ Tournament" players non geographically lets include not exclude west coast players JM, JP, AC, SV and JR most of which have over $1,000,000 in tournament winnings as well as our Gulf Coast legendary competitors among others.

    No hard feelings, just having a "little West Coast fun". Have a great day!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
  14. Lil Sissy

    Lil Sissy Banned User

    Rookie I heard from a very reliable source you should not be fooled with, it looks like CP didnt get that memo.

    Keep up the good work.

    CP since Rookie wont toot his own horn I will, he is a well respected player in ALL parts of the country.
  15. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Been watching this thread develop........:eek:

    First of all - Big Congrats to Opie for his recent pair of excellent BJT finishes!
    Always makes me smile when one of our "BJT.com family" kicks some butt. :gun:

    Thank you very much, CP, but I'm nobody's "legend" although working on it. There are many, many BJT assassins out there who've been at it successfully much longer than I. They rarely need the insane luck I've experienced in the last year to pound the opposition. Rookie789 is one of those, we met at the last Vegas Nugget event and he's not only a damn fine BJT player but a gentleman, too. I've had the pleasure of meeting quite a few "regulars" on the tournament trail in the past few months, and almost everyone has been friendly and fit the description of being "Just Folks" - a fine compliment from my neck of the woods.

    By the way, can the codes come to an end? Some of us can't figure out all those initials!!!
  16. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Rookie 789


    Let's get this straight, I compliment, you flame. You don't want a 'pissin contest" but you start one.

    I think you have a real problem with "hero Worship", you have read too many comic books.:laugh:

    Your above post shows me the depth of your true BJ knowledge, and it IS Very Shallow. You do live in a "Little World' and you have just proved it to me.

    I would say with your sour and negative attitude you have experienced a real bad run lately, right? Skillz and no luck...no luck no skillz...luck but no skillz, bad cards..bad beat...distracted...on and on...eh':):D

    I do hope that things do improve for you in the near future and if you ever want to play some Midwest BJ let me know, I will give you a fun tour;)

    You can have the last word if you like.

    Rookie 789, Hmmm.. a bust hand.:bomb:

  17. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Lil Sis

    Yikes, no memo.

    Rookie showed attitude to the wrong person, maybe next time he will think twice.

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