Orleans 12/17/07

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I just updated the CALENDAR to reflect the fact that the dates for the December Orleans BJT have changed. The tournament has been pushed back one week to start on 12/17/07.

    They have upped the prize pool to $80,000 (based on 180 players) so this is getting closer to the Stardust prize pools. Let's hope the prize pool increases continue. Only by supporting this tournament will that happen.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Registration is poor

    Well I found out that they only have 80 something registered for this tournament. That's too bad. At a time when members are trying to "verbally" encourage casinos to have larger prize pools, players do not seem to back up their words with deeds. The Orleans doubled the potential prize pool from their last tournament and the result is fewer players.

    So if the Orleans reduces future prize pools or eliminates BJTs completely, can one blame them? Of course we can - we always do - it's always the casino's fault. After all, just because we don't attend events that show a willingness to improve does not mean ... Wait a minute, what does that mean? :rolleyes:

    ANDREW BELL New Member

    Toolman I Totally Agree With You!!! If You Want To Play In This Give One Of There Host A Call.. Mine Is May Eaton 1-888-365-7161 Or Cell 1-702-769-6010 I'm Sure They Will Take Care Of Everyone...this Tournament Is Just Like The Old One's At The Stardust...it's Great
  4. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Amen Bro

    I'm tired of the many complaints about invitionals and "We need more open (paid entry) events" including numerous suggestions how to increase the number of open tournaments. The only way to encourage casinos to hold open events is enter them when offered, give them support including live table action as a participant not promises or suggestions.

    Where are the members here that suggest a Vig/Rake in addition to a paid entry for an open tournament? The Orleans tournament requires neither a Vig or Rake only a paid entry, will the Vig/Rake proponants be there to support this open tournament even though it's not required? I doubt it.

    As of today the EV for this tournament is $964 for a $350 entry fee unless they reduce the prize fund which they probably will do to a lack of entrants. That doesn't include the 3 comped room nights included.

    This tournament would require a Vig/Rake per participant of $614 in addition to the $350 entry fee to make them whole with no side action as some have proposed not including a comped room.

    Come on guys quit bitchin' about things you can help change but fail to do with your lack of support.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2007
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    The prevailing opinion, both here and "there", seems to be that the only acceptable way to show support for live BJT's is to be there. Neither Deb nor I can attend these in the near future for reasons that we won't get into on a public forum, so I'll just pipe down on this & other forums and keep any opinions or suggestions to myself until such time that we can earn the right to speak up with our participation.

    The BJT world has taken some huge hits recently. I hope that the entry count situation at this Orleans BJT improves dramatically, and the same for all other venues which host open entry events. Hopefully there will be a good selection of events for everyone when things change and we are able to "show our support."

    Good Luck, Great Skill, and the best of cards to all of our BJT.com friends.
    We'll still be lurking here occasionally so that we can keep track of what's going on. :p
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Sadly 80 registered is a good number for a game that has such little demand. I have said, tongue in cheek, that we only have 30 BJT players here in the west. So, 80 aint all that bad. But, I got to admit the calendar says invitational. So, anyone scanning the calendar -here- might not thought it an opportunity. If it were listed open/invitational it may have even had more...................

    Good luck playing there
  7. leilahay

    leilahay Member


    Agree with Barney--I believed that this was an invitational event so made no attempt to make plans. We tried to enter last year and were told invited guests only.
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Just thought I would point out that many players are not allowed to play in the Orleans events. I'm guessing there are at least 20 tournament regulars that couldn't support this event if they wanted to.
  9. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    event attendance

    a couple of comments - on event attendance -

    first - if you want people to attend an event - keep the events calendar up to date - if the calendar says it is an invitational event for $40,000 on Dec 10when it is actually an $80,000 open event on Dec 17 - that might explain why bjters aren't showing up - particularly when one might need to do some advanced planning to be there - its easy enough to update the calendar - I do it whenever I have info that's relevant -

    second - for some of the posters on this site - travel expenses and entry fees are relevant considerations - if we are talking airfare, etc - this can add a lot to the cost of a tourney, especially when they must book or change flights at the last minute as the casino shifts dates - and for some people - adding those costs on top of entry fees can be a factor in deciding where and when they will play -

    third - some of us work full-time jobs - which can make it difficult to play tourneys held during the middle of the week - I know I can not always take vacation time on short notice - or on certain dates or at certain times of the year - also - of course - do have some use for vacation time other than tbj -

    so - some ways to encourage more attendance might be: tournaments on weekends - casinos stop shifting tournament dates - and - advocating for a federal law requiring employers give workers more vacation time!!!! -

    I think we all play tournaments at our own levels - both geographically, financially, and where the dates/times work for us - what we need is more choice, frequency, and diversity in offerings - and accurate information as far in advance as possible - the Orleans web site does not even mention this tourney - and the calendar info is wrong -
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    How can I put it nicely?

    The casino's need to pull their heads out of their ass and get marketing and tournament directors that know what the hell they are doing and how to run tournaments if they want to draw in more players in entry fee events.

    And as Ken posted, stop banning players who are willing to pay to play in these events. All this is doing is hurting everyone, the casino lose money by allowing the ban players to at least come get in their time on video poker if they don't want them to play the table games and the players are losing out because of the lose of the extra entries and re-buys which build the prize pool up and attracts in even more players.

    Now before the players start standing up yelling amen, they better start realizing that to play in these events that they are going to have to pay one way or another, nothing is free (even the VIP events).

    All the moaning and groining about formats and rules isn't going to change them unless we can show the casinos that they can and will make money from drawing in the tournament players.

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