Orleans Bj Tournament

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by JC720M@AOL.COM, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. JC720M@AOL.COM

    JC720M@AOL.COM New Member

    New Place For Bj Tournaments
    Just A Comment, Tournament Was Run Well . Prize Money Could Have Been Better.
    Orleans Nice And Airy Not Heavy Smoke Filled Like Stardust.
    Great Resturants, Good To See Lots Of Old Friends
    Happy Holidays To All
  2. DER145

    DER145 New Member

    Orleans Tournaments

    Does anyone have any info on the upcomming or recently completed Orleans tournaments that are listed in the schedule section? I called the Orleans and everyone there seems to be clueless. Did they actually have one last week? If so what were the details? Thanks.
  3. JC720M@AOL.COM

    JC720M@AOL.COM New Member

    Orleans Bj

    Was Won By Wild Card Pick
    5000.00 Winner Take All Was Also Won By Bj Winner, Seen To Happen All The Time

    Thats All



  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Congrats, Chuck. Nice to see you takin' down some big pots!

  6. DER145

    DER145 New Member

    well so far no one seems willing to post any details... Buy in? Live money? Room included? Etc. etc. Been calling the Orleans everyday trying to get hold of anyone who knows anything about them and I get nothing but clueless people who know nothing about them.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  7. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Orleans Tournaments

    As I posted when I listed their future events, I only received advance notice of the dates and NO FURTHER DETAIL. The marketing/special events staff now inplace at The Orleans came, in a large part, from the Stardust and all indications are that the tournament format, prize schedule, entry requirements etc. will be similar, if not identical. The 'Dust typically sent out detail 6 or so weeks before the event and when received, it will be posted. I would conclude that the staff that you have talked to do not know the detail yet either at this point. In the mean time, I suggest that you look at the previous 'Dust blackjack tournaments on the events' calendar for an idea of what they are likely to be like. There have also been a number of threads about the past 'Dust tournaments which you can search for and read about.

  8. DER145

    DER145 New Member

    I was hoping someone who had played in last weeks would post the details.
  9. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member


    I was addressing what you asked in the post you made today (and quoted it) which had a question about future tournaments at The Orleans - not your orignial post on 18 DEC.

    In addition, and to supplement what was listed on the Event Calendar for last week's tournament at The Orleans (https://www.blackjacktournaments.com/oldtourn/viewtourn.php?infoID=852), I recall the following the following salient details from last week (but am happy to be corrected by others or for them to add something I may have forgot):

    It was invitational. No buy in. Funny money chips - 600 with betting limits of 5 to 300. Doubledeck pitch dealt face down (including DD card on a non-breaking double), DOA, DAS, no surrender, insurance - but no "even money", 30 hands per round with a count at 25, 2 advanced from table in round one, one advanced from all subsequent, rebuys into the first round only and wild cards for all subsequent rounds to "fill up the tables", prize schedule based on 180 (with approx. actual 170 entrants). I don't know if rooms were complimentary for all, but they were for many based on Orleans or 'Dust past play - type of room based on playing level. Some, but not all were full RFB status.

    Did you find the past event listings and threads on old Stardust touraments useful?

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  10. DER145

    DER145 New Member

    I'm familiar with the Stardust's tournaments. Use to play in them all the time as well as all the others. Have been too busy playing poker the last few years and didn't play in any BJ tournys till I went to the Imperial Palace last month. The Orleans is listed as open and not invitational so thats why I was looking for details.

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