
Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I play a wild tournament this weekend, called March Madness. It was a match (one on one format) 16 hand elimination. They played 4 per table, 2 matches at once, 16 hands and alternated bets.

    They had some new twists added in to the game.

    1) You couldn't DD for less, but you could "Double Dribble", which meant you could double your orignal bet for your DD. Example: bet $6,000 your Double Dribble bet would be $12,000 (for a $18,000 total).

    2) Now it get's crazier...LOL, if you do a Double Dribble, then you may "Rebound", which is match your entire bet for another card...LOL. Example: $6,000 bet, $12,000 Double Dribble, and now a Rebound for $18,000. Now your $6,000 bet is up to $36,000....WOW....LOL

    I was having a fun time watching everyone try and double dribble and rebound hard 12's, 13's, and 14's vs the dealers 10's...LOL

    I breezed through the first two rounds and was now on the money round. They had a count before the last hand, so I was counting out my chips while the pit boss was counting out my opponents chips. I had $161,500, he had $109,000, and the max bet was $50,000. Now remember a player can't DD for less so the max he could get in play was $100,000 for a $209,000 total.

    I bet $48,000 to try and end up with $209,500, giving me a $500 win. Well I catch a 18 vs dealers 10, he has a hard 15 and DD's. Of course he catches a 5...just my luck. Now I need a 17, 20, 21, or bust, a 18 or 19 kills me. No it isn't what you think...LOL, the dealer busts...

    Now I'm getting ready for the final four, no wait! My opponent has $209,500 and I have $209,500. what happened. While I was counting out my chips with the dealer, the pit boss was counting out my opponents chips. Well the dealer was through counting mine before I could count my opponents chips he already was stacking them back up, so I asked to comfirm his total before the last hand, again I was told he had $109,000. So what happened? The pit boss mis-counted his chips and told me the wrong total (I have never had this happen to me before...WOW).

    It was an honest mistake but again WOW! First he hits a DD on hard 15 and then the miscount. Sadest thing was, I normally would have just matched my opponents bet at $50,000, but knowing the exact total I was adding it in my head and knew I needed a $48,000 bet to win and never thought twice about it. This was a lesson I learned the hard way, thank goodness it wasn't a larger tournament.

    Now we have to play a sudden death hand (only one) and I get to bet first (O'boy). Twist was the 2nd bettor, couldn't match what I bet, so I go low (min. $2,500 bet), he bets $3,500.

    I catch a 4/2 and he catches a hard 17 vs the dealers 6. I DD for another $2,500, now what does he do? Surrender? Stand and hopes the dealer makes a hand? No, he DD's and catches a 4 for 21 to beat me!

    Just shoot me...LOL

    Later in in the finals on the final hand he DD again on a hard 16 and caught a 3 for 19 to win the entire thing.

    First prize (for only a $25 entry) was 2 tickets to the final four (all 4 games) in a suite, first class air for 2, hotel, all transfers, and $500 cash.

    No whining, I just thought you may enjoy my misery...LOL

    It really was a great little tournament, I hope they run it every week. They charge $25 for 16 hands or 5 try's for $100, they started last Sunday and ended Saturday with the finals today (Sunday 3/18). The top over all 62 players for the week made the finals. Plus they payout daily money (100% of all the entries, 1st = 50%, 2nd = 30%, 3rd = 20%).

    The finals paid: 1st the tickets and everything else I mentioned above, 2nd = $2,000, 3rd/4th = $1,000 each, and 5th/8th = $250 each.

    Nice thing was they started new players at anytime, they just used count chips for all 7 places so the action was non-stop.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2007

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