Outlook for bj21.com and gp

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by kirbyk, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    I don't get it!

    Global Player has been around for awhile and struggles to get 150 players for a freeroll.

    BJ21.com is the new kid on the block and you rarely see a full table even in the free games.

    UBT goes live and there are 500+ people in tournaments on day 1:confused:

    I'll probably learn to like UBT but for now I prefer the slower paced sites. I also worry that the older sites will not survive the competition. It would be even worse to be Get21.com and to be planning a site launch AFTER UBT.

    A pickup of game of neighborhood football just seems more fun than 100,000+ in a stadium.

    Know what I mean

  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I know what you mean, however I will take the opposite.

    Global wants info from me that I'm NOT going to give - screw them

    BJ21.com - wasn't responsive to suggestions about their formats/tourneys/specials - screw them too

    UBT - the wave of the future - where my $ are going

    PS - I may sound a little harsh but it bugs the living crap out of me when people/companies don't give a hoot about their customers wants/desires. Trust me I was one who really wanted BJ21.com to succeed and I "think" they'll survive. Nevertheless I am moving over to were the players are and where I can play and not sit and stare at a blank table.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2006

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