Over the Top 50K BJT - Beau Rivage - Biloxi, MS

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Cadillac Tim, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

  2. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    Does anyone know the general rules/structure for this tournament?
  3. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    Assuming it is their normal. Table winner advance format. 30 hands, everyone gets 25K. min 500 max 10K (except for hand 30 where the max is 20K). The usual 6d rules, BJ pays 3:2, split up to 4 times. Roll of the dice fixes the first player on the first hand. Button rotates around table after that.

    They use 10 tables per session, up to 6 per table.

    Working backwards. There are 6 at the final table. 5 from the semi-final round and 1 random draw for anyone that played in the tournament.
    There are 20 people in the semi-finals. Five tables of four with winner advancing to finals.
    There will be 100 or 120 people in the 2nd round. Two sessions of 10 tables with 5 or 6 at the table.
    The 2nd round people come from a combination of 1st round table winners, rebuy round (could be 2 people advance) and wild card drawings for the rebuy people who did not advance. In any event, they will end up with 100 or 120 people. For a 50K tournament there will probably be 300-350 starting players.
    Cadillac Tim likes this.
  4. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    Thanks Larry, it looks like I'll be playing in this. I'm looking forward to my first trip to Biloxi.
    I really appreciate the format explanation.
  5. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    One more piece of info since you have never played at the Beau.

    They have very strict rules on hands signals. If it is your turn and you point at the table you will get a card. Does not matter if you say anything such as, I want to split, DD or pay me on a BJ. If you point you will get a card. They will mention this multiple times before a session starts. As strict as it is they at least appear to be consistent in enforcing it. If you play a few tournaments you will see someone get really ticked when the dealer busts their 20 when they were thinking about splitting 10s.
    george likes this.
  6. george

    george Top Member

    also be sure to slide all bets in NO string bets ...some times they wait till the very last hand to call it on you ....then its too late ...their guys win.... you cry----- even slide your doubles and splits money in.... it took me one time to learn ...on pointing ...don't even pick your nose
  7. george

    george Top Member

    good luck on first trip you might want to check out the Palace , they have a small weekly one on Sat & Mon
    good luck on first trip , you might want to check out the Palace , they have a small weekly one on Sat & Mon , look at the event calendar for info,good luck again
  8. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    I think that would literally sit on my hands to avoid any problems!
  9. Cadillac Tim

    Cadillac Tim Active Member

    Thanks for the tips, it looks like I'm not going to this tournament now due to scheduling conflicts. Not a surprise, they are anal about this in Tunica also. They told me anything other than sliding bets in was string betting. It's not, but I really felt that was a way to deter non locals from winning or enjoying themselves, etc.

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