
Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I'm not sure if in my absence if this was covered but this Saturday night Feb 24 at Bet21.com there is a $25,000 Guarantee tournament.As of tonight there are 40 players registered which as of now is creating an overlay of $17,000.Now I'm sure by Saturday evening at 8 PM Eastern there will be more than 40 players playing but any number of players between 40 and 124 will still create an overlay.With many members here at BJT who in addition to the overlay may already have a slight edge before the tournament even starts should really consider this a must attend event.

    The entry fee is $200+15

    If there are some members who are shy about paying the $215 entry.Then every day at 8:30PM Eastern there is a $5+.50 Satellite to win your entry and then at 10:30PM Eastern there is a $10+1 Satellite to win your entry

    I hope to see you at the final table Saturday night where as of now the prize pool looks like this

    1st Place 8,750
    2nd Pace 6,000
    3rd Place 4,000
    4th Place 3,000
    5th Place 2,000
    6th Place 1,250

    If the total number of players exceeds 125 the prize pool will be increased.

    Not a bad deal especially when you consider you can play from the comforts of your home.

  2. Archie

    Archie New Member

    People will join at the last minute

    If I remember well, last month 25k had 64 entries a few hours before the tournament started and we more than doubled up that number in the hour before starting time. I'm confident the same thing will happen again.

    Personally, I'm waiting Saturday to go in, but I will attend for sure.

    Gee Joe, glad your back. We missed you...well I did.
  3. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    There were 141 entries in the last tournament,
    30 minutes before the tournament there were 100 entries
    and 24 hours before the tournament there were 65 entries.
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    3,000 Overlay

    Tonights 25,000 Guarantee had 110 players creating a prize pool of 22,000 and then Bet21.com added in 3,000 to bring the prize pool up to the 25,000 guarantee

    The Final Table Payouts looked like this

    1st 8,310
    2nd 5,824
    3rd 4,016
    4th 3,112
    5th 2,208
    6th 1,530

    Good luck to all on the final table as the semi finals are now being played

  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, the second 25,000 tourney is in the can.

    Congratulations to toonces for ANOTHER final table appearance. Way to go!

    I have some comments and was wondering:

    1. Why in the second round did they only have one (1) advance from each table? They could have easily made it two advance and added an additional round
    2. Lots of Big Names, (HD, Ken Smith, Joep, Annie Duke, Russ Hamilton, Ken Einiger, etc…. were gone in Round One again)
    3. The number of entries was 110 – slightly less than the first one

    What do you think about the possibility of Bet21.com/UB.com ever offering re-buys for these tourney’s?

    A. Do you think it’s a good idea?
    B. Would you be willing to do a rebuy?

    In my opinion, it is very disappointing when you wait for a month for this thing and get eliminated after 5 minutes of play and then have to sit and watch others. I think that a ½ price rebuy would be great for the game because:

    1. It would increase the prize pool dramatically – for example in the first round they eliminated 74 people. If only 50% of those people wanted to rebuy (@1/2 price 100.00) that would have added 3700 to the prize pool. If ¾ of them (this includes me) wanted to rebuy then the prize pool would increase by 5450!
    2. The rebuys would be open until the end of round 1 and then close off. All rebuys would compete against each other with 2 from each rebuy table moving onward.

    Just a thought for next month’s BIG, BIG, 25,000 tourney on the best online TBJ site, Bet21.com.
  6. toonces

    toonces Member

    FGK, thanks for the nice words. I was playing over at our friend's house, and everyone was having a great time spectating my game. I made a stupid betting decision on my knockout hand in the finals, which makes things still a bit frustrating, but $3100 is still a very nice payday.

    I was surprised and a little disappointed by the softwares programming that made this a 3-round tournament instead of a 4-rounder. In playing the guarantee tournaments over the last few months, I've been very impressed with the formats designated:

    30-35 - 5 tables: 4 advance in rd 1; 3 tables with 2 adv in rd 2
    36-47 - 6-7 tables: 2 advance in rd 1; 2 tables with 3 adv in rd 2
    48-53 - 8 tables: 3 advance in rds 1, 2, and 3; 4 ROUNDS

    I haven't played enough past 53 players to know the formats of more people, but I did know that it goes to 4 rounds at 48 people. So, I'm not sure why the programming made an 18-table tournament play in only 3 rounds. I would have expected the tournament to be set up for rd 1 the way it was, with 36 advancing. Rd 2 would have 6 tables with 2 or 3 advancing and rd 3 would have the opposite, getting down to a 6-person final.

    I wonder if either the designers don't realize that most players prefer not having a 1-advance round, or if this was essentially related to tournament software not having the bugs worked out for large real money tournaments, since there haven't been that many of them.

    As for rebuy rounds, I see a few problems. First of all, unlike a live tournament, all rounds are played simultaneously here. If you had a rebuy round, all advances would be twiddling their thumbs for an additional 30 minutes or so beyond normal waiting for the rebuy rounds to complete. The unknown of how many rebuy spots will be bought also makes programming it a major pain. Third, with new tournaments starting every hour, I think the demand for rebuys is small apart from the big $25,000 events. Finally, I wouldn't expect they would want to invest in the software development at this time.

    But, by all means, KUDOS to Bet21 for supporting these events and already putting the next one on the calendar. They are truly giving these tournaments a "big event" feel.
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    You are the man the number one player. I see you in many big game final tables at bet21. A big congrats to you for all your success. I know many will say you got lucky last night with two BJs on semi final table final hands but that does not discount the fact that you are in the final or competing for the final at an above average rate. Unfortunate, as you guys are pointing out, it was a 1/6 advance to final last night from semi. This is common in many of the live games I play. So many times the luck factor chimes in its so hard to defeat the person getting the best cards last couple hands. But it is what it is, and what it is toonces is number one. As Don Laughlin says you cant have luck without hard work. Luck comes consistently to those who work hard not to those who are lucky.
  8. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Super Toonces

    After being knocked out of the Paris tourney in the third round and flunking first in the 25k with agressive play from the worst position, I went to bed dejected, but what a surprise this morning when I checked the results and saw that you came fourth in the finals.

    I want to join everybody else in congratulating you for this accomplishment and, at the same time, congratulate the winner and every other finalist.

    Can't wait till next month.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2007
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nice showing toonces! You can definitely be proud of two big tournament final tables in as many tries.

    I went out on hand 8 in round one, when I took a big calculated risk that blew up in my face. I was BR1, but by a small amount over the entire field. Betting second, I could have correlated with the player on the button (who did not secret bet), but that would have required a large bet, and I would have had a low over only one player possibly. Instead, I chose to take a low on the whole table, and predictably, noone gave me a high. In many cases, I find that I am able to double or otherwise maneuver into a high over someone in these cases, but not this time. The dealer turned up a 6 so noone had to hit, and then busted to eliminate me.

    Oh well, c'est la vie. Congrats to all who made the final table.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2007
  10. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    Those 1-player advancing rounds

    In case anyone is interested, here is a approximate listing of the tournaments that will have one player advancing from the semi-final round.

    72-83 players (12-13 tables)
    108-119 players (18-19 tables)
    246-287 players (36-41 tables)
    372-434 players (54-62 tables)
  11. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I wasnt able to play yesterday but I would certainly pipe in my vote against the "one moves on" game....I hate that game.

    Thnaks for tracking the numbers Prospect ...unfortunatly its almost impossible to plan these games to avoid this senerio because you cant back out once you sign up....I find that to be annoying and something else they should change...you cant change your mind and unregister from a tournament....you can sit and wait out the numbers waiting until the final seconds to register and thus avoid this one moves on game...

    I have never found one person in favor of this one moves on senerio....everyone dislikes it....this would be a simple reconfig....but will it happen??? Doubt it.....3 rounds rather than 4 makes the game go faster and therefore increases the rake rate per hour...this is a busines after all.

    For now Im gonna try using prospects numbers to avoid that game....
  12. toonces

    toonces Member

    Rando, I don't think it's for any particular nefarious reason. It's too arbitrary, since tournaments with 48-71 players are done in 4 rounds. I think it's just an oversight, so hopefully someone at Bet21 is noticing...
  13. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Nothing nefarious implied.....

    Its just that this change would hurt the business by reducing the rake per hour rate...certainly the designers of this game kept the rake per hour rate in mind when they set it up.

    No matter...its unpopular to have the one move on game....and I hope they eliminate it.

    As for the 25,000 biggie tournaments...I have a few suggestions...

    1. More satalite events.....why not hold these more often....$5 dollar events spread out thru the day. Why limit it to 2 per day ( I see they tried a 20 plus two that anyone would know was bound to fail) If they held these I know more would play. By holding them only at night you leave out the whole European market...

    2. Have a few 7 person sit and goes for a seat...discount it to $25 or 30 per seat....I think these would go well too..

    They should hire me just for my honest good advice:laugh:

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