Palms 200,000 UBT Tourney

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here is an update from the Palms 200,000 UBT format tournament

    First prize 100,000
    Total Final Money Table prize pool 200,000

    Robert Blechman & Hollywood Dave are in the finals

    In addition to the prize money they already have won their 2,700 UBT Main Event seat for the Palms April UBT Tour stop.Which was rewarded to all finalist.

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2007
  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I hope Blechman has enough PG rated shirts to make it through that final table. :joker:
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I guess he had the right shirt on as Robert Blechman just won the Palms UBT event for a cool 100,000

    Great job Robert this might even get you a guest appearance on Kenny and I radio show.

  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nice going Robert!
  5. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Can't have manslaughter without laughter.

    Congratulations to Robert.

    Definitely one of the better tournament players out there.
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Mr. Blechman, way to go buddy!!!! Nice little payday, ($100,000) hope you can parlay it at the April UBT event at the Palms.
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Shave It Shirt

    He actually had on the same shirt he had on at the UBT Barona event that caused all the uproar.The Palms allowed it but made him put a Palms shirt for the pictures that the Palms will use on their web site and future promotions,and that makes sense.

  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    A Ubt Event?

    What’s going on here?

    A UBT Tourney at the Palms?

    That can’t be right! Several reasons why:

    1. It wasn’t listed on calendar site
    2. It wasn’t listed on tournament calendar site
    3. It wasn’t listed on The Palms calendar site

    I thought I remember reading where UBT was going to be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. In fact their first OPEN live event was in Aruba - I recall putting out several thousand dollars to attend and play – it was a good event

    The SECOND UBT event was in St. Kitts – only 5 weeks after the first. But since the founders of UBT stated, on an OPEN AND PUBLIC RADIO SHOW, they would be having OPEN EVENTS every month I figured I’d wait until the next event.

    Since that time I’ve read about the INVITE ONLY UBT EVENTS at the VENETIAN, PALMS, BARONA, and now the PALMS again?

    Congratulations to Robert Blechman and Hollywood Dave for making the final table – it takes a lot of skill to be able to do that.

    However, a big stinking, freaking THUMBS DOWN to UBT for breaking ANOTHER PROMISE to the BJ community. Lets review the screw ups that UBT has done shall we?
    1. Announcement of tourneys every month, except December 2006 and fail to host most of them
    2. Announcement of a tourney to Aruba in March 2007 and not even bothering to announce the cancellation of such tourney
    3. Having Team UBT members tell the BJ community that they are the best thing for BJ tournaments by heaving these great big open events – then failing to host these open events and having INVITE ONLY events instead
    4. Hosting freerolls on with the grand prize to a tourney that doesn’t exist (Aruba) and for FUTURE EUROPEAN TOURNEY’S that STILL aren’t on the book!

    Now for those who think I’ve gone and lost my mind (join my wife) because I am a big PRO EBJ player and PRO I can not stand by and read about the discrepancies that exist. This latest 200,000 Palms event should have been just that – a Palms INVITE ONLY event.

    You want to crow about another UBT tourney? Then OPEN IT UP and stop the shenanigans.

    YOU don’t see it because YOU’RE on the inside. But for people like myself, and others, who put lots of time into studying and practicing and practicing and more practicing – only to hear YOU’RE NOT INVITED – WELL IT SUCKS.

    Since it was my understanding that Russ Hamilton is the “founder” of UBT this goes out to you. Hire a good public relations person because how it is being handled now is terrible. UBT communication skills are SEVERELY lacking.

    Right now the UBT is nothing more than a BJ show for television. Season 1 was all invite. Season 2 will have two (2) open events – Aruba and St. Kitts (Aruba had all of 4 weeks notice and St. Kitts had less than 100 participants). The other season 2 episodes are FREEROLLS AND INVITE EVENTS ONLY. That is NOT a tour.

    If you want to have a REAL UBT Tour, you’re going to need the support of the “average Joe” out there. This “average Joe’s” patience is running real thin thanks to the numerous broken promises, bait and switch and

    Maybe it’s time I started supporting people and places like Cherokee Casino and Eric Woods – people who LISTEN and RESPOND to what the PLAYERS and not the hand picked select few, the elite, the BJ aristocrat want. Keep things going, just as they are, and continue to piss players off and let’s see how we support you in the future.

    Oh yeah I guess because you get 3,000 people to play your freerolls you think you’ve got a lot of support but how many of those actually put their money on the line for a LIVE event? Heck, how many of those will even put money down for an online event like a $5 satellite buy in?

    Let me state that I want UBT and any other BJT to succeed. The existing pie is too small and the market share is out there. There’s plenty of room to grow and THAT is what the people in charge should be focusing on.

    Am I SLAMMING UBT? I don’t think so. I’m just pointing out the obvious - someone has to tell the emperor that he’s wearing no clothes!

    Sorry for the hyperbol but I wanted to be sure that my point was READ and it came across LOUD and CLEAR
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  9. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    FYI, Fred --

    The Palms tourney Robert and I final tabled the other day was NOT a UBT tournament. It was the Palms own freeroll, solely for its highrollers.

    Since the Palms is a charter member of the UBT, it has permission to use the elimination blackjack format in these events. The only reason Robert & i were invited was due to our actual play at the Palms over the past year, not due to any affiliation with the UBT.

    That said, being a Team UBT member, i was still on hand for the seminar and to answer any player questions, etc. But it doesn't surprise me that this was not on the big radar, since the UBT had no control over marketing, player placement, etc.

    Hope this addresses some of your concerns...

  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Im confused....(SOP)

    I would think UBT would want every event open to every available player who has the will, interest and fee to play.

    What would be the reason to keep the events closed?

    I dont watch it that closely but I guess I didnt realize that these were invite only events.

    So guys like Ace cant play? Who decides who gets invited and who does not?

    You certainly cant have honest rankings with a set up like that....How does ALL IN mag rank players who are not invited?????

    There must be a reason to limit the play...just none that I can think of that would make sense.

    Perhaps marketing at the casinos control the game and entries but if thats the case then no players should receive any rating based on that.

    Who can ever beat out a guy in ranking who sits at every game...? It would make it a another false World Champion...we have had those already....

    Why would they want to keep the entries limited? This cant be true.
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    The smoke in your mirror is the title of the thread that clearly says

    Palms 200,000 UBT Tourney
  14. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Better Than They Do In Washington

    In my attempt to "just" provide this board with current news about a blackjack tournament that had 2 of our members at the final table,look what it has turned into.This is just getting very frustrating, it seems that everything said here is spin-ed and turned into something that it is not.

  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You know Barney:joker: if you are going to quote me do it right I said the "Palms 200,000 UBT FORMAT Tournament". Learn how to read what I wrote Dont start with me TROUBLE MAKER

  16. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I'm sorry!

    Dear Joe,

    The original post and thread reads Palms 200,000 UBT Tourney.

    The next sentence states it was a UBT format tourney. So I mis-interpreted this as a UBT sanctioned/sponsored event. My confusion was further enhanced by the lack of the announcement on the site/schedule.

    Now that someone has explained, clearly, that this was a private high rollers Palms Invitational event based upon player’s previous play – fine. That’s their choice as is all the casino’s to have their own private invite only events – we as players complain about it but it’s beyond our control.

    As far as winning seats into the April UBT main event – good for them. Obviously the Palms Casino knows how to treat its best customers.

    My confusion came because we have heard, and some have played in, the weekly Palms UBT qualifiers. I interpreted your original post with the thread entitled, Palms 200,000 UBT tourney, to imply that this was somehow related to that, when in fact it was more like the private UBT sponsored event held in October 2006.

    My rush to judgment – my fault and I apologize. It is just very difficult to get information about the UBT in general. I thank your for taking time to clarify this. If UBT had a PR person then maybe there might not be as many misunderstandings.

    My Billboard effects are simply an explosion of frustration – as a little guy on the outside and unable to participate. Go back and look at the majority of my posts regarding EBJ and UBT – I’m willing to support them because I feel it is a good thing for BJT. What bothers me is what I perceive, whether right or wrong, is the liaise faire attitude of UBT towards the very community that they wish to support them in their endeavor. Is it too much to ask for current up to date information?

    But enough from me – I’m sorry for the over reaction.
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    You started the thread and the confusing title says.

    Palms 200,000 UBT Tourney

    Just stating facts. To me it looked like an UBT event. Not that I see a difference between a UBT event that invites high rollers vs a UBT format event that invites high rollers. Its a good was to snake around the all players welcomed theme tho. This is actually a good move by UBT as it involves high rollers who can actually afford a 2700$ buy and rebuy.
  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    This is a different topic than the thread - but since you brought it up:

    The 5,000 guaranteed and 25,000 tourney's on

    Aren't They eligible for the All-In ranking system?

    They are open to all

    Both have a 100 entry fee and the accuracy of the results are available for all to see up to two (2) weeks AFTER the events are held.

    So events - All In eligible or not?
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  19. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hey BS do me a favor dont twist my words or you will be winning an all expense paid trip to the "House Of Pane"

    Pack light

  20. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I was confused by it also - as I previously stated.

    However, there is a BIG difference between being a UBT SPONSORED event and a BJT with a EBJ format.

    The big casinos all have TBJ for their preferred customers. Play more, spend more and you get treated better - that's capitalism 101.

    The mirage is having a 300,000 Invite only. MGM is having a 200,000 and the Hilton a 100,000 (all in the month of March)

    Whether these casinos use EBJ, TBJT, accumulation, WSOB format, etc... It is THEIR choice. Does it bother me? Only to the extent that my favorite casino's don't hold BJT. So I have a choice, bitch and moan or switch casino's.

    However when UBT publically says its a UBT/EBJ event, like they did in October, THEN I get a burr under my saddle. :mad:

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