Paris event...Few familiar names

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Archie, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. Archie

    Archie New Member

    I played the Paris qualifier yesterday and, after the first round, I went through the whole list of around 1180 names. I recognized three, myself included.

    Waste of time...takes too long to qualify, I guess, for real money players.

    Yesterday, I did'nt encounter any ploppies in three rounds. All participants in my rounds played a tight game, but most still make a lot of simple mistakes at crucial points that makes it easier to advance with a little knowledge and reasonable cards. In the Palms, last month, I went 5 rounds and experienced the same thing.

    I'll try again to qualify in the low attendance times.
  2. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I was there Arch but only for the briefest of visits...

    I got knocked out in the first round on hand 8.

    The table was fairly tight ...In fact only 2 all in bust out players played my a tight race to the elimination round I was given 2 handicaps..(probably them getting back at me for the bonus money comments;-)...)
    I had the button and if that wasnt bad enough I was also turned by every single player. Each remaining person was dealt a pat hand while the game stiffed me up against dealer ten up...forced to hit and bust out....sheesh...

    I also checked at the finals and Archie is the only name I recognized that moved up the farthest....he did better last time but was also the highest ranking player that I knew...course there are so many weasels now using fake names its really hard to tell...I still feel this is not quite honest but I dont really know why I feel that way....

    As I learn names Im gonna start posting who they are here...I cant see any reason to be sneaky about who you are...

    But anyway....I recognized very very few players....all these cheap skates dont play one real money tournament BJ game yet there was a field of over a thousand who went thru the terrible process to qualify for that final qualifier yesterday..

    A 1000 plus players and I recognized < 5 names who really play.

    I doubt I will waste any more time playing this is often the case getting something for free usually costs the most! Certainly true in this case ...far to many wasted hours for such a very long shot.

    Im still convinced promotions need to change direction soon to attract real money players...not just bored cheap
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    You're certainly correct, I didn't see many familiar names in the last two rounds, other than a couple of them I recognized from previous battles. Both solid players. If you're getting nonstop crappy cards, though, you're in serious trouble.

    I lasted until the final hand of the third round. 3 to advance, four of us left, I was BR3 and betting third (BR4 bets first). Everyone used secret bets. I bet my lead less 500, taking the low on BR4 with his push/lose, yet giving me the high over his all-in with a DD. I'd also blow past BR1 & BR2 with a win/push. Dealer shows Ace, I have 7/3, BR4 has a stiff. BR4 stands (!) so I merely hit once to 20. I'm liking my chances, dealer makes any hand and I'm golden. Of course, dealer busts out that ace, BR4 was all-in, and I'm gone. Damn secret bets. Sheesh. :sad:

    The strangest thing was that my lady Deb and I drew the same table in the second round.
    Nearly 50 tables in that round and we're on the same one. :violin:
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Archie,

    Some characteristics of the freerolls:

    1. They're free

    2. There's lots of them

    3. Get something for nutin

    Hmmmmm I KNOW somebody's name you'll see quite frequently :joker:

    Actually with those characteristics I can think of TWO players:

    One has a direction in their name and the other is full of his initials! :laugh:

    You've got more stomach than me - for the time you put into those things it is just too grueling! But what the heck - maybe I'll try just so I can actually find out WHEN the Paris event will be held - IF the Paris event will be held -

    Holy Shades of Aruba :eek:
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I certainly can't complain about the time spent on the freerolls, it was rather profitable for me, plus Deb's still got her shot coming at the Palms. :D

    There's also the entertainment factor to consider. If you're analyzing the freerolls strictly from a time invested vs. $$$ return, then these are probably not the highest and best use of your playing time. Since we've got nothing available within a reasonable distance for live EBJ/TBJ, and we enjoy the game, the freerolls are the only remaining option (other than the online $$$ games, and we've covered that ground already).
  6. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Format Change

    I think they've changed the format to make it more skill-friendly. In the satellites MrsMonkey and I won yesterday (that's right, plural) there were more three-winner games. The 2:00 with 644 players had 5 rounds. The 4:00 with 616 players had 6 rounds. Why the one with less players had more rounds I don't know.

    But if they keep that format change it'll work out better for players on this forum.

    Hey, after a month of getting worked over like a rented mule it felt good to see my hard work and study pay off.
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Re: format change

    I have noticed that as well, and agree that it'll help the skilled player overcome lucky wildcatters. The dark side to this is the extended amount of time it'll take to play off each Qualifier tournament.

    BTW, congrats to you and Mrs. Monkey. Good jobs! :)
  8. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Well I Played At Ubt Yesterday At The 10am Game And There Were 6 Rounds With 3 Advancing I Really Like The 3 Advancing Since I Made To The 5th Round Only To Lose On The Last Hand With A Dealer Getting A 21 To Ruin My Chances I Sure Thought I Had I A Win For The Paris Tourny Oh Well I Will Keep Trying Untill I Make It-it Is Tough Road To Win A Qualifyer 5 Or 6 Rounds And Then Have Play Another 5 Or 6 Rounds To Win But That Is The Nature Of The Beast But I Can Play With No Travel And At Home For Free-beats The Hell Out Of Playing The Qualifyers For The Wsob 6 Times To Not Succeed With A Lot Of Time And Expence In The Quest-sometimes I Think I Would Be Happier Playing Smaller Tournys With 3 Rounds Win Or Lose Which Is What I Believe Tx's Tournaments Are About I Won A 20k In A Three Round Tourny And Beleive Me I Was Happy Camper Yet With The Wsob Having More 1k Events For Next Year I Would Be Happy To Fork Over The Grand For Chance To Make It In The Wsob If Bankroll Holds By December-i Am Babbling Now So I Will See You All At The Tables On Ubt And Elsewhere Live:d :d

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