I was just playing a sit 'n go at the new blackjack21.com site with "The Assassin's roommate/best friend and he mentioned in the chat room that he and Paul are going to sign up for the cruise in the next few weeks. Interesting to say the least. Could be fun if it happens. The roommate goes by the handle "theassassinsbrother"
yeah we will be there Ya I had to leave the room because im at work doing "work" lol anyway yeah my boss happened to walk by and said you're not supposed to be playing poker at work lol yeah umm too bad buddy its blackjack! anyway yeah we are pretty pysched for the cruise! it should be a blast with a lot of laughs
Cabins limited Talking to Jim Thomas at Point Loma Travel, he told me that cabins for the cruise are getting slim. If your wanting to go I would contact him ASAP and get your deposit down as soon as possible. I don't want anyone missing out due to no cabins.