
Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Barney Stone, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I was thinking of going to Pechanga this Saturday and go for it, 7 tries to get in the semi finals! That would only cost me a max of $840. If Ace wasnt so scared of the 300# muscle man giant floorman, kissing his biceps and looking at our stack accumulations, at the Acorn I could have made that much in 1 more shoe :laugh: I think Ace has read too many "camouflage" blackjack books!

    But I can hold off that stinkin Pechanga. I have to wait until Thursday but I think I can make it to Pauma.

    Sorry napodot we didnt catch you. We were all three sitting at a table pow wowing right across from you. BTW, that wasnt me with the pure blond manicured hair, Im almost as good looking as him but not quite! Maybe If I didnt give myself haircuts, LOLOL

  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    More Info?

    Barney, Napodot -

    anyone have more info on this tournament? - I will make it if I can, almost certainly will - but I have tried to call 3 times - keep getting recorded messages to leave name and phone number and they will call back - but they don't - their web site says limited entries - and that you can register by phone? - don't want to drive 3 1/2 hours to find the tourney is filled up -

  3. napodot

    napodot New Member


    I'm having the same problem in my calls to Casino Pauma. Left messages, NO RESPONSE.:mad:

    You are probably aware that Casino Pauma Palm Club could be seen at

    To repeat, the entry fee is $100.00. Prize fund based on total amount of $100 entries plus $10,000 added by Casino Pauma. 1st place wins 50% ($10,000.00 guaranteed), 2nd place wins 25%, 3rd place wins 10%, 4th place wins 5%, and 5th and 6th place win dinner for two. Maximum 72 entries, minimum 54. The tournament starts at NOON.

    The Pauma Casino address is 15200 Pauma Reservation Road, Pauma Valley, CA 92061-9570.

    Now, Pauma is also having a Classic $10,000 Video Poker Slot Tournament starting at 0900 AM.

    Entry fee is $100.00 and it includes tournament play and buffet for two. Prizes based on 84 entries, 1st place - $10,000, 2nd place - $2,600, 3rd place - $1,300, 4th place - $780, 5th place - $520. Space is limited to 84 entrants and must have 60 entrants.

    If you are planning on going, GO FOR BOTH TOURNAMENTS. How can you resist the possibility of winning a dinner price in the BJ tournament and getting a FREE buffet on the Video tournament just for entering!!!!!

    It's a 2-hour drive for me from Los Angeles to Casino Pauma (on legal speed limit).:) I'll be going for the TWO tournaments - I'll be wearing my ESPN baseball hat.
  4. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Be There

    I'll be there - but only for the BJ tournament - I've got about a 3 1/2 hour drive from Yuma - and will need to get there in time to register - don't want to get shut out if they are limiting entries - payoffs look top heavy - but fair enough with them putting in extra money - particularly with entries limited - know if they are allowing rebuys? - or what the format is? two advance? single advance? wild cards?

    don't guess it really matters - as I'm going anyway - provided I can get up and going at that hour on a weekend - I'll keep calling
    - see you there
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Cant make it to Pauma

    I have a family commitment on Saturday. RKuczek, if you do happen to get screwed, like Ace did last night, you can head over to the Pechanga where Im about 100% sure you will get games from 12-3:20. Altho it will cost you a gouging $120 per shot. Sounds like the real risk at Pauma is them not filling the game to something like 54 players. Also, it is limited to 75 players or there abouts! I did see the web page had a preregister mention. The Golden Acorn staff was very helpful concerning the tourney and I give them an A+, but every other Ca casino I have called have stank grades D at best.

    Professor Barney
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Pauma Details - this Saturday

    The tournament at Pauma is this Saturday - 26 August - starts at noon - there are two qualifying rounds - each with 6 tables of six players - with two advance - the semi-final will be 4 tables of six players - with one advance - the final table will consist of the four semi-final winners and two wildcards - drawn from all players they are limited to 72 players - so if 72 sign up and play - no rebuys - if less than 72 - they will allow rebuys until the qualifiers fill - buy-ins and rebuys are both $100 - prize pool is 100% of entries plus $10,000 the casino will put in - payoffs are First 50%, Second 25%, Third 10%, and Fourth 5% - so with 72 buy-ins and rebuys - prize pool will be $17,200 - what happened to the other 10%? - that will go to the dealers - as their 'tips' - so any winnings are pretipped - so actual prize pool will be $15,480 - with players putting in $7,200 of that - large positive equity - 5th and 6th places get 'dinner for two' - no cash value -

    you can register in advance by calling 760-891-7926 or 760-891-7927 - which are their marketing department - they will hold a slot for you but want a credit card - say they will not charge the card until you show up - if you sign up by phone - they want you there an hour early at the player club -they will give you a player club number over the phone - if you don't have one - the woman I talked to was quite nice

    I am signed up - sorry you can't make it Barney - see you there Napodot -

  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    How was the Pauma Guys

    Kuczek or napodot?
  8. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Pauma was pretty well run - they maxed out on initial signups - with phone reservations - but a lot of players didn't show up - so they ended up with 48 players - but reached 54 with rebuys - so they threw in the $10,000 extra for the prize pool - making this well over 200% equity -

    I never saw Napodot - so guess he didn't show up - I made a semi-final table - but didn't get to the finals - played poorly the last few hands at the semi-final table - - because I had miscounted chips - a skill I definitely need to improve on - :eek: - played very well the last few hands - if my chip counts had been correct :D

    this is a good equity tournament if you can get there - was well run - though a few players said it wasn't as well run the previous tournament - they are evidently learning - nice people - use an 8-deck shoe - with penetration about 98% - bj pays 2-1, suited bj pays 3-1 - surrender offered - DOA, RSA, DAS -

    make it next time Barney - Pauma is only about 3 miles from Harrah's Rincon - much less fancy - smaller - and not a Harrah's -
  9. nattywit

    nattywit New Member

    pauma havin mo tourneys?

    will this tourney format be followed for future ?

    when be next bj tourney at pauma

    how go their vid poker machinery; is this one of them coinless places

    is this the casino surrounded by lemon orchard?

    please post if y'all knows

  10. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    people who had played there before said it was the same format - so - they have obviously held tournaments before - but I don't think on a regular schedule - just when they feel like putting one one - I'll be keeping an eye out for future ones - as I can get there on a Saturday - and I like the 200%+ equity -

    one warning if you play there - I forgot to include above - they do not use chips in their tournaments under $25 - so if you surrender a $75 bet - they take $50 and give you back $25 - not a good deal - so you need to be careful sizing bets - unless you're betting the minimum - where you would not surrender ever - as you would get back $0 - you need to bet in increments of $50 to have surrender as an option -

    don't know about video poker - think all video poker and slots are ticketless -

    if I spot another tournament there - I'll post in events calendar

    its the casino between the orange groves - about 3 1/2 miles from Harrah's Rincon - looks like a tent

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