Peace, Reachy

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by toolman1, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Yes, peace and tranquility has arrived at this site mainly due to Ken Smith playing sheriff but I think also, in part, to your efforts. This is truly the dawning of AQUARIUS for us. :D

    Now I want to ask you a question since I see you are on line right now.

    I am curious as to how much sleep or work hours you lose because of your addiction to this site. One way I can figure that out is by knowing the time difference between your location and our Eastern Time.

    Right now Eastern time is 5:40 pm on Saturday 10/14/06. What is your time and date right now?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Far out, toolman

    The time currently is 22:43, Saturday evening. I'm just about to shut down, do some Tai chi (seriously), make some cocoa, go to bed and read my book(Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential). Actually I'm watching TV as I'm writing this and Richard Prior Live in Concert has just come on so my plans have just changed! I have just been to UBT and Bet21 looking for a tourney but alas none on.

    My addiction to Hhmm! Actually my presence here might be exaggerated as I've checked the "Remember Me" box so when this computer is on I'm online at as well. I am addicted though!

    What do I do during the day? I own and run my own business believe it or not. I spend a lot of time on my PC and I'm good at both delegation and multi-tasking which is why I may seem to post all the time. I do spend too much time here and I am going to put time limits on myself starting next week. Got some big projects I need to do at work so they must come first. Also I've just bought a fixed gear road racing bike that needs some work doing on it. I'm training for an Ironman next year as well as a 100 mile mountain running race in the Alps taking in 3 countries, so I need to do a lot of miles on foot, wheel and in the pool over the next few months. Lots of early mornings and late nights.

    I have 2 kids and tomorrow we are all going on a trip to Longleat Safari Park. I'll get up early so that I can go for a run with the dog before we leave but I have just twisted my ankle whilst running on the Quantocks. I'll have to do some road work rather than trail which can be dangerous around where I live as all the roads tend to be single track country lanes with high hedges and blind corners and it'll be dark when I'm out.

    As for me contributing to peace breaking out on here, maybe I played a small part, but as you said, Ken and Tex are the big dogs and people listen when they speak. This is a friendly forum and even friends fight now and again. Eventually they kiss/hug and make up, have a few beers, and it's all good again. Chests have been relieved of their loads!

    And then there is you and me :eek: ! That's the revelation of these past couple of days. I feel like I've just got another best friend :) !


  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Daylight Saving?

    OK. So you are 5 hours ahead of our Eastern time. It's less than I thought!
    I like your signature but really, the dog can go, or whatever that is. It's good to have a friend "across the pond". :)

    One more question. Here we set our clocks ahead in the spring to take advantage of more sunlight and call it DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. We are on that time now. Do you do the same or does your time remain constant?
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    We have British Summer Time which we are still in. It goes back to standard GMT at the end of this month. There has been some talk of having the same time all year recently but I'm not sure what came of it.

    I like my dog/creature. I rescued him :(


  5. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Whatever that is...

    From the completely unimportant trivia file:

    Having said the same exact thing myself a few weeks ago, I can now report with authority that the "whatever" is Flat Eric, a puppet character from that jeans commercial and I think he's great.

    But I do think Reachy should bring back the greasy "Dapper Slimeball" Avatar from about a month ago--that was much better than the current.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Done and done!


    If it's who I think you mean then the "dapper slimeball" is in fact a character from one of our finest comedy shows of recent times; The Fast Show!

    13th Duke of Wybourne

    Saucy aristo reprobate, the 13th Duke of Wybourne, finds himself in all manner of unsuitable locations, usually at night, invariably with a number of ladies.
    With his rumpled dinner jacket, a bottle of champagne and a glint in his eye, the 13th Duke turns up at halls of residence and dormitories, as if by accident. Standing in a room full of sleeping girls, he'll ask lasciviously, 'With my reputation? Has no one thought of the consequences?'

    Some of the places the 13th Duke of Wybourne has found himself in have included:

    a French maid's finishing school
    a sixth form girls' dormitory
    a student nurses' hall of residence
    a women's prison
    alone with his best friend's wife
    in a mortuary

    Well, you can't have everything.


  7. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Most Excellent--The Duke Returns!

    Yes, the 13th Duke of Wybourne is apparently who I was referring to.
    It's nice to know that one can have direct influence on the artistic direction of one's fellow site trolls!

    The Duke just fits the scene so well...
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Sooooooo. Not being current on British comedy, I still don't know if this is a dog or "whatever". :confused:

    Did I miss something? Yes I'm confused, help me out here!
  9. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Poor Flat Eric. No one remembers him.

    To see him in all his glory, follow the link to the videos from the wikipedia page (which I linked to in the above post).

    I particularly recommend the Mr Oizo music video. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2013
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    So, it's Flat Eric after all

    Thanks London Colin for the update. Now I understand - confusion is cleared up. :D

    Now, more than ever, I believe Reachy should eliminate this "whatever" from his signature. But he won't, so we'll just have to live with it. I'm thinking that maybe I should ask Ken Smith if there is any way to suppress Flat Eric from showing up on my computer. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Or maybe we should conduct a poll?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    What is it about Flat Eric that you dislike so much toolman? He's just a harmless glove puppet. I was actually thinking about changing it last night but since you've started this campaign you've forced me to keep him.

    "We shall overcome
    We shall overcome..."


    Reachy, President of the Royal Society for the Protection of Flat Eric

    Attached Files:

  12. Janlovespoker

    Janlovespoker New Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    You have to keep Flat Eric now. You can't get rid of him . Iwant to see pictures of him strapped to your back running and with him while you sit at your computer. And when you go on trips he has to be there. We want photos. You have started something. I laughed for 10 minutes after reading this post. You are a wild Englishman.
  13. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Flat Eric Must Stay...

    Gotta keep him! He should, however, be reading Kitchen Confidential (great book!) or at least watching Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on the Travel Channel.
  14. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Now look what you've done toolman!

    Flat Eric may well have slipped away quitely over the next few days but now he is a popular hero on this forum he has to stay! What can I do?



    Attached Files:

  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member



    Is that actually you driving Flat Eric to school (or a bar) in the photo that you posted 10/17/06 at 1:55 am? :D

    You sure give this LITTLE FLAT HEAD a lot of attention especially since he can't talk back! Does your wife get that much attention? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  16. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    never met the guy


    No it isn't me driving him, that's a screen grab from the advert I believe. I don't have a Flat Eric and I never had. When teh advert and song came out I liked them both but that was that. Then I saw the Flat Eric animated .gif and I thought it was fun so I added it to my sig line. Then YOU started making a big deal out of it, telling me to put him down, etc. and he has now become a cause celebre! It's out of my hands now...



    Ps. those images are cut'n'pasted from google image search, that's all!
  17. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

    I think we should keep Flat Eric around, and organize an intervention. If we don't, who will? Flat Eric needs our love and support. He needs to know drinking is not the answer.;)
  18. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Flat Eric and I have come to a decision and are to go our separate ways. It was hard but we both think it's for the best. That doesn't mean that Flat Eric won't be around anymore because as you may well have seen he has registered himself personally on this site and will definitely pop-up now and again in the future. In fact like my cat, he will probably go and sit on the knee of those that most dislike him! Look out toolman....

    Any deals regarding Flat Eric being mascot or providing the theme tune will need to be discussed with Flat Eric's agent directly (who quite coincidentaly is The 13th Duke of Wybourne!)


  19. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

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